[Glass] UUID>>#asString36 DNU in GS 3.6.6
Gabriel Cotelli
g.cotelli at gmail.com
Tue Sep 5 10:53:05 PDT 2023
The implementation in the base image sends the message #'printStringBase:' that
is not implemented.
To reproduce evaluate something like:
UUID new asString36
The fix is straightforward using printStringRadix: instead
| num candidate |
num := 0.
1 to: self size do: [:i | num := num + ((256 raisedTo: i - 1) * (self at:
candidate := num printStringRadix: 36.
^((candidate beginsWith: '36r')
ifTrue: [candidate copyFrom: 4 to: candidate size]
ifFalse: [candidate]) asLowercase
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