[Glass] Rowan, Metacello, and things
Dale Henrichs
dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com
Tue Jan 30 17:45:11 PST 2024
Extent Questions
extent0.dbf is the standard extent for using "unadorned" GemStone.
Rowan 2 is pre-installed in extent0.rowan.dbf.
Rowan 3 will be pre-installed in extent0.rowan3.dbf as of 3.7.1.
extent0.seaside.dbf is the extent that is used as the basis for installing
projects from the GsDevKit/Glass/Seaside ecosystem using
Montcello/Metacello. extent0.seaside.dbf has session methods turned on,
Monticello installed and enough support code to allow for the bootstrapping
of Metacello from GitHub.
supported platforms
Here's our matrix of supported platforms for GemStone 3.7[10] and arm64
(development only) is on list.
GsDevKit_stones (GsDevKit_home replacement)
The current version of GsDevKit_stones targeted for replacing GsDevKit_home
is about 80% done. With the currently implemented scripts[11] you can
create/start/stop stones and build tODE stones. There are also scripts with
newExtent and extent snapshot functionality ... the major missing piece is
the upgradeStone functionality and before implementing that the supporting
code needs to be refactored.
Rowan Questions
Rowan itself is not ready for prime time, so there are no docs. Rowan shows
up in the product releases now for two reasons:
1. There are a some folks who are using Rowan 2 and Jadeite for
development, despite the fact that Rowan 2 and Jadeite are pre-alpha. We
currently maintain Rowan 2 upgrade procedures and will provide Rowan 2 to
Rowan 3 upgrade procedures, but we don't encourage anyone to "just start
developing using Rowan," without talking to us first.
2. Rowan 2 is used by GsDevKit_stones[1] and superDoit[2] by
smalltalkCI[3] for running the GemStone CI jobs[4] with Github actions.
Our goal is to replace GsDevKit_home[5] and tODE[6] with GsdevKit_stones,
Rowan 3[7] and Jadeite[8][9]. Rowan will not be considered available for
general use until we've provided a good solution.
tODE replacement
Unfortunately there is no out of the box replacement for the tODE GUI at
the moent... Rowan reads filetree format repositories, but there is no
automated way to convert a Metacello baseline into Rowan meta data. Kurt
Kilpela is taking over support for the GLASS/GsDEvKit/Seaside ecosystem and
he will be working on rowanizing the github projects, but without automated
conversion of baselines, this will not be a short term solution ...
With all of that said, there are some alternative ideas that might provide
something to tide you over until Rowan 3 is ready for prime time. I will
need a little bit more time tomorrow to do some research/experiments, so
let's plan on chatting on slack when I have more information --- if it
turns out to be possible, this will qualify as the "talking to us first"
[1] https://github.com/GsDevKit/GsDevKit_stones
[2] https://github.com/dalehenrich/superDoit
[3] https://github.com/hpi-swa/smalltalkCI
[4] https://github.com/hpi-swa/smalltalkCI/blob/master/gemstone/run.sh#L7
[5] https://github.com/GsDevKit/GsDevKit_home
[6] https://github.com/dalehenrich/tode
[7] https://github.com/GemTalk/Rowan
[8] https://github.com/GemTalk/Jadeite
[9] https://github.com/GemTalk/JadeiteForPharo
[10] https://gemtalksystems.com/products/gs64/compatibility/
[11] https://github.com/GsDevKit/GsDevKit_stones/tree/v2.1/bin
On Tue, Jan 30, 2024 at 1:55 AM Jupiter Jones via Glass <
glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Are there any docs for working with Rowan that explain the why’s and
> how’s? I’m finding it hard to “get”, and to work out how I would start a
> new project with rowan.
> Also, what the difference between an extent0.dbf and the rowan and seaside
> versions?
> I’m ask because I want to setup a base stone with rowan (to understand and
> migrate to), that also has seaside, Jadeite (for development) and
> gt4gemstone (for documentation, reports and ad-hoc scripts) plus a bunch of
> other things that can be loaded with Metacello.
> But, having been kinda spoilt with the customisable setup of tODE, and now
> losing it to upgraded hardware, I’m now feeling quite lost and no longer in
> control of my GemStone projects :)
> I’m hoping that arm64 support, plus properly understanding Rowan, and
> being able to pull/load/edit/save/push/update git projects with both
> rowan/metacello (hopefully using Jadeite) will get me feeling a little more
> comfortable again.
> FYI - we do all design and development on MacOS and deploy demo’s to AWS
> and are hoping that we can also deploy to raspberry pi for disconnected
> events and private networks… especially now pi supports much faster storage.
> Thanks for any advice, or setup/usage stories, anyone can offer.
> Cheers,
> Jupiter
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