[Glass] [] WAGemStoneRunSmalltalkServer

Sebastian Heidbrink sebastian_heidbrink at yahoo.de
Wed Aug 7 14:01:12 PDT 2013

This is the log for that test case.

-------------- next part --------------
|                              NetLDI Child Task                              |
|                                                                             |
| CLIENTHOST: ::ffff:                                            |
|    VERSION:, Mon Jun 17 13:16:00 2013                               |
|      BUILD: gss64_3_1_0_x_branch-31024                                      |
|  BUILT FOR: x86-64 (Linux)                                                  |
|       MODE: 64 bit                                                          |
| RUNNING ON: 2-CPU ubuntu x86_64 (Linux 3.2.0-51-generic #77-Ubuntu SMP Wed  |
| Jul 24 20:18:19 UTC 2013) 1996MB                                            |
| PROCESS ID: 3613      DATE: 08/07/2013 13:56:40 PDT                         |
|   USER IDS: REAL=sheidbrink (1000) EFFECTIVE=sheidbrink (1000)              |
|    COMMAND: /opt/gemstone/GemStone64Bit3.1.0.4-x86_64.Linux/sys/gemnetobject|
| TCP 41125 30                                                                |
exeConfig -d path
[Info]:    the hostname is:  ubuntu
   GEMSTONE is:      "/opt/gemstone/product"
   gem's location is: /opt/gemstone/product/sys
   system config file is:     /opt/gemstone/product/seaside/data/system.conf
   executable config file is: /opt/gemstone/product/seaside/data
   gem's arguments are: TCP 41125 30 
|             GemStone/S64 Object-Oriented Data Management System             |
|                    Copyright (C) VMware, Inc. 1986-2013                     |
|                            All rights reserved.                             |
|                           Covered by U.S Patents:                           |
|            6,256,637 Transactional virtual machine architecture             |
|              6,360,219 Object queues with concurrent updating               |
|                  6,567,905 Generational Garbage Collector.                  |
| 6,681,226 Selective Pessimistic Locking for a Concurrently Updateable Database
|    PROGRAM: GEM, GemStone Session Process                                   |
|    VERSION:, Mon Jun 17 13:16:00 2013                               |
|      BUILD: gss64_3_1_0_x_branch-31024                                      |
|  BUILT FOR: x86-64 (Linux)                                                  |
|       MODE: 64 bit                                                          |
| RUNNING ON: 2-CPU ubuntu x86_64 (Linux 3.2.0-51-generic #77-Ubuntu SMP Wed  |
| Jul 24 20:18:19 UTC 2013) 1996MB                                            |
| PROCESS ID: 3613      DATE: 08/07/2013 13:56:40 PDT                         |
|   USER IDS: REAL=sheidbrink (1000) EFFECTIVE=sheidbrink (1000)              |
|   GEMSTONE_NRS_ALL = #dir:$GEMSTONE_DATADIR#log:/$GEMSTONE_LOGDIR/%N%P.log#dir:/opt/gemstone/product/seaside/data
|                             Configuration Files                             |
|                                                                             |
| System File: /opt/gemstone/GemStone64Bit3.1.0.4-x86_64.Linux/seaside/data/system.conf
|                                                                             |
| Executable File: /opt/gemstone/GemStone64Bit3.1.0.4-x86_64.Linux/seaside/data/gem.conf
| Warning:  File not found (errno=2,ENOENT, The file or directory specified cannot
| be found)                                                                   |
|           using defaults.                                                   |
|                Gem Configuration Options for process id 3613                |

GEM_TEMPOBJ_START_ADDR not used on this platform
(vmGc spaceSizes: eden init 2048K max 9344K , survivor init 448K max 1600K,
 vmGc    old max 37440K, code max 10048K, perm max 5056K, pom 10 * 4224K = 42240K,
 vmGc    remSet 1156K, meSpace max 48184K oopMapSize 262144  max footprint 164M)
[Info]: libssl- loaded

[Info]: RPC client/gem/minimum GCI levels = 851/851/851
[Info]: Client PID: 3724
[Info]: User ID: DataCurator
[Info]: Repository: seaside
[Info]: Session ID: 5
[Info]: GCI Client Host: ::ffff:
[Info]: Page server PID: -1
[Info]: Login Time: 08/07/2013 13:56:40.945 PDT
Gave this VM preference for OOM killer, Wrote to /proc/3613/oom_score_adj value 250
[Info]: libicudata- loaded
[Info]: libicuuc- loaded
[Info]: libicui18n- loaded
 vmGc MKSW softRefs: clear80% keepGoal 0, cleared 0 , live 0 nonNil 0 srThresh 0 srUseCnt 1 
 vmGc   pom0:466K
 vmGc MKSW         766/9984Knew 28592/29184Kold   466Kpom   80Kperm  638Kcode  386Kme agrStubbed 4298 4357us  dirtyBytes 0 pomThresh 0 AOOMbit 0 deferAOOMbit 0 ---) 
 vmGc approaching OutOfMemory, requesting interpreter stack printout

Printing Smalltalk stack for memory usage diagnosis:
Smalltalk stack:
08/07/2013 13:57:06.155 PDT
stackId 2  stackDepth = 18

1  SocketStream >> streamBuffer: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50c390=@natCode+0x28  [GsNMethod 102374657]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61cf0=StackLimit[-98] , callerFP: StackLimit[-93]
  arg 1:32770 (SmallInteger 4096)
  rcvr: 0x7f851d6dcf58 (cls:27295489 SocketStream size:12)
2  SocketStream >> resetBuffers (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50c210=@natCode+0x128  [GsNMethod 102378241]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61d18=StackLimit[-93] , callerFP: StackLimit[-89]
  rcvr: 0x7f851d6dcf58 (cls:27295489 SocketStream size:12)
3  SocketStream >> ascii (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50bf09=@natCode+0xb1  [GsNMethod 102370561]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61d38=StackLimit[-89] , callerFP: StackLimit[-85]
  rcvr: 0x7f851d6dcf58 (cls:27295489 SocketStream size:12)
4  SocketStream >> initialize (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50bcfd=@natCode+0x12d  [GsNMethod 102368769]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61d58=StackLimit[-85] , callerFP: StackLimit[-81]
  rcvr: 0x7f851d6dcf58 (cls:27295489 SocketStream size:12)
5   metaSocketStream >> on: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50b973=@natCode+0x7b  [GsNMethod 102386177]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61d78=StackLimit[-81] , callerFP: StackLimit[-75]
  arg 1:0x7f851d6dcfd0 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851df948d0 oid:27295489 (cls:27296257  metaSocketStream size:19)
6  ZnNetworkingUtils >> socketStreamOn: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50b6aa=@natCode+0x92  [GsNMethod 46635521]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61da8=StackLimit[-75] , callerFP: StackLimit[-70]
  arg 1:0x7f851d6dcfd0 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc723d8 oid:105259777 (cls:45052929 ZnNetworkingUtils size:2)
7   metaZnNetworkingUtils >> socketStreamOn: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50b38a=@natCode+0x8a  [GsNMethod 103753217]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61dd0=StackLimit[-70] , callerFP: StackLimit[-65]
  arg 1:0x7f851d6dcfd0 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851df93558 oid:45052929 (cls:45101313  metaZnNetworkingUtils size:19)
8  ZnSingleThreadedServer >> socketStreamOn: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50b221=@natCode+0x89  [GsNMethod 102852865]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61df8=StackLimit[-65] , callerFP: StackLimit[-59]
  arg 1:0x7f851d6dcfd0 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc74e78 oid:139632385 (cls:44815361 ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer size:9)
9  ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer >> socketStreamOn: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50b053=@natCode+0x9b  [GsNMethod 102889217]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61e28=StackLimit[-59] , callerFP: StackLimit[-53]
  arg 1:0x7f851d6dcfd0 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc74e78 oid:139632385 (cls:44815361 ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer size:9)
10  ZnMultiThreadedServer >> serveConnectionsOn: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e4f4191=@natCode+0x131  [GsNMethod 102939905]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61e58=StackLimit[-53] , callerFP: StackLimit[-47]
  arg 1:0x7f851bc889e0 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc74e78 oid:139632385 (cls:44815361 ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer size:9)
11  (block, homeMethod:102940929) @ 0x7f851e4f3829=@natCode+0x161  [GsNMethod 106073345]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61e88=StackLimit[-47] , callerFP: StackLimit[-42]
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc47f38 (cls:127745 ExecBlock0 size:5)
12  (block, homeMethod:47254785) @ 0x7f851e4f3cd9=@natCode+0x89  [GsNMethod 50760705]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61eb0=StackLimit[-42] , callerFP: StackLimit[-35]
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc47fb8 (cls:127745 ExecBlock0 size:5)
13  ExecBlock >> ensure: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e478fe6=@natCode+0x66  [GsNMethod 3709185]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61ee8=StackLimit[-35] , callerFP: StackLimit[-29]
  arg 1:0x7f851bc47ff8 (cls:143361 ExecBlock size:5)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc47fb8 (cls:127745 ExecBlock0 size:5)
14  ExecBlock >> ifCurtailed: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e4f3b81=@natCode+0x101  [GsNMethod 47254785]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61f18=StackLimit[-29] , callerFP: StackLimit[-21]
  arg 1:0x7f851bc48038 (cls:143361 ExecBlock size:5)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc47f38 (cls:127745 ExecBlock0 size:5)
15  ZnMultiThreadedServer >> listenLoop (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e4f0c2b=@natCode+0x10b  [GsNMethod 102940929]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61f58=StackLimit[-21] , callerFP: StackLimit[-16]
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc74e78 oid:139632385 (cls:44815361 ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer size:9)
16  (block, homeMethod:102852353) @ 0x7f851e4e775b=@natCode+0x83  [GsNMethod 105980161]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61f80=StackLimit[-16] , callerFP: StackLimit[-10]
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc75da8 (cls:143361 ExecBlock size:5)
17  GsProcess >> _start (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e47171a=@natCode+0x1aa  [GsNMethod 4467969]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61fb0=StackLimit[-10] , callerFP: StackLimit[-3]
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc65158 (cls:134657 GsProcess size:23)
18   metaGsNMethod >> _gsReturnToC (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e472248=@natCode+0x28  [GsNMethod 4461825]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61fe8=StackLimit[-3] , callerFP: StackLimit[0]
  rcvr: 20 OOP_NIL
stack 2 GsProcess 1 modeInfo 0x81000300 

 vmGc MKSW softRefs: clear100% keepGoal 0, cleared 0 , live 0 nonNil 0 srThresh 0 srUseCnt 1 
 vmGc   pom0:466K
 vmGc MKSW        2875/9984Knew 37402/37440Kold   466Kpom   80Kperm  638Kcode  386Kme agrStubbed 3825 5479us  dirtyBytes 0 pomThresh 0 AOOMbit 0 deferAOOMbit 0 ---) 
 vmGc approaching OutOfMemory, requesting interpreter stack printout

Printing Smalltalk stack for memory usage diagnosis:
Smalltalk stack:
08/07/2013 13:57:06.232 PDT
stackId 2  stackDepth = 14

1  ZnNetworkingUtils >> setSocketStreamParameters: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50c7b8=@natCode+0x28  [GsNMethod 46640385]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61d78=StackLimit[-81] , callerFP: StackLimit[-75]
  arg 1:0x7f851871ef60 (cls:27295489 SocketStream size:12)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc723d8 oid:105259777 (cls:45052929 ZnNetworkingUtils size:2)
2  ZnNetworkingUtils >> socketStreamOn: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50b6d7=@natCode+0xbf  [GsNMethod 46635521]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61da8=StackLimit[-75] , callerFP: StackLimit[-70]
  arg 1:0x7f851871eef0 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc723d8 oid:105259777 (cls:45052929 ZnNetworkingUtils size:2)
3   metaZnNetworkingUtils >> socketStreamOn: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50b38a=@natCode+0x8a  [GsNMethod 103753217]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61dd0=StackLimit[-70] , callerFP: StackLimit[-65]
  arg 1:0x7f851871eef0 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851df93558 oid:45052929 (cls:45101313  metaZnNetworkingUtils size:19)
4  ZnSingleThreadedServer >> socketStreamOn: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50b221=@natCode+0x89  [GsNMethod 102852865]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61df8=StackLimit[-65] , callerFP: StackLimit[-59]
  arg 1:0x7f851871eef0 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc74e78 oid:139632385 (cls:44815361 ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer size:9)
5  ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer >> socketStreamOn: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50b053=@natCode+0x9b  [GsNMethod 102889217]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61e28=StackLimit[-59] , callerFP: StackLimit[-53]
  arg 1:0x7f851871eef0 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc74e78 oid:139632385 (cls:44815361 ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer size:9)
6  ZnMultiThreadedServer >> serveConnectionsOn: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e4f4191=@natCode+0x131  [GsNMethod 102939905]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61e58=StackLimit[-53] , callerFP: StackLimit[-47]
  arg 1:0x7f851bc889e0 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc74e78 oid:139632385 (cls:44815361 ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer size:9)
7  (block, homeMethod:102940929) @ 0x7f851e4f3829=@natCode+0x161  [GsNMethod 106073345]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61e88=StackLimit[-47] , callerFP: StackLimit[-42]
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc47f38 (cls:127745 ExecBlock0 size:5)
8  (block, homeMethod:47254785) @ 0x7f851e4f3cd9=@natCode+0x89  [GsNMethod 50760705]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61eb0=StackLimit[-42] , callerFP: StackLimit[-35]
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc47fb8 (cls:127745 ExecBlock0 size:5)
9  ExecBlock >> ensure: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e478fe6=@natCode+0x66  [GsNMethod 3709185]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61ee8=StackLimit[-35] , callerFP: StackLimit[-29]
  arg 1:0x7f851bc47ff8 (cls:143361 ExecBlock size:5)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc47fb8 (cls:127745 ExecBlock0 size:5)
10  ExecBlock >> ifCurtailed: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e4f3b81=@natCode+0x101  [GsNMethod 47254785]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61f18=StackLimit[-29] , callerFP: StackLimit[-21]
  arg 1:0x7f851bc48038 (cls:143361 ExecBlock size:5)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc47f38 (cls:127745 ExecBlock0 size:5)
11  ZnMultiThreadedServer >> listenLoop (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e4f0c2b=@natCode+0x10b  [GsNMethod 102940929]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61f58=StackLimit[-21] , callerFP: StackLimit[-16]
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc74e78 oid:139632385 (cls:44815361 ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer size:9)
12  (block, homeMethod:102852353) @ 0x7f851e4e775b=@natCode+0x83  [GsNMethod 105980161]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61f80=StackLimit[-16] , callerFP: StackLimit[-10]
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc75da8 (cls:143361 ExecBlock size:5)
13  GsProcess >> _start (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e47171a=@natCode+0x1aa  [GsNMethod 4467969]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61fb0=StackLimit[-10] , callerFP: StackLimit[-3]
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc65158 (cls:134657 GsProcess size:23)
14   metaGsNMethod >> _gsReturnToC (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e472248=@natCode+0x28  [GsNMethod 4461825]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61fe8=StackLimit[-3] , callerFP: StackLimit[0]
  rcvr: 20 OOP_NIL
stack 2 GsProcess 1 modeInfo 0x81000300 

