[Glass] small database

Otto Behrens otto at finworks.biz
Thu Jun 9 23:32:12 PDT 2022


I missed that we set the STN_FREE_SPACE_THRESHOLD to 2GB, which always
keeps at least 2GB free space. @Lourens van Nieuwenhuizen
<LvNieuwenhuizen at momentum.co.za> helped out to find the setting.


Otto Behrens

+27 82 809 2375
[image: FINWorks]
[image: FINWorks] <http://za.linkedin.com/in/waltherbehrens>

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On Fri, Jun 10, 2022 at 6:56 AM Otto Behrens <otto at finworks.biz> wrote:

> Hi,
> We have a database that we build from $GEMSTONE/bin/extent0.dbf; we load
> seaside & magritte and then our code base. When we are done, the extent is
> 2.3GB. We get the following:
> run
> SystemRepository fileSizeReport
> %
> Extent #1
>    Filename = /var/local/gemstone/extent/extent0.dbf
>    File size =           2.3 GB
>    Space available =     2.0 GB
> We try doing a GC & reclaim. Then backup and restore. The result stays the
> same.
> I would like to remove the free space and reduce the extent size.
> How do I do that?
> Otto Behrens
> +27 82 809 2375
> [image: FINWorks]
> [image: FINWorks] <http://za.linkedin.com/in/waltherbehrens>
> www.finworks.biz
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