[Glass] Metacello baseline 'get' does not work?
Dale Henrichs
dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com
Thu Apr 20 09:33:22 PDT 2023
> Any ideas if this is a bug? Should work? Do I do it wrong?
I'm not sure, since I'm not exactly sure what is going wrong, but it sounds
like it could be a bug ... So I need to see the Transcript output for the
3(?) different scenarios:
1. load and update
2. failed load of "change"
3. workaround for failed load of "change"
it would also help if I saw the loadScript method...
On Thu, Apr 20, 2023 at 3:16 AM Johan Brichau via Glass <
glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> A Metacello question, but related to updated a git-based codebase in a
> GemStone repository:
> We are loading and updating our project using Metacello from a (local)
> filetree repository.
> The Metacello script is a class method `loadScript` implemented on the
> baseline class. So, we load and update our code (basically) using the
> following code in a topaz:
> Metacello new
> baseline:'Yesplan';
> repository:
> 'filetree:///home/yesplan/localrepositories/Yesplan/smalltalk-src';
> get.
> BaselineOfYesplan loadScript.
> The `loadScript` is again a `Metacello new …` where all appropriate
> properties for loading are set (using the Metacello scripting API).
> We do a pull on the filetree repository outside of this script using bash
> scripts.
> This works well, except when we make a change to the `BaselineOfYesplan`
> baseline class… when we do this, the change is not loaded by the `get`
> command.
> Instead, the change to `BaselineOfYesplan` is only loaded as part of the
> `loadScript`. This is not desired because we want to use the version of the
> `BaselineOfYesplan` of the same commit to load that commit.
> The only way we can make this work is by adding a load step using Gofer
> before the `loadScript`:
> Gofer new
> repository: (MCRepositoryGroup default repositories detect: [
> :repository |repository description =
> 'filetree:///home/yesplan/localrepositories/Yesplan/smalltalk-src' ]);
> package: 'BaselineOfYesplan';
> load
> However, I was under the impression that `Metacello get` is supposed to
> load the updated `BaselineOf` ?
> I tried using a `flushCache` on the `MCFileTreeRepository` instance before
> the `Metacello get` but that did not change anything.
> Any ideas if this is a bug? Should work? Do I do it wrong?
> Thanks
> Johan
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