 vmGc MKSW softRefs: clear100% keepGoal 0, cleared 0 , live 0 nonNil 0 srThresh 0 srUseCnt 1 
 vmGc   pom0:466K
 vmGc MKSW        5663/9984Knew 37436/37440Kold   466Kpom   80Kperm  638Kcode  386Kme agrStubbed 990 3559us  dirtyBytes 0 pomThresh 0 AOOMbit 0 deferAOOMbit 0 ---) 
 vmGc approaching OutOfMemory, requesting interpreter stack printout

Printing Smalltalk stack for memory usage diagnosis:
Smalltalk stack:
08/07/2013 13:57:06.244 PDT
stackId 2  stackDepth = 18

1  SocketStream >> streamBuffer: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50c390=@natCode+0x28  [GsNMethod 102374657]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61cf0=StackLimit[-98] , callerFP: StackLimit[-93]
  arg 1:32770 (SmallInteger 4096)
  rcvr: 0x7f85189db058 (cls:27295489 SocketStream size:12)
2  SocketStream >> resetBuffers (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50c210=@natCode+0x128  [GsNMethod 102378241]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61d18=StackLimit[-93] , callerFP: StackLimit[-89]
  rcvr: 0x7f85189db058 (cls:27295489 SocketStream size:12)
3  SocketStream >> ascii (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50bf09=@natCode+0xb1  [GsNMethod 102370561]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61d38=StackLimit[-89] , callerFP: StackLimit[-85]
  rcvr: 0x7f85189db058 (cls:27295489 SocketStream size:12)
4  SocketStream >> initialize (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50bcfd=@natCode+0x12d  [GsNMethod 102368769]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61d58=StackLimit[-85] , callerFP: StackLimit[-81]
  rcvr: 0x7f85189db058 (cls:27295489 SocketStream size:12)
5   metaSocketStream >> on: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50b973=@natCode+0x7b  [GsNMethod 102386177]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61d78=StackLimit[-81] , callerFP: StackLimit[-75]
  arg 1:0x7f85189dafe8 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851df948d0 oid:27295489 (cls:27296257  metaSocketStream size:19)
6  ZnNetworkingUtils >> socketStreamOn: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50b6aa=@natCode+0x92  [GsNMethod 46635521]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61da8=StackLimit[-75] , callerFP: StackLimit[-70]
  arg 1:0x7f85189dafe8 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc723d8 oid:105259777 (cls:45052929 ZnNetworkingUtils size:2)
7   metaZnNetworkingUtils >> socketStreamOn: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50b38a=@natCode+0x8a  [GsNMethod 103753217]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61dd0=StackLimit[-70] , callerFP: StackLimit[-65]
  arg 1:0x7f85189dafe8 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851df93558 oid:45052929 (cls:45101313  metaZnNetworkingUtils size:19)
8  ZnSingleThreadedServer >> socketStreamOn: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50b221=@natCode+0x89  [GsNMethod 102852865]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61df8=StackLimit[-65] , callerFP: StackLimit[-59]
  arg 1:0x7f85189dafe8 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc74e78 oid:139632385 (cls:44815361 ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer size:9)
9  ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer >> socketStreamOn: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50b053=@natCode+0x9b  [GsNMethod 102889217]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61e28=StackLimit[-59] , callerFP: StackLimit[-53]
  arg 1:0x7f85189dafe8 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc74e78 oid:139632385 (cls:44815361 ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer size:9)
10  ZnMultiThreadedServer >> serveConnectionsOn: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e4f4191=@natCode+0x131  [GsNMethod 102939905]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61e58=StackLimit[-53] , callerFP: StackLimit[-47]
  arg 1:0x7f851bc889e0 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc74e78 oid:139632385 (cls:44815361 ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer size:9)
11  (block, homeMethod:102940929) @ 0x7f851e4f3829=@natCode+0x161  [GsNMethod 106073345]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61e88=StackLimit[-47] , callerFP: StackLimit[-42]
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc47f38 (cls:127745 ExecBlock0 size:5)
12  (block, homeMethod:47254785) @ 0x7f851e4f3cd9=@natCode+0x89  [GsNMethod 50760705]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61eb0=StackLimit[-42] , callerFP: StackLimit[-35]
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc47fb8 (cls:127745 ExecBlock0 size:5)
13  ExecBlock >> ensure: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e478fe6=@natCode+0x66  [GsNMethod 3709185]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61ee8=StackLimit[-35] , callerFP: StackLimit[-29]
  arg 1:0x7f851bc47ff8 (cls:143361 ExecBlock size:5)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc47fb8 (cls:127745 ExecBlock0 size:5)
14  ExecBlock >> ifCurtailed: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e4f3b81=@natCode+0x101  [GsNMethod 47254785]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61f18=StackLimit[-29] , callerFP: StackLimit[-21]
  arg 1:0x7f851bc48038 (cls:143361 ExecBlock size:5)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc47f38 (cls:127745 ExecBlock0 size:5)
15  ZnMultiThreadedServer >> listenLoop (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e4f0c2b=@natCode+0x10b  [GsNMethod 102940929]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61f58=StackLimit[-21] , callerFP: StackLimit[-16]
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc74e78 oid:139632385 (cls:44815361 ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer size:9)
16  (block, homeMethod:102852353) @ 0x7f851e4e775b=@natCode+0x83  [GsNMethod 105980161]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61f80=StackLimit[-16] , callerFP: StackLimit[-10]
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc75da8 (cls:143361 ExecBlock size:5)
17  GsProcess >> _start (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e47171a=@natCode+0x1aa  [GsNMethod 4467969]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61fb0=StackLimit[-10] , callerFP: StackLimit[-3]
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc65158 (cls:134657 GsProcess size:23)
18   metaGsNMethod >> _gsReturnToC (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e472248=@natCode+0x28  [GsNMethod 4461825]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61fe8=StackLimit[-3] , callerFP: StackLimit[0]
  rcvr: 20 OOP_NIL
stack 2 GsProcess 1 modeInfo 0x81000300 

 vmGc MKSW softRefs: clear100% keepGoal 0, cleared 0 , live 0 nonNil 0 srThresh 0 srUseCnt 1 
 vmGc   pom0:466K
 vmGc MKSW        7175/9984Knew 37423/37440Kold   466Kpom   80Kperm  638Kcode  386Kme agrStubbed 522 2941us  dirtyBytes 0 pomThresh 0 AOOMbit 0 deferAOOMbit 0 ---) 
 vmGc approaching OutOfMemory, requesting interpreter stack printout

Printing Smalltalk stack for memory usage diagnosis:
Smalltalk stack:
08/07/2013 13:57:06.252 PDT
stackId 2  stackDepth = 16

1  String >> asByteArray (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50cca0=@natCode+0x28  [GsNMethod 2568193]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61d30=StackLimit[-90] , callerFP: StackLimit[-86]
  rcvr: 0x7f8518b54048 (cls:74753 String size:4096)'....................................................................................................'
2  SocketStream >> binary (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50cb8b=@natCode+0x133  [GsNMethod 102369793]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61d50=StackLimit[-86] , callerFP: StackLimit[-81]
  rcvr: 0x7f8518b52fb8 (cls:27295489 SocketStream size:12)
3  ZnNetworkingUtils >> setSocketStreamParameters: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50c7fc=@natCode+0x6c  [GsNMethod 46640385]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61d78=StackLimit[-81] , callerFP: StackLimit[-75]
  arg 1:0x7f8518b52fb8 (cls:27295489 SocketStream size:12)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc723d8 oid:105259777 (cls:45052929 ZnNetworkingUtils size:2)
4  ZnNetworkingUtils >> socketStreamOn: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50b6d7=@natCode+0xbf  [GsNMethod 46635521]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61da8=StackLimit[-75] , callerFP: StackLimit[-70]
  arg 1:0x7f8518b52f48 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc723d8 oid:105259777 (cls:45052929 ZnNetworkingUtils size:2)
5   metaZnNetworkingUtils >> socketStreamOn: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50b38a=@natCode+0x8a  [GsNMethod 103753217]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61dd0=StackLimit[-70] , callerFP: StackLimit[-65]
  arg 1:0x7f8518b52f48 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851df93558 oid:45052929 (cls:45101313  metaZnNetworkingUtils size:19)
6  ZnSingleThreadedServer >> socketStreamOn: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50b221=@natCode+0x89  [GsNMethod 102852865]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61df8=StackLimit[-65] , callerFP: StackLimit[-59]
  arg 1:0x7f8518b52f48 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc74e78 oid:139632385 (cls:44815361 ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer size:9)
7  ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer >> socketStreamOn: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50b053=@natCode+0x9b  [GsNMethod 102889217]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61e28=StackLimit[-59] , callerFP: StackLimit[-53]
  arg 1:0x7f8518b52f48 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc74e78 oid:139632385 (cls:44815361 ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer size:9)
8  ZnMultiThreadedServer >> serveConnectionsOn: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e4f4191=@natCode+0x131  [GsNMethod 102939905]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61e58=StackLimit[-53] , callerFP: StackLimit[-47]
  arg 1:0x7f851bc889e0 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc74e78 oid:139632385 (cls:44815361 ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer size:9)
9  (block, homeMethod:102940929) @ 0x7f851e4f3829=@natCode+0x161  [GsNMethod 106073345]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61e88=StackLimit[-47] , callerFP: StackLimit[-42]
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc47f38 (cls:127745 ExecBlock0 size:5)
10  (block, homeMethod:47254785) @ 0x7f851e4f3cd9=@natCode+0x89  [GsNMethod 50760705]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61eb0=StackLimit[-42] , callerFP: StackLimit[-35]
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc47fb8 (cls:127745 ExecBlock0 size:5)
11  ExecBlock >> ensure: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e478fe6=@natCode+0x66  [GsNMethod 3709185]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61ee8=StackLimit[-35] , callerFP: StackLimit[-29]
  arg 1:0x7f851bc47ff8 (cls:143361 ExecBlock size:5)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc47fb8 (cls:127745 ExecBlock0 size:5)
12  ExecBlock >> ifCurtailed: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e4f3b81=@natCode+0x101  [GsNMethod 47254785]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61f18=StackLimit[-29] , callerFP: StackLimit[-21]
  arg 1:0x7f851bc48038 (cls:143361 ExecBlock size:5)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc47f38 (cls:127745 ExecBlock0 size:5)
13  ZnMultiThreadedServer >> listenLoop (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e4f0c2b=@natCode+0x10b  [GsNMethod 102940929]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61f58=StackLimit[-21] , callerFP: StackLimit[-16]
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc74e78 oid:139632385 (cls:44815361 ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer size:9)
14  (block, homeMethod:102852353) @ 0x7f851e4e775b=@natCode+0x83  [GsNMethod 105980161]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61f80=StackLimit[-16] , callerFP: StackLimit[-10]
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc75da8 (cls:143361 ExecBlock size:5)
15  GsProcess >> _start (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e47171a=@natCode+0x1aa  [GsNMethod 4467969]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61fb0=StackLimit[-10] , callerFP: StackLimit[-3]
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc65158 (cls:134657 GsProcess size:23)
16   metaGsNMethod >> _gsReturnToC (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e472248=@natCode+0x28  [GsNMethod 4461825]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61fe8=StackLimit[-3] , callerFP: StackLimit[0]
  rcvr: 20 OOP_NIL
stack 2 GsProcess 1 modeInfo 0x81000300 

 vmGc MKSW softRefs: clear100% keepGoal 0, cleared 0 , live 0 nonNil 0 srThresh 0 srUseCnt 1 
 vmGc   pom0:466K
 vmGc MKSW        7940/9984Knew 37439/37440Kold   466Kpom   80Kperm  638Kcode  386Kme agrStubbed 276 2795us  dirtyBytes 0 pomThresh 0 AOOMbit 0 deferAOOMbit 0 ---) 
 vmGc approaching OutOfMemory, requesting interpreter stack printout

