[Glass] GsDevKit_stones - questions

Marten Feldtmann m at feldtmann.online
Mon Dec 2 11:15:53 PST 2024

Hallo Dale,

ok, I thought, that I got the stuff to a point, that I can use it in our
runtime environments, but the config files and the environment variables
are partly not correctly defined - as an example:

- when using createStone.solo, startStone.solo - only the license key
located at $GEMSTONE/sys/community.starter.key is used. The
configuration value KEYFILE is not defined anywhere

- when I create stones with different templates (--template=)  I
sometimes must define tode-stuff (default_seaside) in the registry,
sometimes not (minimal).

- If tode stuff must be defined, I get strange GEMSTONE_DATADIR (e.g.
/datadisk/pas/work/tode3/sys/local/server/stones/catipf10) definitions.

** Environments for solo scripts **

That was funny one. If one changes the GEMSTONE environment variable
(e.g. in bash script to call low-level gemstone tool) and execute a solo
script, it will be executed in that Gemstone database - but the code in
GsDevKit_stones actually is based on 3.7.0, so it fails if its an older
stone.  Don not know how to handle this.

*** How to change code below directory "src" ***

If I want to change the code under GsDevKit_stones/src ... how do I get
the changed code to be executed. If I change the code and try to use it
I get "Attempt to modify invariant object (markWrittenC)"


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