[GemStone-Smalltalk] Problems starting my stone.

ian ian at icjohnson.com
Sat Oct 26 07:34:15 PDT 2019

Hi Dale and Dev,

Sorry for the late response.

Here we go:


1. System is Gemstone only.

Process (Synopses):

1. Reboot
2. Prompt: top (picture attached)
3. Swapon -s (picture attached)
4. Start Gemstone processes:
            i. startnetldi (starts with no issues)
           ii. startstone  (starts with no issues)
5. Prompt: top (picture attached)
6. Prompt: stopstone (picture attached)

Process: (Complete)

2. Prompt: top:  SystemMemUseAtReboot.PNG
3. prompt: sudo swapon -s:  sbin.PNG
4. Start Gemstone:  ProcessesAfter.PNG
5. prompt: top:  TopAfter.PNG
6. prompt: stopstone:   stopstone.PNG

As a side note I am unable to login to the stone using rpc and having the
sticky bit set on netldid.  It errors with:  NetldiLoginError.PNG

I am not sure if the two are related.  Could be a PAM issue although I
believe I have it configured properly. As per:


auth    required    pam_usnix.so
session    required    pam_unix.so

When this didn't work I tried adding the same lines to
/etc/pam.d/gemstone.gem resulting in the same connection error.

I include this as a possible red herring but do so because it does not look
like the allocation of memory happens upon start netldi and startstone even
thought hey look like they start without issues.

Hopefully all this helps you help me :)

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