Printing Smalltalk stack for memory usage diagnosis:
Smalltalk stack:
08/07/2013 13:57:06.258 PDT
stackId 2  stackDepth = 14

1  ZnNetworkingUtils >> setSocketStreamParameters: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50c7b8=@natCode+0x28  [GsNMethod 46640385]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61d78=StackLimit[-81] , callerFP: StackLimit[-75]
  arg 1:0x7f8518c13638 (cls:27295489 SocketStream size:12)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc723d8 oid:105259777 (cls:45052929 ZnNetworkingUtils size:2)
2  ZnNetworkingUtils >> socketStreamOn: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50b6d7=@natCode+0xbf  [GsNMethod 46635521]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61da8=StackLimit[-75] , callerFP: StackLimit[-70]
  arg 1:0x7f8518c135c8 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc723d8 oid:105259777 (cls:45052929 ZnNetworkingUtils size:2)
3   metaZnNetworkingUtils >> socketStreamOn: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50b38a=@natCode+0x8a  [GsNMethod 103753217]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61dd0=StackLimit[-70] , callerFP: StackLimit[-65]
  arg 1:0x7f8518c135c8 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851df93558 oid:45052929 (cls:45101313  metaZnNetworkingUtils size:19)
4  ZnSingleThreadedServer >> socketStreamOn: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50b221=@natCode+0x89  [GsNMethod 102852865]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61df8=StackLimit[-65] , callerFP: StackLimit[-59]
  arg 1:0x7f8518c135c8 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc74e78 oid:139632385 (cls:44815361 ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer size:9)
5  ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer >> socketStreamOn: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50b053=@natCode+0x9b  [GsNMethod 102889217]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61e28=StackLimit[-59] , callerFP: StackLimit[-53]
  arg 1:0x7f8518c135c8 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc74e78 oid:139632385 (cls:44815361 ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer size:9)
6  ZnMultiThreadedServer >> serveConnectionsOn: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e4f4191=@natCode+0x131  [GsNMethod 102939905]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61e58=StackLimit[-53] , callerFP: StackLimit[-47]
  arg 1:0x7f851bc889e0 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc74e78 oid:139632385 (cls:44815361 ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer size:9)
7  (block, homeMethod:102940929) @ 0x7f851e4f3829=@natCode+0x161  [GsNMethod 106073345]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61e88=StackLimit[-47] , callerFP: StackLimit[-42]
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc47f38 (cls:127745 ExecBlock0 size:5)
8  (block, homeMethod:47254785) @ 0x7f851e4f3cd9=@natCode+0x89  [GsNMethod 50760705]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61eb0=StackLimit[-42] , callerFP: StackLimit[-35]
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc47fb8 (cls:127745 ExecBlock0 size:5)
9  ExecBlock >> ensure: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e478fe6=@natCode+0x66  [GsNMethod 3709185]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61ee8=StackLimit[-35] , callerFP: StackLimit[-29]
  arg 1:0x7f851bc47ff8 (cls:143361 ExecBlock size:5)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc47fb8 (cls:127745 ExecBlock0 size:5)
10  ExecBlock >> ifCurtailed: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e4f3b81=@natCode+0x101  [GsNMethod 47254785]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61f18=StackLimit[-29] , callerFP: StackLimit[-21]
  arg 1:0x7f851bc48038 (cls:143361 ExecBlock size:5)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc47f38 (cls:127745 ExecBlock0 size:5)
11  ZnMultiThreadedServer >> listenLoop (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e4f0c2b=@natCode+0x10b  [GsNMethod 102940929]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61f58=StackLimit[-21] , callerFP: StackLimit[-16]
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc74e78 oid:139632385 (cls:44815361 ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer size:9)
12  (block, homeMethod:102852353) @ 0x7f851e4e775b=@natCode+0x83  [GsNMethod 105980161]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61f80=StackLimit[-16] , callerFP: StackLimit[-10]
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc75da8 (cls:143361 ExecBlock size:5)
13  GsProcess >> _start (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e47171a=@natCode+0x1aa  [GsNMethod 4467969]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61fb0=StackLimit[-10] , callerFP: StackLimit[-3]
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc65158 (cls:134657 GsProcess size:23)
14   metaGsNMethod >> _gsReturnToC (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e472248=@natCode+0x28  [GsNMethod 4461825]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61fe8=StackLimit[-3] , callerFP: StackLimit[0]
  rcvr: 20 OOP_NIL
stack 2 GsProcess 1 modeInfo 0x81000300 

 vmGc MKSW softRefs: clear100% keepGoal 0, cleared 0 , live 0 nonNil 0 srThresh 0 srUseCnt 1 
 vmGc   pom0:466K
 vmGc MKSW        8370/9984Knew 37423/37440Kold   466Kpom   80Kperm  638Kcode  386Kme agrStubbed 144 2850us  dirtyBytes 0 pomThresh 0 AOOMbit 0 deferAOOMbit 0 ---) 
 vmGc approaching OutOfMemory, requesting interpreter stack printout

Printing Smalltalk stack for memory usage diagnosis:
Smalltalk stack:
08/07/2013 13:57:06.263 PDT
stackId 2  stackDepth = 14

1  ZnNetworkingUtils >> setSocketStreamParameters: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50c7b8=@natCode+0x28  [GsNMethod 46640385]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61d78=StackLimit[-81] , callerFP: StackLimit[-75]
  arg 1:0x7f8518c7ea58 (cls:27295489 SocketStream size:12)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc723d8 oid:105259777 (cls:45052929 ZnNetworkingUtils size:2)
2  ZnNetworkingUtils >> socketStreamOn: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50b6d7=@natCode+0xbf  [GsNMethod 46635521]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61da8=StackLimit[-75] , callerFP: StackLimit[-70]
  arg 1:0x7f8518c7e9e8 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc723d8 oid:105259777 (cls:45052929 ZnNetworkingUtils size:2)
3   metaZnNetworkingUtils >> socketStreamOn: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50b38a=@natCode+0x8a  [GsNMethod 103753217]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61dd0=StackLimit[-70] , callerFP: StackLimit[-65]
  arg 1:0x7f8518c7e9e8 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851df93558 oid:45052929 (cls:45101313  metaZnNetworkingUtils size:19)
4  ZnSingleThreadedServer >> socketStreamOn: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50b221=@natCode+0x89  [GsNMethod 102852865]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61df8=StackLimit[-65] , callerFP: StackLimit[-59]
  arg 1:0x7f8518c7e9e8 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc74e78 oid:139632385 (cls:44815361 ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer size:9)
5  ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer >> socketStreamOn: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50b053=@natCode+0x9b  [GsNMethod 102889217]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61e28=StackLimit[-59] , callerFP: StackLimit[-53]
  arg 1:0x7f8518c7e9e8 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc74e78 oid:139632385 (cls:44815361 ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer size:9)
6  ZnMultiThreadedServer >> serveConnectionsOn: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e4f4191=@natCode+0x131  [GsNMethod 102939905]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61e58=StackLimit[-53] , callerFP: StackLimit[-47]
  arg 1:0x7f851bc889e0 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc74e78 oid:139632385 (cls:44815361 ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer size:9)
7  (block, homeMethod:102940929) @ 0x7f851e4f3829=@natCode+0x161  [GsNMethod 106073345]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61e88=StackLimit[-47] , callerFP: StackLimit[-42]
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc47f38 (cls:127745 ExecBlock0 size:5)
8  (block, homeMethod:47254785) @ 0x7f851e4f3cd9=@natCode+0x89  [GsNMethod 50760705]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61eb0=StackLimit[-42] , callerFP: StackLimit[-35]
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc47fb8 (cls:127745 ExecBlock0 size:5)
9  ExecBlock >> ensure: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e478fe6=@natCode+0x66  [GsNMethod 3709185]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61ee8=StackLimit[-35] , callerFP: StackLimit[-29]
  arg 1:0x7f851bc47ff8 (cls:143361 ExecBlock size:5)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc47fb8 (cls:127745 ExecBlock0 size:5)
10  ExecBlock >> ifCurtailed: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e4f3b81=@natCode+0x101  [GsNMethod 47254785]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61f18=StackLimit[-29] , callerFP: StackLimit[-21]
  arg 1:0x7f851bc48038 (cls:143361 ExecBlock size:5)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc47f38 (cls:127745 ExecBlock0 size:5)
11  ZnMultiThreadedServer >> listenLoop (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e4f0c2b=@natCode+0x10b  [GsNMethod 102940929]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61f58=StackLimit[-21] , callerFP: StackLimit[-16]
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc74e78 oid:139632385 (cls:44815361 ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer size:9)
12  (block, homeMethod:102852353) @ 0x7f851e4e775b=@natCode+0x83  [GsNMethod 105980161]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61f80=StackLimit[-16] , callerFP: StackLimit[-10]
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc75da8 (cls:143361 ExecBlock size:5)
13  GsProcess >> _start (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e47171a=@natCode+0x1aa  [GsNMethod 4467969]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61fb0=StackLimit[-10] , callerFP: StackLimit[-3]
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc65158 (cls:134657 GsProcess size:23)
14   metaGsNMethod >> _gsReturnToC (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e472248=@natCode+0x28  [GsNMethod 4461825]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61fe8=StackLimit[-3] , callerFP: StackLimit[0]
  rcvr: 20 OOP_NIL
stack 2 GsProcess 1 modeInfo 0x81000300 

 vmGc MKSW softRefs: clear100% keepGoal 0, cleared 0 , live 0 nonNil 0 srThresh 0 srUseCnt 1 
 vmGc   pom0:466K
 vmGc MKSW        8578/9984Knew 37432/37440Kold   466Kpom   80Kperm  638Kcode  386Kme agrStubbed 75 2662us  dirtyBytes 0 pomThresh 0 AOOMbit 0 deferAOOMbit 0 ---) 
 vmGc approaching OutOfMemory, requesting interpreter stack printout

Printing Smalltalk stack for memory usage diagnosis:
Smalltalk stack:
08/07/2013 13:57:06.267 PDT
stackId 2  stackDepth = 16

1  String >> asByteArray (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50cca0=@natCode+0x28  [GsNMethod 2568193]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61d30=StackLimit[-90] , callerFP: StackLimit[-86]
  rcvr: 0x7f8518cb2c08 (cls:74753 String size:4096)'....................................................................................................'
2  SocketStream >> binary (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50cb8b=@natCode+0x133  [GsNMethod 102369793]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61d50=StackLimit[-86] , callerFP: StackLimit[-81]
  rcvr: 0x7f8518cb1b78 (cls:27295489 SocketStream size:12)
3  ZnNetworkingUtils >> setSocketStreamParameters: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50c7fc=@natCode+0x6c  [GsNMethod 46640385]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61d78=StackLimit[-81] , callerFP: StackLimit[-75]
  arg 1:0x7f8518cb1b78 (cls:27295489 SocketStream size:12)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc723d8 oid:105259777 (cls:45052929 ZnNetworkingUtils size:2)
4  ZnNetworkingUtils >> socketStreamOn: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50b6d7=@natCode+0xbf  [GsNMethod 46635521]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61da8=StackLimit[-75] , callerFP: StackLimit[-70]
  arg 1:0x7f8518cb1b08 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc723d8 oid:105259777 (cls:45052929 ZnNetworkingUtils size:2)
5   metaZnNetworkingUtils >> socketStreamOn: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50b38a=@natCode+0x8a  [GsNMethod 103753217]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61dd0=StackLimit[-70] , callerFP: StackLimit[-65]
  arg 1:0x7f8518cb1b08 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851df93558 oid:45052929 (cls:45101313  metaZnNetworkingUtils size:19)
6  ZnSingleThreadedServer >> socketStreamOn: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50b221=@natCode+0x89  [GsNMethod 102852865]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61df8=StackLimit[-65] , callerFP: StackLimit[-59]
  arg 1:0x7f8518cb1b08 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc74e78 oid:139632385 (cls:44815361 ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer size:9)
7  ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer >> socketStreamOn: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50b053=@natCode+0x9b  [GsNMethod 102889217]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61e28=StackLimit[-59] , callerFP: StackLimit[-53]
  arg 1:0x7f8518cb1b08 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc74e78 oid:139632385 (cls:44815361 ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer size:9)
8  ZnMultiThreadedServer >> serveConnectionsOn: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e4f4191=@natCode+0x131  [GsNMethod 102939905]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61e58=StackLimit[-53] , callerFP: StackLimit[-47]
  arg 1:0x7f851bc889e0 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc74e78 oid:139632385 (cls:44815361 ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer size:9)
9  (block, homeMethod:102940929) @ 0x7f851e4f3829=@natCode+0x161  [GsNMethod 106073345]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61e88=StackLimit[-47] , callerFP: StackLimit[-42]
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc47f38 (cls:127745 ExecBlock0 size:5)
10  (block, homeMethod:47254785) @ 0x7f851e4f3cd9=@natCode+0x89  [GsNMethod 50760705]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61eb0=StackLimit[-42] , callerFP: StackLimit[-35]
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc47fb8 (cls:127745 ExecBlock0 size:5)
11  ExecBlock >> ensure: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e478fe6=@natCode+0x66  [GsNMethod 3709185]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61ee8=StackLimit[-35] , callerFP: StackLimit[-29]
  arg 1:0x7f851bc47ff8 (cls:143361 ExecBlock size:5)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc47fb8 (cls:127745 ExecBlock0 size:5)
12  ExecBlock >> ifCurtailed: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e4f3b81=@natCode+0x101  [GsNMethod 47254785]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61f18=StackLimit[-29] , callerFP: StackLimit[-21]
  arg 1:0x7f851bc48038 (cls:143361 ExecBlock size:5)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc47f38 (cls:127745 ExecBlock0 size:5)
13  ZnMultiThreadedServer >> listenLoop (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e4f0c2b=@natCode+0x10b  [GsNMethod 102940929]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61f58=StackLimit[-21] , callerFP: StackLimit[-16]
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc74e78 oid:139632385 (cls:44815361 ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer size:9)
14  (block, homeMethod:102852353) @ 0x7f851e4e775b=@natCode+0x83  [GsNMethod 105980161]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61f80=StackLimit[-16] , callerFP: StackLimit[-10]
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc75da8 (cls:143361 ExecBlock size:5)
15  GsProcess >> _start (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e47171a=@natCode+0x1aa  [GsNMethod 4467969]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61fb0=StackLimit[-10] , callerFP: StackLimit[-3]
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc65158 (cls:134657 GsProcess size:23)
16   metaGsNMethod >> _gsReturnToC (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e472248=@natCode+0x28  [GsNMethod 4461825]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61fe8=StackLimit[-3] , callerFP: StackLimit[0]
  rcvr: 20 OOP_NIL
stack 2 GsProcess 1 modeInfo 0x81000300 

