[Glass] Linux aarch64 support

Jupiter Jones jupiter.jones at mail.com
Tue Jan 30 00:37:12 PST 2024

I’m about to start testing on the Raspberry pi running ubuntu 22.04.3.

It’s “uname -sm” is Linux aarch64

Is the appropriate GemStone version - GemStone64Bit3.7.0-arm64.Linux ?

I’m assuming that GsDevKit_home is never going to support Linux or Mac arm64?

However, will GsDevKit_stones support Linux and Mac arm64?

I see that superdoit has a switch in its install.sh that doesn’t include either of the arm64 platforms. This could easily be updated since it’s a download file name selector, but I’m wondering if there’s a bigger trap lying ahead :)

Is there a recommended way of working with GemStone on these platforms?


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