[GemStone-Smalltalk] Problems starting my stone.

Dale Henrichs dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com
Mon Oct 21 09:22:54 PDT 2019

It looks like you may have run out of shared memory on your mac ... 
there are two ways this can happen:

 1. you've got too many stones running and consuming shared memory or
    you've got some "orphaned" gems or other processes attached to
    shared memory --- the shared memory segments are not released until
    all of the processes terminate
      * take a look at the number of stones  that you are running and
        determine if you need them all and make sure that all of the
        $GEMSTONE processes are accounted for
 2. on the mac, I recall that there used to be a bug where shared memory
    was not properly cleaned up and that one had to reboot to set things
    right ...
      * if you have no other stones running then this might be the issue
 3. you could have other programs that are not related to GemStone
    consuming shared memory ...
     1. `ipcs -mp` (at least on Ubunutu 18.04) lists the creator PIDS,
        so you should be able to determine which process is responsible
        for creating the shared memory and deal with it appropriately

As a last resort (in case you are plagued by item 2) a reboot should get 
you going again ...


On 10/21/19 8:11 AM, ian via GemStone-Smalltalk wrote:
> I am getting this again on a fresh install.  Not sure why.  On createStone
> the process doesn't complete with FATAL ERRORS.
> with set -x written to the stopStone script on line 11 I stop and try to
> start the stone as seen here:
> ian at desktop:~/Apps/Gemstone/GsDevKit_home$ startStone devKit_343
> =================
>     GsDevKit script: startStone devKit_343
>                path: /home/ian/Apps/Gemstone/GsDevKit_home/bin/startStone
> =================
> /home/ian/Apps/Gemstone/GsDevKit_home/server/stones/devKit_343/product/bin/waitstone[Info]:
> GemStone version '3.4.3'
> waitstone[Error]: Network service
> !#dir:/home/ian/Apps/Gemstone/GsDevKit_home/server/stones/devKit_343/logs#log:%N%P.log#server!devKit_343
> is in startup.
> Starting stone: devKit_343
> HostAllocateFromReservedMemory: mmap() failed, address 0x7f776efe8000, size
> 65536, errno 1
>    Operation not permitted
> +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
> |       !!! FATAL ERRORS IN GemStone CONFIGURATION FILES !!!         |
> | Syntax errors, or values that are out of range are listed above,   |
> | preceding the summary of non-default values.                       |
> |                                                                    |
> | Also check your configuration files for proper location and        |
> | and values.  Consult your System Administrator's Guide             |
> | for more information.                                              |
> +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
> startstone[Info]: GemStone version '3.4.3'
> startstone[Info]: Server 'devKit_343' is already running.
> ...finished :: startStone devKit_343
> ian at desktop:~/Apps/Gemstone/GsDevKit_home$ stopStone devKit_343
> =================
>     GsDevKit script: stopStone devKit_343
>                path: /home/ian/Apps/Gemstone/GsDevKit_home/bin/stopStone
> =================
> HostAllocateFromReservedMemory: mmap() failed, address 0x7fcdb3a80000, size
> 65536, errno 1
>    Operation not permitted
> +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
> |       !!! FATAL ERRORS IN GemStone CONFIGURATION FILES !!!         |
> | Syntax errors, or values that are out of range are listed above,   |
> | preceding the summary of non-default values.                       |
> |                                                                    |
> | Also check your configuration files for proper location and        |
> | and values.  Consult your System Administrator's Guide             |
> | for more information.                                              |
> +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
> ...finished :: stopStone devKit_343
> ian at desktop:~/Apps/Gemstone/GsDevKit_home$
> And I am pooched.
> Any help would be great...
> --
> Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Gemstone-S-f1461796.html
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