[Glass] out of memory error

Bill Erickson bill.erickson at gemtalksystems.com
Wed Feb 2 06:20:33 PST 2022

Try setting up a default handler as explained on page 264-265 of the 3.6
Programming Guide (section titled "Default Handlers"), using something like:

AlmostOutOfMemoryError addDefaultHandler: [:ex |
     < your code here >
     AlmostOutOfMemoryError enable.
     ex resume].
AlmostOutOfMemoryError enable.

Bill Erickson
GemTalk Systems Engineering
15220 NW Greenbrier Parkway #240, Beaverton OR 97006

On Wed, Feb 2, 2022 at 5:17 AM Otto Behrens via Glass <
glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> We are getting OutOfMemory errors in a seaside request handler because we
> are doing something ridiculous. We will fix that problem, but I'd like to
> handle the out of memory situation better because currently our sessions do
> not report that it did go out of memory, because it is unable to, for
> obvious reasons.
> I was thinking of enabling AlmostOutOfMemory and then report the error
> like we do with other exceptions: write a stack trace to the logs, send an
> email message and then redirect to an error page.
> I called
> System enableAlmostOutOfMemoryError
> in my Seaside application initialization, which did not work.
> I then tried it in my session startup script (similar to the
> seaside/bin/startSeaside_FastCGI script) and it also did not work.
> I just get the same old OutOfMemory fatal error.
> I tried adding this to my error handler:
> handleException: anException
> ^ (AlmostOutOfMemory handles: anException)
> ifTrue: [ System enableAlmostOutOfMemoryError.
> self handleError: anException ]
> ifFalse: [ (Notification handles: anException)
> ifTrue: [ super handleException: anException ]
> ifFalse: [ self handleError: anException ] ]
> Any ideas?
> Kind regards
> Otto Behrens
> +27 82 809 2375
> [image: FINWorks]
> [image: FINWorks] <http://za.linkedin.com/in/waltherbehrens>
> www.finworks.biz
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