 vmGc MKSW softRefs: clear100% keepGoal 0, cleared 0 , live 0 nonNil 0 srThresh 0 srUseCnt 1 
 vmGc   pom0:466K
 vmGc MKSW        8689/9984Knew 37432/37440Kold   466Kpom   80Kperm  638Kcode  386Kme agrStubbed 42 2580us  dirtyBytes 0 pomThresh 0 AOOMbit 0 deferAOOMbit 0 ---) 
 vmGc approaching OutOfMemory, requesting interpreter stack printout

Printing Smalltalk stack for memory usage diagnosis:
Smalltalk stack:
08/07/2013 13:57:06.271 PDT
stackId 2  stackDepth = 18

1  SocketStream >> streamBuffer: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50c390=@natCode+0x28  [GsNMethod 102374657]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61cf0=StackLimit[-98] , callerFP: StackLimit[-93]
  arg 1:32770 (SmallInteger 4096)
  rcvr: 0x7f8518ccfa18 (cls:27295489 SocketStream size:12)
2  SocketStream >> resetBuffers (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50c210=@natCode+0x128  [GsNMethod 102378241]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61d18=StackLimit[-93] , callerFP: StackLimit[-89]
  rcvr: 0x7f8518ccfa18 (cls:27295489 SocketStream size:12)
3  SocketStream >> ascii (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50bf09=@natCode+0xb1  [GsNMethod 102370561]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61d38=StackLimit[-89] , callerFP: StackLimit[-85]
  rcvr: 0x7f8518ccfa18 (cls:27295489 SocketStream size:12)
4  SocketStream >> initialize (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50bcfd=@natCode+0x12d  [GsNMethod 102368769]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61d58=StackLimit[-85] , callerFP: StackLimit[-81]
  rcvr: 0x7f8518ccfa18 (cls:27295489 SocketStream size:12)
5   metaSocketStream >> on: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50b973=@natCode+0x7b  [GsNMethod 102386177]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61d78=StackLimit[-81] , callerFP: StackLimit[-75]
  arg 1:0x7f8518ccf9a8 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851df948d0 oid:27295489 (cls:27296257  metaSocketStream size:19)
6  ZnNetworkingUtils >> socketStreamOn: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50b6aa=@natCode+0x92  [GsNMethod 46635521]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61da8=StackLimit[-75] , callerFP: StackLimit[-70]
  arg 1:0x7f8518ccf9a8 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc723d8 oid:105259777 (cls:45052929 ZnNetworkingUtils size:2)
7   metaZnNetworkingUtils >> socketStreamOn: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50b38a=@natCode+0x8a  [GsNMethod 103753217]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61dd0=StackLimit[-70] , callerFP: StackLimit[-65]
  arg 1:0x7f8518ccf9a8 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851df93558 oid:45052929 (cls:45101313  metaZnNetworkingUtils size:19)
8  ZnSingleThreadedServer >> socketStreamOn: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50b221=@natCode+0x89  [GsNMethod 102852865]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61df8=StackLimit[-65] , callerFP: StackLimit[-59]
  arg 1:0x7f8518ccf9a8 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc74e78 oid:139632385 (cls:44815361 ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer size:9)
9  ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer >> socketStreamOn: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50b053=@natCode+0x9b  [GsNMethod 102889217]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61e28=StackLimit[-59] , callerFP: StackLimit[-53]
  arg 1:0x7f8518ccf9a8 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc74e78 oid:139632385 (cls:44815361 ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer size:9)
10  ZnMultiThreadedServer >> serveConnectionsOn: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e4f4191=@natCode+0x131  [GsNMethod 102939905]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61e58=StackLimit[-53] , callerFP: StackLimit[-47]
  arg 1:0x7f851bc889e0 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc74e78 oid:139632385 (cls:44815361 ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer size:9)
11  (block, homeMethod:102940929) @ 0x7f851e4f3829=@natCode+0x161  [GsNMethod 106073345]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61e88=StackLimit[-47] , callerFP: StackLimit[-42]
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc47f38 (cls:127745 ExecBlock0 size:5)
12  (block, homeMethod:47254785) @ 0x7f851e4f3cd9=@natCode+0x89  [GsNMethod 50760705]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61eb0=StackLimit[-42] , callerFP: StackLimit[-35]
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc47fb8 (cls:127745 ExecBlock0 size:5)
13  ExecBlock >> ensure: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e478fe6=@natCode+0x66  [GsNMethod 3709185]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61ee8=StackLimit[-35] , callerFP: StackLimit[-29]
  arg 1:0x7f851bc47ff8 (cls:143361 ExecBlock size:5)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc47fb8 (cls:127745 ExecBlock0 size:5)
14  ExecBlock >> ifCurtailed: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e4f3b81=@natCode+0x101  [GsNMethod 47254785]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61f18=StackLimit[-29] , callerFP: StackLimit[-21]
  arg 1:0x7f851bc48038 (cls:143361 ExecBlock size:5)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc47f38 (cls:127745 ExecBlock0 size:5)
15  ZnMultiThreadedServer >> listenLoop (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e4f0c2b=@natCode+0x10b  [GsNMethod 102940929]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61f58=StackLimit[-21] , callerFP: StackLimit[-16]
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc74e78 oid:139632385 (cls:44815361 ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer size:9)
16  (block, homeMethod:102852353) @ 0x7f851e4e775b=@natCode+0x83  [GsNMethod 105980161]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61f80=StackLimit[-16] , callerFP: StackLimit[-10]
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc75da8 (cls:143361 ExecBlock size:5)
17  GsProcess >> _start (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e47171a=@natCode+0x1aa  [GsNMethod 4467969]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61fb0=StackLimit[-10] , callerFP: StackLimit[-3]
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc65158 (cls:134657 GsProcess size:23)
18   metaGsNMethod >> _gsReturnToC (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e472248=@natCode+0x28  [GsNMethod 4461825]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61fe8=StackLimit[-3] , callerFP: StackLimit[0]
  rcvr: 20 OOP_NIL
stack 2 GsProcess 1 modeInfo 0x81000300 

 vmGc MKSW softRefs: clear100% keepGoal 0, cleared 0 , live 0 nonNil 0 srThresh 0 srUseCnt 1 
 vmGc   pom0:466K
 vmGc MKSW        8753/9984Knew 37432/37440Kold   466Kpom   80Kperm  638Kcode  386Kme agrStubbed 21 2660us  dirtyBytes 0 pomThresh 0 AOOMbit 0 deferAOOMbit 0 ---) 
 vmGc approaching OutOfMemory, requesting interpreter stack printout

Printing Smalltalk stack for memory usage diagnosis:
Smalltalk stack:
08/07/2013 13:57:06.275 PDT
stackId 2  stackDepth = 14

1  ZnNetworkingUtils >> setSocketStreamParameters: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50c7b8=@natCode+0x28  [GsNMethod 46640385]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61d78=StackLimit[-81] , callerFP: StackLimit[-75]
  arg 1:0x7f8518cde968 (cls:27295489 SocketStream size:12)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc723d8 oid:105259777 (cls:45052929 ZnNetworkingUtils size:2)
2  ZnNetworkingUtils >> socketStreamOn: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50b6d7=@natCode+0xbf  [GsNMethod 46635521]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61da8=StackLimit[-75] , callerFP: StackLimit[-70]
  arg 1:0x7f8518cde8f8 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc723d8 oid:105259777 (cls:45052929 ZnNetworkingUtils size:2)
3   metaZnNetworkingUtils >> socketStreamOn: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50b38a=@natCode+0x8a  [GsNMethod 103753217]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61dd0=StackLimit[-70] , callerFP: StackLimit[-65]
  arg 1:0x7f8518cde8f8 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851df93558 oid:45052929 (cls:45101313  metaZnNetworkingUtils size:19)
4  ZnSingleThreadedServer >> socketStreamOn: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50b221=@natCode+0x89  [GsNMethod 102852865]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61df8=StackLimit[-65] , callerFP: StackLimit[-59]
  arg 1:0x7f8518cde8f8 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc74e78 oid:139632385 (cls:44815361 ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer size:9)
5  ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer >> socketStreamOn: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50b053=@natCode+0x9b  [GsNMethod 102889217]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61e28=StackLimit[-59] , callerFP: StackLimit[-53]
  arg 1:0x7f8518cde8f8 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc74e78 oid:139632385 (cls:44815361 ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer size:9)
6  ZnMultiThreadedServer >> serveConnectionsOn: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e4f4191=@natCode+0x131  [GsNMethod 102939905]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61e58=StackLimit[-53] , callerFP: StackLimit[-47]
  arg 1:0x7f851bc889e0 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc74e78 oid:139632385 (cls:44815361 ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer size:9)
7  (block, homeMethod:102940929) @ 0x7f851e4f3829=@natCode+0x161  [GsNMethod 106073345]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61e88=StackLimit[-47] , callerFP: StackLimit[-42]
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc47f38 (cls:127745 ExecBlock0 size:5)
8  (block, homeMethod:47254785) @ 0x7f851e4f3cd9=@natCode+0x89  [GsNMethod 50760705]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61eb0=StackLimit[-42] , callerFP: StackLimit[-35]
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc47fb8 (cls:127745 ExecBlock0 size:5)
9  ExecBlock >> ensure: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e478fe6=@natCode+0x66  [GsNMethod 3709185]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61ee8=StackLimit[-35] , callerFP: StackLimit[-29]
  arg 1:0x7f851bc47ff8 (cls:143361 ExecBlock size:5)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc47fb8 (cls:127745 ExecBlock0 size:5)
10  ExecBlock >> ifCurtailed: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e4f3b81=@natCode+0x101  [GsNMethod 47254785]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61f18=StackLimit[-29] , callerFP: StackLimit[-21]
  arg 1:0x7f851bc48038 (cls:143361 ExecBlock size:5)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc47f38 (cls:127745 ExecBlock0 size:5)
11  ZnMultiThreadedServer >> listenLoop (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e4f0c2b=@natCode+0x10b  [GsNMethod 102940929]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61f58=StackLimit[-21] , callerFP: StackLimit[-16]
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc74e78 oid:139632385 (cls:44815361 ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer size:9)
12  (block, homeMethod:102852353) @ 0x7f851e4e775b=@natCode+0x83  [GsNMethod 105980161]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61f80=StackLimit[-16] , callerFP: StackLimit[-10]
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc75da8 (cls:143361 ExecBlock size:5)
13  GsProcess >> _start (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e47171a=@natCode+0x1aa  [GsNMethod 4467969]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61fb0=StackLimit[-10] , callerFP: StackLimit[-3]
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc65158 (cls:134657 GsProcess size:23)
14   metaGsNMethod >> _gsReturnToC (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e472248=@natCode+0x28  [GsNMethod 4461825]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61fe8=StackLimit[-3] , callerFP: StackLimit[0]
  rcvr: 20 OOP_NIL
stack 2 GsProcess 1 modeInfo 0x81000300 

 vmGc MKSW softRefs: clear100% keepGoal 0, cleared 0 , live 0 nonNil 0 srThresh 0 srUseCnt 1 
 vmGc   pom0:466K
 vmGc MKSW        8783/9984Knew 37432/37440Kold   466Kpom   80Kperm  638Kcode  386Kme agrStubbed 12 2580us  dirtyBytes 0 pomThresh 0 AOOMbit 0 deferAOOMbit 0 ---) 
 vmGc approaching OutOfMemory, requesting interpreter stack printout

