[Glass] GsDevKit_stones - questions

Marten Feldtmann m at feldtmann.online
Mon Dec 2 22:33:21 PST 2024

On 03.12.24 00:03, Kurt Kilpela wrote:
> Marten,
> >- when using createStone.solo, startStone.solo - only the license key
> located at $GEMSTONE/sys/community.starter.key is used. The
> configuration value KEYFILE is not defined anywhere
> The solo session uses the community license key because it doesn't
> need a special key. The stone key can be configured in systems.conf in
> the stone directory.
> Is this causing some specific problem to have the .solo scripts use
> the community key?
No, its not the problem, that the solo scripts are using the community
key. I was surprised to see, that the newly created stone uses the
community key and not the one under seaside/etc ... and the reason is,
that the KEYFILE is not defined at all for the newly created stone and
therefore it falls back to default.

> >- when I create stones with different templates (--template=)  I
> sometimes must define tode-stuff (default_seaside) in the registry,
> sometimes not (minimal).
> What command and arguments are you using to create a stone showing
> this problem? I wouldn't expect tode unless the template contains
> `#tode : 'enabled'`.
Ah I see ... then I have to see, why my default_seaside throws me an
exception about todeHome not defined ... only the default_tode.ston has
this attribute enabled.

By the way:

updateCustomEnv.solo $stoneName --registry=$registryName
--addKey=GEMSTONE_STONE_DIR --value='$stone_dir'

updateCustomEnv.solo $stoneName --registry=$registryName

this is very dangerous code ... it assumes, that the code will be
executed in this sorting line. But the keys are added to customEnv in a
random way. One of the points I ran into ...

Well, I changed my fork of GsDevKit_stones in quite some ways: I never
touch -solo or -stones source code of the original ditribution, but put
a "normal" shell scripts layer on top of that and these scripts either
use solo or stones scripts or low level gemstone tools are directly used
(in case of restore full backup). The only way I changed the original
distributed code is the creation of customEnv - here I try to add most
of the "old" environment variables.


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