[Glass] Unloading Monticello packages: what's the best practice?
Dale Henrichs
dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com
Wed Jun 14 10:00:16 PDT 2023
I never added the unload method to Metacello, so I've never tried to
seriously support unload (until Rowan) ... and relied upon the reload
working ...
I suppose you could derive the unload order by reversing the package load
> order for the project
> | packageNames |
packageNames := {}.
(Metacello image project: 'Ston') record
packageDirectivesDo: [ :each | packageNames add: each spec name ].
anArray( 'STON-Core', 'STON-GemStone-Core', 'STON-UTF8-Core')
The script might get more complicated with required projects ... let me
know if you need more help unwinding the load directive ...
On Wed, Jun 14, 2023 at 5:38 AM Johan Brichau via Glass <
glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am preparing an upgrade of the Seaside version in existing GemStone
> repositories where it is more practical to unload the current (old) Seaside
> version and load the current one afterwards rather than loading the new one
> over the old one.
> However, the code snippet below I currently came up with is terribly slow
> and does not work because not everything got remove. Probably because the
> unload requires a certain order…
> So, has anyone done this in a GemStone Glass/GsDevKit setup? What is the
> best way to do this?
> Johan
> | packages gofer |
> packages := (MetacelloProjectRegistration registrationForClassNamed:
> 'ConfigurationOfSeaside3' ifAbsent: [ nil ])
> configurationProjectSpec loadPackageList.
> packages do:[:p |
> Transcript show: 'Unload ', p; cr.
> gofer := Gofer new package: p; unload].
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