Printing Smalltalk stack for memory usage diagnosis:
Smalltalk stack:
08/07/2013 13:57:06.279 PDT
stackId 2  stackDepth = 18

1  SocketStream >> streamBuffer: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50c390=@natCode+0x28  [GsNMethod 102374657]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61cf0=StackLimit[-98] , callerFP: StackLimit[-93]
  arg 1:32770 (SmallInteger 4096)
  rcvr: 0x7f8518ce7228 (cls:27295489 SocketStream size:12)
2  SocketStream >> resetBuffers (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50c210=@natCode+0x128  [GsNMethod 102378241]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61d18=StackLimit[-93] , callerFP: StackLimit[-89]
  rcvr: 0x7f8518ce7228 (cls:27295489 SocketStream size:12)
3  SocketStream >> ascii (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50bf09=@natCode+0xb1  [GsNMethod 102370561]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61d38=StackLimit[-89] , callerFP: StackLimit[-85]
  rcvr: 0x7f8518ce7228 (cls:27295489 SocketStream size:12)
4  SocketStream >> initialize (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50bcfd=@natCode+0x12d  [GsNMethod 102368769]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61d58=StackLimit[-85] , callerFP: StackLimit[-81]
  rcvr: 0x7f8518ce7228 (cls:27295489 SocketStream size:12)
5   metaSocketStream >> on: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50b973=@natCode+0x7b  [GsNMethod 102386177]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61d78=StackLimit[-81] , callerFP: StackLimit[-75]
  arg 1:0x7f8518ce71b8 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851df948d0 oid:27295489 (cls:27296257  metaSocketStream size:19)
6  ZnNetworkingUtils >> socketStreamOn: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50b6aa=@natCode+0x92  [GsNMethod 46635521]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61da8=StackLimit[-75] , callerFP: StackLimit[-70]
  arg 1:0x7f8518ce71b8 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc723d8 oid:105259777 (cls:45052929 ZnNetworkingUtils size:2)
7   metaZnNetworkingUtils >> socketStreamOn: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50b38a=@natCode+0x8a  [GsNMethod 103753217]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61dd0=StackLimit[-70] , callerFP: StackLimit[-65]
  arg 1:0x7f8518ce71b8 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851df93558 oid:45052929 (cls:45101313  metaZnNetworkingUtils size:19)
8  ZnSingleThreadedServer >> socketStreamOn: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50b221=@natCode+0x89  [GsNMethod 102852865]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61df8=StackLimit[-65] , callerFP: StackLimit[-59]
  arg 1:0x7f8518ce71b8 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc74e78 oid:139632385 (cls:44815361 ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer size:9)
9  ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer >> socketStreamOn: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50b053=@natCode+0x9b  [GsNMethod 102889217]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61e28=StackLimit[-59] , callerFP: StackLimit[-53]
  arg 1:0x7f8518ce71b8 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc74e78 oid:139632385 (cls:44815361 ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer size:9)
10  ZnMultiThreadedServer >> serveConnectionsOn: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e4f4191=@natCode+0x131  [GsNMethod 102939905]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61e58=StackLimit[-53] , callerFP: StackLimit[-47]
  arg 1:0x7f851bc889e0 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc74e78 oid:139632385 (cls:44815361 ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer size:9)
11  (block, homeMethod:102940929) @ 0x7f851e4f3829=@natCode+0x161  [GsNMethod 106073345]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61e88=StackLimit[-47] , callerFP: StackLimit[-42]
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc47f38 (cls:127745 ExecBlock0 size:5)
12  (block, homeMethod:47254785) @ 0x7f851e4f3cd9=@natCode+0x89  [GsNMethod 50760705]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61eb0=StackLimit[-42] , callerFP: StackLimit[-35]
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc47fb8 (cls:127745 ExecBlock0 size:5)
13  ExecBlock >> ensure: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e478fe6=@natCode+0x66  [GsNMethod 3709185]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61ee8=StackLimit[-35] , callerFP: StackLimit[-29]
  arg 1:0x7f851bc47ff8 (cls:143361 ExecBlock size:5)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc47fb8 (cls:127745 ExecBlock0 size:5)
14  ExecBlock >> ifCurtailed: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e4f3b81=@natCode+0x101  [GsNMethod 47254785]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61f18=StackLimit[-29] , callerFP: StackLimit[-21]
  arg 1:0x7f851bc48038 (cls:143361 ExecBlock size:5)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc47f38 (cls:127745 ExecBlock0 size:5)
15  ZnMultiThreadedServer >> listenLoop (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e4f0c2b=@natCode+0x10b  [GsNMethod 102940929]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61f58=StackLimit[-21] , callerFP: StackLimit[-16]
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc74e78 oid:139632385 (cls:44815361 ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer size:9)
16  (block, homeMethod:102852353) @ 0x7f851e4e775b=@natCode+0x83  [GsNMethod 105980161]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61f80=StackLimit[-16] , callerFP: StackLimit[-10]
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc75da8 (cls:143361 ExecBlock size:5)
17  GsProcess >> _start (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e47171a=@natCode+0x1aa  [GsNMethod 4467969]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61fb0=StackLimit[-10] , callerFP: StackLimit[-3]
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc65158 (cls:134657 GsProcess size:23)
18   metaGsNMethod >> _gsReturnToC (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e472248=@natCode+0x28  [GsNMethod 4461825]
              FP: 0x7f8514a61fe8=StackLimit[-3] , callerFP: StackLimit[0]
  rcvr: 20 OOP_NIL
stack 2 GsProcess 1 modeInfo 0x81000300 

*********** Fatal error 4067 OutOfMemory *****

Printing Smalltalk stack because of OutOfMemory:
Smalltalk stack:
08/07/2013 13:57:06.329 PDT
stackId 2 searchForFP returns 0x7f8514a61cc8 -> SP[1] 
0x7f8514a61cc0 StackLimit[-104] SP[0]: 0x7f851e473a70   SKIPPING probable IP  without TOS_isIP
0x7f8514a61cc8 StackLimit[-103] SP[1]: 0x7f8514a61cf0   savedFP, Limit[-103]->Limit[-98]
0x7f8514a61cd0 StackLimit[-102] SP[2]: 0x7f851e50c45d   returnAddr
0x7f8514a61cd8 StackLimit[-101] SP[3]: 0x8002  32770 (SmallInteger 4096)
0x7f8514a61ce0 StackLimit[-100] SP[4]: 0x7f851df82490   to  perm_gen 
0x7f8514a61ce8 StackLimit[-99] SP[5]: 0x7f851e50c368   to  code_gen 
0x7f8514a61cf0 StackLimit[-98] SP[6]: 0x7f8514a61d18   savedFP, Limit[-98]->Limit[-93]
0x7f8514a61cf8 StackLimit[-97] SP[7]: 0x7f851e50c210   returnAddr
0x7f8514a61d00 StackLimit[-96] SP[8]: 0x8002  32770 (SmallInteger 4096)
0x7f8514a61d08 StackLimit[-95] SP[9]: 0x7f8518cf0d00   to  eden 
0x7f8514a61d10 StackLimit[-94] SP[10]: 0x7f851e50c0e8   to  code_gen 
0x7f8514a61d18 StackLimit[-93] SP[11]: 0x7f8514a61d38   savedFP, Limit[-93]->Limit[-89]
0x7f8514a61d20 StackLimit[-92] SP[12]: 0x7f851e50bf09   returnAddr
0x7f8514a61d28 StackLimit[-91] SP[13]: 0x7f8518cf0d00   to  eden 
0x7f8514a61d30 StackLimit[-90] SP[14]: 0x7f851e50be58   to  code_gen 
0x7f8514a61d38 StackLimit[-89] SP[15]: 0x7f8514a61d58   savedFP, Limit[-89]->Limit[-85]
0x7f8514a61d40 StackLimit[-88] SP[16]: 0x7f851e50bcfd   returnAddr
0x7f8514a61d48 StackLimit[-87] SP[17]: 0x7f8518cf0d00   to  eden 
0x7f8514a61d50 StackLimit[-86] SP[18]: 0x7f851e50bbd0   to  code_gen 
0x7f8514a61d58 StackLimit[-85] SP[19]: 0x7f8514a61d78   savedFP, Limit[-85]->Limit[-81]
0x7f8514a61d60 StackLimit[-84] SP[20]: 0x7f851e50b973   returnAddr
0x7f8514a61d68 StackLimit[-83] SP[21]: 0x7f8518cf0d00   to  eden 
0x7f8514a61d70 StackLimit[-82] SP[22]: 0x7f851e50b8f8   to  code_gen 
0x7f8514a61d78 StackLimit[-81] SP[23]: 0x7f8514a61da8   savedFP, Limit[-81]->Limit[-75]
0x7f8514a61d80 StackLimit[-80] SP[24]: 0x7f851e50b6aa   returnAddr
0x7f8514a61d88 StackLimit[-79] SP[25]: 0x7f8518cf0c90   to  eden 
0x7f8514a61d90 StackLimit[-78] SP[26]: 0x7f851df945d0   to  perm_gen 
0x7f8514a61d98 StackLimit[-77] SP[27]: 0x14  20 OOP_NIL
0x7f8514a61da0 StackLimit[-76] SP[28]: 0x7f851e50b618   to  code_gen 
0x7f8514a61da8 StackLimit[-75] SP[29]: 0x7f8514a61dd0   savedFP, Limit[-75]->Limit[-70]
0x7f8514a61db0 StackLimit[-74] SP[30]: 0x7f851e50b38a   returnAddr
0x7f8514a61db8 StackLimit[-73] SP[31]: 0x7f8518cf0c90   to  eden 
0x7f8514a61dc0 StackLimit[-72] SP[32]: 0x7f851bc71268   to  old_gen 
0x7f8514a61dc8 StackLimit[-71] SP[33]: 0x7f851e50b300   to  code_gen 
0x7f8514a61dd0 StackLimit[-70] SP[34]: 0x7f8514a61df8   savedFP, Limit[-70]->Limit[-65]
0x7f8514a61dd8 StackLimit[-69] SP[35]: 0x7f851e50b221   returnAddr
0x7f8514a61de0 StackLimit[-68] SP[36]: 0x7f8518cf0c90   to  eden 
0x7f8514a61de8 StackLimit[-67] SP[37]: 0x7f851df93258   to  perm_gen 
0x7f8514a61df0 StackLimit[-66] SP[38]: 0x7f851e50b198   to  code_gen 
0x7f8514a61df8 StackLimit[-65] SP[39]: 0x7f8514a61e28   savedFP, Limit[-65]->Limit[-59]
0x7f8514a61e00 StackLimit[-64] SP[40]: 0x7f851e50b053   returnAddr
0x7f8514a61e08 StackLimit[-63] SP[41]: 0x7f8518cf0c90   to  eden 
0x7f8514a61e10 StackLimit[-62] SP[42]: 0x7f851bc73d08   to  old_gen 
0x7f8514a61e18 StackLimit[-61] SP[43]: 0x7f8518cf0cc8   to  eden 
0x7f8514a61e20 StackLimit[-60] SP[44]: 0x7f851e50afb8   to  code_gen 
0x7f8514a61e28 StackLimit[-59] SP[45]: 0x7f8514a61e58   savedFP, Limit[-59]->Limit[-53]
0x7f8514a61e30 StackLimit[-58] SP[46]: 0x7f851e4f4191   returnAddr
0x7f8514a61e38 StackLimit[-57] SP[47]: 0x7f8518cf0c90   to  eden 
0x7f8514a61e40 StackLimit[-56] SP[48]: 0x7f851bc73d08   to  old_gen 
0x7f8514a61e48 StackLimit[-55] SP[49]: 0x7f8518cf0c50   to  eden 
0x7f8514a61e50 StackLimit[-54] SP[50]: 0x7f851e4f4060   to  code_gen 
0x7f8514a61e58 StackLimit[-53] SP[51]: 0x7f8514a61e88   savedFP, Limit[-53]->Limit[-47]
0x7f8514a61e60 StackLimit[-52] SP[52]: 0x7f851e4f3829   returnAddr
0x7f8514a61e68 StackLimit[-51] SP[53]: 0x7f851bc87870   to  old_gen 
0x7f8514a61e70 StackLimit[-50] SP[54]: 0x7f851bc73d08   to  old_gen 
0x7f8514a61e78 StackLimit[-49] SP[55]: 0x7f851bc46d98   to  old_gen 
0x7f8514a61e80 StackLimit[-48] SP[56]: 0x7f851e4f36c8   to  code_gen 
0x7f8514a61e88 StackLimit[-47] SP[57]: 0x7f8514a61eb0   savedFP, Limit[-47]->Limit[-42]
0x7f8514a61e90 StackLimit[-46] SP[58]: 0x7f851e4f3cd9   returnAddr
0x7f8514a61e98 StackLimit[-45] SP[59]: 0x7f851bc46dc8   to  old_gen 
0x7f8514a61ea0 StackLimit[-44] SP[60]: 0x7f851bc46e08   to  old_gen 
0x7f8514a61ea8 StackLimit[-43] SP[61]: 0x7f851e4f3c50   to  code_gen 
0x7f8514a61eb0 StackLimit[-42] SP[62]: 0x7f8514a61ee8   savedFP, Limit[-42]->Limit[-35]
0x7f8514a61eb8 StackLimit[-41] SP[63]: 0x7f851e478fe6   returnAddr
0x7f8514a61ec0 StackLimit[-40] SP[64]: 0x7f851bc46e48   to  old_gen 
0x7f8514a61ec8 StackLimit[-39] SP[65]: 0x14  20 OOP_NIL
0x7f8514a61ed0 StackLimit[-38] SP[66]: 0x414  1044 OOP_ENSURE_Mark_NIL
0x7f8514a61ed8 StackLimit[-37] SP[67]: 0x14  20 OOP_NIL
0x7f8514a61ee0 StackLimit[-36] SP[68]: 0x7f851e478f80   to  code_gen 
0x7f8514a61ee8 StackLimit[-35] SP[69]: 0x7f8514a61f18   savedFP, Limit[-35]->Limit[-29]
0x7f8514a61ef0 StackLimit[-34] SP[70]: 0x7f851e4f3b81   returnAddr
0x7f8514a61ef8 StackLimit[-33] SP[71]: 0x7f851bc46e88   to  old_gen 
0x7f8514a61f00 StackLimit[-32] SP[72]: 0x7f851bc46e48   to  old_gen 
0x7f8514a61f08 StackLimit[-31] SP[73]: 0x7f851bc46e08   to  old_gen 
0x7f8514a61f10 StackLimit[-30] SP[74]: 0x7f851e4f3a80   to  code_gen 
0x7f8514a61f18 StackLimit[-29] SP[75]: 0x7f8514a61f58   savedFP, Limit[-29]->Limit[-21]
0x7f8514a61f20 StackLimit[-28] SP[76]: 0x7f851e4f0c2b   returnAddr
0x7f8514a61f28 StackLimit[-27] SP[77]: 0x7f851bc46ec8   to  old_gen 
0x7f8514a61f30 StackLimit[-26] SP[78]: 0x7f851bc46dc8   to  old_gen 
0x7f8514a61f38 StackLimit[-25] SP[79]: 0x14  20 OOP_NIL
0x7f8514a61f40 StackLimit[-24] SP[80]: 0x514  1300 OOP_RFH_Mark_NIL
0x7f8514a61f48 StackLimit[-23] SP[81]: 0x7f851bc46d98   to  old_gen 
0x7f8514a61f50 StackLimit[-22] SP[82]: 0x7f851e4f0b20   to  code_gen 
0x7f8514a61f58 StackLimit[-21] SP[83]: 0x7f8514a61f80   savedFP, Limit[-21]->Limit[-16]
0x7f8514a61f60 StackLimit[-20] SP[84]: 0x7f851e4e775b   returnAddr
0x7f8514a61f68 StackLimit[-19] SP[85]: 0x7f851bc73d08   to  old_gen 
0x7f8514a61f70 StackLimit[-18] SP[86]: 0x7f851bc88a70   to  old_gen 
0x7f8514a61f78 StackLimit[-17] SP[87]: 0x7f851e4e76d8   to  code_gen 
0x7f8514a61f80 StackLimit[-16] SP[88]: 0x7f8514a61fb0   savedFP, Limit[-16]->Limit[-10]
0x7f8514a61f88 StackLimit[-15] SP[89]: 0x7f851e47171a   returnAddr
0x7f8514a61f90 StackLimit[-14] SP[90]: 0x7f851bc74c38   to  old_gen 
0x7f8514a61f98 StackLimit[-13] SP[91]: 0x14  20 OOP_NIL
0x7f8514a61fa0 StackLimit[-12] SP[92]: 0x14  20 OOP_NIL
0x7f8514a61fa8 StackLimit[-11] SP[93]: 0x7f851e471570   to  code_gen 
0x7f8514a61fb0 StackLimit[-10] SP[94]: 0x7f8514a61fe8   savedFP, Limit[-10]->Limit[-3]
0x7f8514a61fb8 StackLimit[-9] SP[95]: 0x7f851e472248   returnAddr
0x7f8514a61fc0 StackLimit[-8] SP[96]: 0x7f851bc63fe8   to  old_gen 
0x7f8514a61fc8 StackLimit[-7] SP[97]: 0x80000001a  34359738394 (SmallInteger 4294967299)
0x7f8514a61fd0 StackLimit[-6] SP[98]: 0xf14  3860 OOP_REENTER_Mark_NIL
0x7f8514a61fd8 StackLimit[-5] SP[99]: 0x14  20 OOP_NIL
0x7f8514a61fe0 StackLimit[-4] SP[100]: 0x7f851e472220   to  code_gen 
0x7f8514a61fe8 StackLimit[-3] SP[101]: 0x7f8514a62000   to stackLimit 
0x7f8514a61ff0 StackLimit[-2] SP[102]: 0x14  20 OOP_NIL
0x7f8514a61ff8 StackLimit[-1] SP[103]: 0x14  20 OOP_NIL
stackId 2  stackDepth = 19

