[Glass] How to convert this source to GsDevKit_stones ?

Marten Feldtmann m at feldtmann.online
Tue Nov 26 12:04:14 PST 2024

Hello Dale,

I look at it and I don't get it :-(

a) I have no GsDevKit_home any more on my new deployment machines - so
GS_HOME is not set any more, only GsDevKit_stones and superDoit is on
these machines ... so the second usage is not possible

b) For the first usage example I need to set the GEMSTONE variable ...
and how to get this value in a simple way was the main part of my question.


On 26.11.24 19:06, Dale Henrichs wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 26, 2024 at 8:59 AM Marten Feldtmann via Glass
> <glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com> wrote:
>     Hello,
>     I am in the process of switching from GsDevKit_home to GsDevKit_stones
>     (for my runtime environments) and I have lots of codes here,
>     ...
>     Or is there a more simplier way ??
> All you need to do is add the following line at the top of a standard
> topaz script :
>     #!/usr/bin/env superdoit_topaz
> make the file executable and then execute the topaz script
> (GsDevKit_stones/bin needs to be in you path):
>     mytopazscript.topaz -L -I <path-to .topazini file>
> If you are running the script in a directory where the .topazini you
> want to use already exists (like the stone directory), topaz always
> looks in the local directory for a .topazin file and you don't need to
> use the `-I` option:
>      mytopazscript.topaz -L
> I usually use the arguments `-Lq` to launch a .topaz script to
> suppress the topaz head file.
> You can look at the template.topaz script in the superDoit clone or
> look at the template online[1] for a full example.
> Dale
> [1]
> https://github.com/dalehenrich/superDoit/blob/v4.2/examples/templates/template.topaz

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