1  Class >>  (selector:2359297) (envId 0) @startIP   [GsNMethod 2765057]
  nCode: 0x7f851e473a70
  gsNmeth: 0x7f851e4737e0
              FP: 0x7f8514a61cc8=StackLimit[-103] , callerFP: StackLimit[-98]
  arg 1:32770 (SmallInteger 4096)
  rcvr: 0x7f851df82490 oid:74753 (cls:848385  metaString size:19)
2  SocketStream >>  (selector:27083265) (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50c45d=@natCode+0xf5  [GsNMethod 102374657]
  nCode: 0x7f851e50c368
  gsNmeth: 0x7f851e50c288
              FP: 0x7f8514a61cf0=StackLimit[-98] , callerFP: StackLimit[-93]
  temp 1: 0x7f851df82490 oid:74753 (cls:848385  metaString size:19)
  arg 1:32770 (SmallInteger 4096)
  rcvr: 0x7f8518cf0d00 (cls:27295489 SocketStream size:12)
3  SocketStream >>  (selector:27078145) (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50c210=@natCode+0x128  [GsNMethod 102378241]
  nCode: 0x7f851e50c0e8
  gsNmeth: 0x7f851e50bfe8
              FP: 0x7f8514a61d18=StackLimit[-93] , callerFP: StackLimit[-89]
  temp 1: 0x7f8518cf0d00 (cls:27295489 SocketStream size:12)
  rcvr: 0x7f8518cf0d00 (cls:27295489 SocketStream size:12)
4  SocketStream >>  (selector:10882049) (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50bf09=@natCode+0xb1  [GsNMethod 102370561]
  nCode: 0x7f851e50be58
  gsNmeth: 0x7f851e50bd38
              FP: 0x7f8514a61d38=StackLimit[-89] , callerFP: StackLimit[-85]
  temp 1: 0x7f8518cf0d00 (cls:27295489 SocketStream size:12)
  rcvr: 0x7f8518cf0d00 (cls:27295489 SocketStream size:12)
5  SocketStream >> initialize (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50bcfd=@natCode+0x12d  [GsNMethod 102368769]
  nCode: 0x7f851e50bbd0
  gsNmeth: 0x7f851e50bad0
              FP: 0x7f8514a61d58=StackLimit[-85] , callerFP: StackLimit[-81]
  temp 1: 0x7f8518cf0d00 (cls:27295489 SocketStream size:12)
  rcvr: 0x7f8518cf0d00 (cls:27295489 SocketStream size:12)
6   metaSocketStream >> on: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50b973=@natCode+0x7b  [GsNMethod 102386177]
  nCode: 0x7f851e50b8f8
  gsNmeth: 0x7f851e50b820
              FP: 0x7f8514a61d78=StackLimit[-81] , callerFP: StackLimit[-75]
  temp 1: 0x7f8518cf0d00 (cls:27295489 SocketStream size:12)
  arg 1:0x7f8518cf0c90 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851df945d0 oid:27295489 (cls:27296257  metaSocketStream size:19)
7  ZnNetworkingUtils >>  (selector:27036417) (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50b6aa=@natCode+0x92  [GsNMethod 46635521]
  nCode: 0x7f851e50b618
  gsNmeth: 0x7f851e50b530
              FP: 0x7f8514a61da8=StackLimit[-75] , callerFP: StackLimit[-70]
  temp 2: 0x7f851df945d0 oid:27295489 (cls:27296257  metaSocketStream size:19)
  temp 1: 20 OOP_NIL
  arg 1:0x7f8518cf0c90 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc71268 oid:105259777 (cls:45052929 ZnNetworkingUtils size:2)
8   metaZnNetworkingUtils >>  (selector:27036417) (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50b38a=@natCode+0x8a  [GsNMethod 103753217]
  nCode: 0x7f851e50b300
  gsNmeth: 0x7f851e50b250
              FP: 0x7f8514a61dd0=StackLimit[-70] , callerFP: StackLimit[-65]
  temp 1: 0x7f851bc71268 oid:105259777 (cls:45052929 ZnNetworkingUtils size:2)
  arg 1:0x7f8518cf0c90 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851df93258 oid:45052929 (cls:45101313  metaZnNetworkingUtils size:19)
9  ZnSingleThreadedServer >>  (selector:27036417) (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50b221=@natCode+0x89  [GsNMethod 102852865]
  nCode: 0x7f851e50b198
  gsNmeth: 0x7f851e50b108
              FP: 0x7f8514a61df8=StackLimit[-65] , callerFP: StackLimit[-59]
  temp 1: 0x7f851df93258 oid:45052929 (cls:45101313  metaZnNetworkingUtils size:19)
  arg 1:0x7f8518cf0c90 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc73d08 oid:139632385 (cls:44815361 ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer size:9)
10  ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer >>  (selector:27036417) (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e50b053=@natCode+0x9b  [GsNMethod 102889217]
  nCode: 0x7f851e50afb8
  gsNmeth: 0x7f851e50aeb0
              FP: 0x7f8514a61e28=StackLimit[-59] , callerFP: StackLimit[-53]
  temp 2: 0x7f851bc73d08 oid:139632385 (cls:44815361 ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer size:9)
  temp 1: 0x7f8518cf0cc8 (cls:134913 VariableContext size:4)
  arg 1:0x7f8518cf0c90 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc73d08 oid:139632385 (cls:44815361 ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer size:9)
11  ZnMultiThreadedServer >>  (selector:26904065) (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e4f4191=@natCode+0x131  [GsNMethod 102939905]
  nCode: 0x7f851e4f4060
  gsNmeth: 0x7f851e4f3e80
              FP: 0x7f8514a61e58=StackLimit[-53] , callerFP: StackLimit[-47]
  temp 2: 0x7f851bc73d08 oid:139632385 (cls:44815361 ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer size:9)
  temp 1: 0x7f8518cf0c50 (cls:134913 VariableContext size:5)
  arg 1:0x7f851bc87870 (cls:44858113 SocketStreamSocket size:4)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc73d08 oid:139632385 (cls:44815361 ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer size:9)
12  (block, homeMethod:102940929) @ 0x7f851e4f3829=@natCode+0x161  [GsNMethod 106073345]
  nCode: 0x7f851e4f36c8
  gsNmeth: 0x7f851e4f35c8
              FP: 0x7f8514a61e88=StackLimit[-47] , callerFP: StackLimit[-42]
  temp 2: 0x7f851bc73d08 oid:139632385 (cls:44815361 ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer size:9)
  temp 1: 0x7f851bc46d98 (cls:134913 VariableContext size:3)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc46dc8 (cls:127745 ExecBlock0 size:5)
13  (block, homeMethod:47254785) @ 0x7f851e4f3cd9=@natCode+0x89  [GsNMethod 50760705]
  nCode: 0x7f851e4f3c50
  gsNmeth: 0x7f851e4f3bb8
              FP: 0x7f8514a61eb0=StackLimit[-42] , callerFP: StackLimit[-35]
  temp 2: 0x7f851bc46dc8 (cls:127745 ExecBlock0 size:5)
  temp 1: 0x7f851bc46e08 (cls:134913 VariableContext size:5)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc46e48 (cls:127745 ExecBlock0 size:5)
14  ExecBlock >>  (selector:2142209) (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e478fe6=@natCode+0x66  [GsNMethod 3709185]
  nCode: 0x7f851e478f80
  gsNmeth: 0x7f851e478ec8
              FP: 0x7f8514a61ee8=StackLimit[-35] , callerFP: StackLimit[-29]
  temp 4: 0x7f851bc46e48 (cls:127745 ExecBlock0 size:5)
  temp 3: 20 OOP_NIL
  temp 2: 1044 OOP_ENSURE_Mark_NIL
  temp 1: 20 OOP_NIL
  arg 1:0x7f851bc46e88 (cls:143361 ExecBlock size:5)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc46e48 (cls:127745 ExecBlock0 size:5)
15  ExecBlock >> ifCurtailed: (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e4f3b81=@natCode+0x101  [GsNMethod 47254785]
  nCode: 0x7f851e4f3a80
  gsNmeth: 0x7f851e4f39c0
              FP: 0x7f8514a61f18=StackLimit[-29] , callerFP: StackLimit[-21]
  temp 2: 0x7f851bc46e48 (cls:127745 ExecBlock0 size:5)
  temp 1: 0x7f851bc46e08 (cls:134913 VariableContext size:5)
  arg 1:0x7f851bc46ec8 (cls:143361 ExecBlock size:5)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc46dc8 (cls:127745 ExecBlock0 size:5)
16  ZnMultiThreadedServer >>  (selector:27002113) (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e4f0c2b=@natCode+0x10b  [GsNMethod 102940929]
  nCode: 0x7f851e4f0b20
  gsNmeth: 0x7f851e4f0a38
              FP: 0x7f8514a61f58=StackLimit[-21] , callerFP: StackLimit[-16]
  temp 4: 0x7f851bc46dc8 (cls:127745 ExecBlock0 size:5)
  temp 3: 20 OOP_NIL
  temp 2: 1300 OOP_RFH_Mark_NIL
  temp 1: 0x7f851bc46d98 (cls:134913 VariableContext size:3)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc73d08 oid:139632385 (cls:44815361 ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer size:9)
17  (block, homeMethod:102852353) @ 0x7f851e4e775b=@natCode+0x83  [GsNMethod 105980161]
  nCode: 0x7f851e4e76d8
  gsNmeth: 0x7f851e4e7650
              FP: 0x7f8514a61f80=StackLimit[-16] , callerFP: StackLimit[-10]
  temp 2: 0x7f851bc73d08 oid:139632385 (cls:44815361 ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer size:9)
  temp 1: 0x7f851bc88a70 (cls:134913 VariableContext size:3)
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc74c38 (cls:143361 ExecBlock size:5)
18  GsProcess >> _start (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e47171a=@natCode+0x1aa  [GsNMethod 4467969]
  nCode: 0x7f851e471570
  gsNmeth: 0x7f851e471308
              FP: 0x7f8514a61fb0=StackLimit[-10] , callerFP: StackLimit[-3]
  temp 3: 0x7f851bc74c38 (cls:143361 ExecBlock size:5)
  temp 2: 20 OOP_NIL
  temp 1: 20 OOP_NIL
  rcvr: 0x7f851bc63fe8 (cls:134657 GsProcess size:23)
19   metaGsNMethod >> _gsReturnToC (envId 0) @ 0x7f851e472248=@natCode+0x28  [GsNMethod 4461825]
  nCode: 0x7f851e472220
  gsNmeth: 0x7f851e4721c8
              FP: 0x7f8514a61fe8=StackLimit[-3] , callerFP: StackLimit[0]
  temp 4: 0x7f851bc63fe8 (cls:134657 GsProcess size:23)
  temp 3: 34359738394 (SmallInteger 4294967299)
  temp 2: 3860 OOP_REENTER_Mark_NIL
  temp 1: 20 OOP_NIL
  rcvr: 20 OOP_NIL
stack 2 GsProcess 1 modeInfo 0x81000300 

(vmGc  Instances counts for generation all
     ObsoleteMetaclass                       id:     71425       0 instances        0 bytes
     Behavior                                id:     67585       0 instances        0 bytes
     Object                                  id:     72193       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaObject                                  id:    206081       1 instances      208 bytes
     Class                                   id:     68609       0 instances        0 bytes
     Metaclass3                              id:    146177     216 instances    36288 bytes
     Module                                  id:    143105       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaModule                                  id:    247041       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaBehavior                                id:    205313       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaMetaclass3                              id:    247297       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaClass                                   id:    205569       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaObsoleteMetaclass                       id:    205825       1 instances      208 bytes
     Collection                              id:     68865       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaCollection                              id:    849409       1 instances      208 bytes
     AbstractDictionary                      id:    110593       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaAbstractDictionary                      id:    847873       1 instances      208 bytes
     SequenceableCollection                  id:     73729       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaSequenceableCollection                  id:    849153       1 instances      208 bytes
     KeyValueDictionary                      id:     79361       1 instances      104 bytes
 metaKeyValueDictionary                      id:    847617       1 instances      208 bytes
     IdentityKeyValueDictionary              id:     90881       9 instances     1992 bytes
 metaIdentityKeyValueDictionary              id:    846337       1 instances      208 bytes
     GsMethodDictionary                      id:     99073     549 instances   445480 bytes
 metaGsMethodDictionary                      id:    815617       1 instances      208 bytes
     GsMethodLookupCache                     id:    247553     433 instances   202136 bytes
 metaGsMethodLookupCache                     id:    500481       1 instances      208 bytes
     CharacterCollection                     id:     80385       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaCharacterCollection                     id:    848641       1 instances      208 bytes
     String                                  id:     74753    1260 instances   187840 bytes
 metaString                                  id:    848385       1 instances      208 bytes
     DoubleByteString                        id:    143873       0 instances        0 bytes
     MultiByteString                         id:    136449       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaMultiByteString                         id:    735745       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaDoubleByteString                        id:    734977       1 instances      208 bytes
     Symbol                                  id:    110849    4134 instances   179664 bytes
 metaSymbol                                  id:    848129       1 instances      208 bytes
     DoubleByteSymbol                        id:    144129       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaDoubleByteSymbol                        id:    734209       1 instances      208 bytes
     Array                                   id:     66817    1191 instances   203272 bytes
 metaArray                                   id:    848897       1 instances      208 bytes
     ClassHistory                            id:     82689     216 instances    10600 bytes
 metaClassHistory                            id:    844289       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaSmallInteger                            id:    788481       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaInteger                                 id:    790017       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaNumber                                  id:    791553       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaMagnitude                               id:    797953       1 instances      208 bytes
     SmallInteger                            id:     74241       0 instances        0 bytes
     Integer                                 id:     70145       0 instances        0 bytes
     Number                                  id:     71937       0 instances        0 bytes
     Magnitude                               id:     71169       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaSmallDouble                             id:    786433       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaFloat                                   id:    745217       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaBinaryFloat                             id:    787969       1 instances      208 bytes
     SmallDouble                             id:    121345       0 instances        0 bytes
     Float                                   id:    135937       0 instances        0 bytes
     BinaryFloat                             id:     96513       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaBoolean                                 id:    817153       1 instances      208 bytes
     Boolean                                 id:     68097       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaUndefinedObject                         id:    779009       1 instances      208 bytes
     UndefinedObject                         id:     76289       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaCharacter                               id:    796929       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaAbstractCharacter                       id:    797441       1 instances      208 bytes
     Character                               id:     68353       0 instances        0 bytes
     AbstractCharacter                       id:     81665       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaJISCharacter                            id:    796417       1 instances      208 bytes
     JISCharacter                            id:     81921       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaLargeObjectNode                         id:    817665       1 instances      208 bytes
     LargeObjectNode                         id:    209409      19 instances   279200 bytes
 metaIdentitySet                             id:    818433       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaIdentityBag                             id:    818945       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaUnorderedCollection                     id:    819713       1 instances      208 bytes
     IdentitySet                             id:     73985      13 instances     3544 bytes
     IdentityBag                             id:     67329      31 instances     2072 bytes
     UnorderedCollection                     id:     96257       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaCanonSymbolDict                         id:    846593       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaCanonStringDict                         id:    846849       1 instances      208 bytes
     CanonSymbolDict                         id:    119553       3 instances    20624 bytes
     CanonStringDict                         id:    119297       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaSoftReference                           id:    783105       1 instances      208 bytes
     SoftReference                           id:    120065       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaLargeInteger                            id:    743425       1 instances      208 bytes
     LargeInteger                            id:    136193       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaGsNMethod                               id:    731393       1 instances      208 bytes
     GsNMethod                               id:    144897    1371 instances   430280 bytes
 metaVariableContext                         id:    656897       1 instances      208 bytes
     VariableContext                         id:    134913    5243 instances   335456 bytes
 metaExecBlock                               id:    655617       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaBlockClosure                            id:    766465       1 instances      208 bytes
     ExecBlock                               id:    143361    5602 instances   358528 bytes
     BlockClosure                            id:     84481       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaExecBlock0                              id:    653825       1 instances      208 bytes
     ExecBlock0                              id:    127745      13 instances      832 bytes
 metaExecBlock1                              id:    652801       1 instances      208 bytes
     ExecBlock1                              id:    128001       1 instances       64 bytes
 metaExecBlock2                              id:    651777       1 instances      208 bytes
     ExecBlock2                              id:    128257       2 instances      128 bytes
 metaExecBlock3                              id:    650753       1 instances      208 bytes
     ExecBlock3                              id:    128513       1 instances       64 bytes
 metaExecBlock4                              id:    649729       1 instances      208 bytes
     ExecBlock4                              id:    128769       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaExecBlock5                              id:    648705       1 instances      208 bytes
     ExecBlock5                              id:    129025       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaExecBlockN                              id:    647681       1 instances      208 bytes
     ExecBlockN                              id:    129281       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaGsNativeCode                            id:    717825       1 instances      208 bytes
     GsNativeCode                            id:    143617     800 instances   376984 bytes
 metaGsProcess                               id:    537601       1 instances      208 bytes
     GsProcess                               id:    134657    5238 instances  1089504 bytes
 metaCanonStringBucket                       id:    845057       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaAbstractCollisionBucket                 id:    845569       1 instances      208 bytes
     CanonStringBucket                       id:    119041     820 instances   165600 bytes
     AbstractCollisionBucket                 id:     79105       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaGsSocket                                id:    492033       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaIO                                      id:    497409       1 instances      208 bytes
     GsSocket                                id:    135425       3 instances      240 bytes
     IO                                      id:    129793       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaGsFile                                  id:    495873       1 instances      208 bytes
     GsFile                                  id:    135169       1 instances       64 bytes
 metaQuadByteString                          id:    733441       1 instances      208 bytes
     QuadByteString                          id:    144385       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaQuadByteSymbol                          id:    732673       1 instances      208 bytes
     QuadByteSymbol                          id:    144641       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaLarge2ByteLeaf                          id:    739841       1 instances      208 bytes
     Large2ByteLeaf                          id:    245761       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaLarge4ByteLeaf                          id:    738817       1 instances      208 bytes
     Large4ByteLeaf                          id:    246017       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaSmallFloat                              id:    744193       1 instances      208 bytes
     SmallFloat                              id:    136705       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaGsComSelectorLeaf                       id:    712193       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaGsCompilerIRNode                        id:    716801       1 instances      208 bytes
     GsComSelectorLeaf                       id:    244225      35 instances     2520 bytes
     GsCompilerIRNode                        id:    240897       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaUserProfileSet                          id:    803073       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaAbstractUserProfileSet                  id:    803585       1 instances      208 bytes
     UserProfileSet                          id:    112129       1 instances      352 bytes
     AbstractUserProfileSet                  id:     76801       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaStringKeyValueDictionary                id:    847361       1 instances      208 bytes
     StringKeyValueDictionary                id:     79873       3 instances      488 bytes
 metaEqualityCollisionBucket                 id:    487681       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaCollisionBucket                         id:    845313       1 instances      208 bytes
     EqualityCollisionBucket                 id:    146689       6 instances      560 bytes
     CollisionBucket                         id:    114433       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaUserProfile                             id:    778497       1 instances      208 bytes
     UserProfile                             id:     76545       1 instances      104 bytes
 metaByteArray                               id:    827649       1 instances      208 bytes
     ByteArray                               id:    103425   10470 instances 43120184 bytes
 metaUserSecurityData                        id:    801537       1 instances      208 bytes
     UserSecurityData                        id:    112385       1 instances      176 bytes
 metaGsCurrentSession                        id:    768001       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaGsSession                               id:    769025       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaAbstractSession                         id:    769537       1 instances      208 bytes
     GsCurrentSession                        id:    103937       1 instances       56 bytes
     GsSession                               id:    103681       0 instances        0 bytes
     AbstractSession                         id:    105217       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaRepository                              id:    806913       1 instances      208 bytes
     Repository                              id:    124417       1 instances      104 bytes
 metaGsObjectSecurityPolicy                  id:    784897       1 instances      208 bytes
     GsObjectSecurityPolicy                  id:     73217       4 instances      320 bytes
 metaSymbolDictionary                        id:    845825       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaIdentityDictionary                      id:    846081       1 instances      208 bytes
     SymbolDictionary                        id:    111361       8 instances     9152 bytes
     IdentityDictionary                      id:    101633       2 instances      272 bytes
 metaIdentityCollisionBucket                 id:    826625       1 instances      208 bytes
     IdentityCollisionBucket                 id:    114177      42 instances    32080 bytes
 metaSymbolAssociation                       id:    844545       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaAssociation                             id:    844801       1 instances      208 bytes
     SymbolAssociation                       id:    111617     105 instances     4200 bytes
     Association                             id:     67073      13 instances      520 bytes
 metaTimeZone                                id:  13189121       1 instances      224 bytes
 metaTimeZoneInfo                            id:  14982913       1 instances      224 bytes
     TimeZone                                id:  13190145       1 instances       96 bytes
     TimeZoneInfo                            id:  14982657       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaSymbolList                              id:    800513       1 instances      208 bytes
     SymbolList                              id:     78593       1 instances       56 bytes
 metaProcessorScheduler                      id:    770305       1 instances      208 bytes
     ProcessorScheduler                      id:    116481       1 instances      104 bytes
 metaAbstractException                       id:    633601       1 instances      208 bytes
     AbstractException                       id:    130305       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaSortedCollection                        id:    761345       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaOrderedCollection                       id:    761857       1 instances      208 bytes
     SortedCollection                        id:     92929       2 instances      136 bytes
     OrderedCollection                       id:     92673       2 instances      136 bytes
 metaSystem                                  id:    779521       1 instances      208 bytes
     System                                  id:     76033       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaGsPackagePolicy                         id:  10530049       1 instances      216 bytes
     GsPackagePolicy                         id:  10529793       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaGsPackage                               id:  10728193       1 instances      208 bytes
     GsPackage                               id:  10727681       2 instances       96 bytes
 metaGsSessionMethodDictionary               id:  10772737       1 instances      208 bytes
     GsSessionMethodDictionary               id:    126209     107 instances    63832 bytes
 metaDateTime                                id:    792577       1 instances      208 bytes
     DateTime                                id:    118785       3 instances      168 bytes
 metaDependencyList                          id:  11612417       1 instances      208 bytes
     DependencyList                          id:     89601       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaCompiledMethod                          id:    814593       1 instances      208 bytes
     CompiledMethod                          id:     69121       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaSet                                     id:  10341633       1 instances      208 bytes
     Set                                     id:    102401       1 instances       64 bytes
 metaWarning                                 id:    555265       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaNotification                            id:    567297       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaException                               id:    615169       1 instances      208 bytes
     Warning                                 id:    152321       0 instances        0 bytes
     Notification                            id:    133377       0 instances        0 bytes
     Exception                               id:    137729       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaSystemLoginNotification                 id:  10654721       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaDuration                                id:  14985217       1 instances      208 bytes
     Duration                                id:  14984961       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaDateAndTime                             id:  14987521       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaDateAndTimeANSI                         id:  14989825       1 instances      208 bytes
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     TestSuite                               id:  16317441       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaStream                                  id:    782081       1 instances      208 bytes
     Stream                                  id:     74497       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaWriteStream                             id:    780033       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaPositionableStream                      id:    781569       1 instances      208 bytes
     WriteStream                             id:     77057       0 instances        0 bytes
     PositionableStream                      id:     72449       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaExecutableBlock                         id:    765953       1 instances      208 bytes
     ExecutableBlock                         id:     84737       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaDictionary                              id:  10492417       1 instances      208 bytes
     Dictionary                              id:    101377       2 instances      464 bytes
 metaBag                                     id:  10639617       1 instances      208 bytes
     Bag                                     id:    102657       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaDelay                                   id:  13022977       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaTestCase                                id:  16383233       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaTestAsserter                            id:  16386561       1 instances      208 bytes
     TestCase                                id:  16382977       0 instances        0 bytes
     TestAsserter                            id:  16386305       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaSimpleBlock                             id:    764929       1 instances      208 bytes
     SimpleBlock                             id:     84993       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaRcIdentityBag                           id:  11574529       1 instances      208 bytes
     RcIdentityBag                           id:    105473       1 instances       64 bytes
 metaPrintStream                             id:  10769665       1 instances      208 bytes
     PrintStream                             id:    108033       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaSemaphore                               id:    758529       1 instances      208 bytes
     Semaphore                               id:    115713       1 instances       32 bytes
 metaMessageNotUnderstood                    id:    578561       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaNameError                               id:    580097       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaError                                   id:    606209       1 instances      208 bytes
     MessageNotUnderstood                    id:    131073       0 instances        0 bytes
     NameError                               id:    131585       0 instances        0 bytes
     Error                                   id:    130817       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaScaledDecimal                           id:    741633       1 instances      208 bytes
     ScaledDecimal                           id:    146433       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaDate                                    id:    794113       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaClassOrganizer                          id:  11730433       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaRandom                                  id:  16315905       1 instances      208 bytes
     Random                                  id:  16315393       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaSimpleTestResourceTestCase              id:  16373249       1 instances      208 bytes
     SimpleTestResourceTestCase              id:  16372993       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaProcess                                 id:    772353       1 instances      208 bytes
     Process                                 id:     83969       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaComplexBlock                            id:    764417       1 instances      208 bytes
     ComplexBlock                            id:     85249       0 instances        0 bytes
     Date                                    id:    100609       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaInterval                                id:    809985       1 instances      208 bytes
     Interval                                id:    103169       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaClientForwarder                         id:  11861761       1 instances      208 bytes
     ClientForwarder                         id:    109569       1 instances       32 bytes
     Delay                                   id:    115969       0 instances        0 bytes
     DateAndTimeANSI                         id:  14989569       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaTestResult                              id:  16321025       1 instances      208 bytes
     TestResult                              id:  16320769       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaReadStream                              id:    780545       1 instances      208 bytes
     ReadStream                              id:     72705       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaFraction                                id:    791041       1 instances      208 bytes
     Fraction                                id:     77825       0 instances        0 bytes
     ClassOrganizer                          id:     93185       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaTime                                    id:  10390785       1 instances      208 bytes
     Time                                    id:    100865       0 instances        0 bytes
     DateAndTime                             id:  14987265       7 instances      280 bytes
 metaSessionTemps                            id:  10662913       1 instances      208 bytes
     SessionTemps                            id:  10662657       1 instances      136 bytes
 metaTransactionBoundaryDefaultPolicy        id:  10646273       1 instances      208 bytes
     TransactionBoundaryDefaultPolicy        id:  10646017       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaSessionMethodTransactionBoundaryPolicy  id:  20411137       1 instances      208 bytes
     SessionMethodTransactionBoundaryPolicy  id:  20413953       1 instances       48 bytes
     SystemLoginNotification                 id:  10653953       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaMCWorkingCopy                           id:  19968513       1 instances      216 bytes
 metaMCPackageManager                        id:  20158465       1 instances      216 bytes
     MCWorkingCopy                           id:  19944961       0 instances        0 bytes
     MCPackageManager                        id:  20426753       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaSystemChangeNotifier                    id:  20337921       1 instances      208 bytes
     SystemChangeNotifier                    id:  20366593       1 instances       40 bytes
 metaClassAddedAnnouncement                  id:  20395777       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaClassChangeAnnouncement                 id:  20398593       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaSystemChangeAnnouncement                id:  20403457       1 instances      208 bytes
     ClassAddedAnnouncement                  id:  20395521       0 instances        0 bytes
     ClassChangeAnnouncement                 id:  20398337       0 instances        0 bytes
     SystemChangeAnnouncement                id:  20404481       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaMessageSend                             id:  20736769       1 instances      208 bytes
     MessageSend                             id:  20735489      11 instances      528 bytes
 metaActionSequence                          id:  20644865       1 instances      208 bytes
     ActionSequence                          id:  20641793      11 instances      352 bytes
 metaClassCommentedAnnouncement              id:  20366081       1 instances      208 bytes
     ClassCommentedAnnouncement              id:  20365057       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaClassModifiedAnnouncement               id:  20363777       1 instances      208 bytes
     ClassModifiedAnnouncement               id:  20362497       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaClassMovedAnnouncement                  id:  20361217       1 instances      208 bytes
     ClassMovedAnnouncement                  id:  20360449       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaClassRemovedAnnouncement                id:  20359169       1 instances      208 bytes
     ClassRemovedAnnouncement                id:  20358913       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaMethodAddedAnnouncement                 id:  20349441       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaMethodChangeAnnouncement                id:  20353281       1 instances      208 bytes
     MethodAddedAnnouncement                 id:  20419585       0 instances        0 bytes
     MethodChangeAnnouncement                id:  20352769       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaMethodModifiedAnnouncement              id:  20421633       1 instances      208 bytes
     MethodModifiedAnnouncement              id:  20422657       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaMethodMovedAnnouncement                 id:  20427009       1 instances      208 bytes
     MethodMovedAnnouncement                 id:  20427521       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaMethodRemovedAnnouncement               id:  20430593       1 instances      208 bytes
     MethodRemovedAnnouncement               id:  20431361       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaOTRemoteDebugger                        id:  46034689       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaOTDebugger                              id:  46197505       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaOBBrowser                               id:  46089217       1 instances      208 bytes
     OTRemoteDebugger                        id:  46034945       0 instances        0 bytes
     OTDebugger                              id:  46197761       0 instances        0 bytes
     OBBrowser                               id:  46088961       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaGemToGemAnnouncement                    id:  46201089       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaAnnouncement                            id:  46212865       1 instances      208 bytes
     GemToGemAnnouncement                    id:  46200833       0 instances        0 bytes
     Announcement                            id:  46212609       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaAnnouncer                               id:  47955969       1 instances      208 bytes
     Announcer                               id:  47955713       1 instances       32 bytes
 metaClearAllBreakpointsAnnouncement         id:  46200065       1 instances      208 bytes
     ClearAllBreakpointsAnnouncement         id:  46199809       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaSetOrClearBreakpointAnnouncement        id:  47959041       1 instances      208 bytes
     SetOrClearBreakpointAnnouncement        id:  47958785       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaSmalltalkProxy                          id:  20582401       1 instances      208 bytes
     SmalltalkProxy                          id:  20582913       1 instances       32 bytes
 metaHostRandom                              id:  16312065       1 instances      216 bytes
     HostRandom                              id:  16311809       1 instances       32 bytes
 metaGsComVarLeaf                            id:    713729       1 instances      208 bytes
     GsComVarLeaf                            id:    244481       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaGsComMethNode                           id:    707585       1 instances      208 bytes
     GsComMethNode                           id:    243457       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaGsComVariableNode                       id:    694017       1 instances      208 bytes
     GsComVariableNode                       id:    243201       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaGsComSendNode                           id:    696577       1 instances      208 bytes
     GsComSendNode                           id:    242945       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaGsComAssignmentNode                     id:    709121       1 instances      208 bytes
     GsComAssignmentNode                     id:    241665       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaGsComLiteralNode                        id:    699649       1 instances      208 bytes
     GsComLiteralNode                        id:    241153       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaGsComLitLeaf                            id:    715265       1 instances      208 bytes
     GsComLitLeaf                            id:    243969       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaGsComBlockNode                          id:    703745       1 instances      208 bytes
     GsComBlockNode                          id:    241921       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaGsComReturnNode                         id:    698113       1 instances      208 bytes
     GsComReturnNode                         id:    242689       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaGsComCascadeNode                        id:    701185       1 instances      208 bytes
     GsComCascadeNode                        id:    242177       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaGsMethod                                id:    813569       1 instances      208 bytes
     GsMethod                                id:     98817       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaJadeServer                              id: 139647489       1 instances      208 bytes
     JadeServer                              id: 139647233       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaSymbolSet                               id:    804353       1 instances      208 bytes
     SymbolSet                               id:    113921       3 instances     2496 bytes
 metaCompileError                            id:    605185       1 instances      208 bytes
     CompileError                            id:    132097       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaTimeZoneTransition                      id:  13196801       1 instances      208 bytes
     TimeZoneTransition                      id:  13197313      36 instances     2016 bytes
 metaCompileWarning                          id:  15892225       1 instances      208 bytes
     CompileWarning                          id:  15892481       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaOBGemStonePlatform                      id:  45645313       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaOBPlatform                              id:  45602305       1 instances      208 bytes
     OBGemStonePlatform                      id:  45645569       0 instances        0 bytes
     OBPlatform                              id:  45602561       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaJadeServer64bit                         id: 139593217       1 instances      208 bytes
     JadeServer64bit                         id: 139593473       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaJadeServer64bit3x                       id: 139610625       1 instances      208 bytes
     JadeServer64bit3x                       id: 139610881       1 instances       88 bytes
 metaMCPlatformSupport                       id:  20374529       1 instances      208 bytes
     MCPlatformSupport                       id:  20240641       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaTranscriptProxy                         id:  20369409       1 instances      208 bytes
     TranscriptProxy                         id:  20369665       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaWAGemStoneRunSmalltalkServer            id: 122142721       1 instances      208 bytes
     WAGemStoneRunSmalltalkServer            id: 122142977       1 instances       32 bytes
 metaZnServer                                id:  34567169       1 instances      208 bytes
     ZnServer                                id:  31774465       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaWAGemStoneSmalltalkServer               id: 113120769       1 instances      208 bytes
     WAGemStoneSmalltalkServer               id: 113121025       1 instances       48 bytes
 metaSelectBlock                             id:    762881       1 instances      208 bytes
     SelectBlock                             id:     85761       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaZnManagingMultiThreadedServer           id:  44815105       1 instances      216 bytes
 metaZnMultiThreadedServer                   id:  45434113       1 instances      216 bytes
 metaZnSingleThreadedServer                  id:  45434369       1 instances      216 bytes
     ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer           id:  44815361       2 instances      192 bytes
     ZnMultiThreadedServer                   id:  45433857       0 instances        0 bytes
     ZnSingleThreadedServer                  id:  45434625       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaZnLogSupport                            id:  27460097       1 instances      208 bytes
     ZnLogSupport                            id:  27458817       2 instances       80 bytes
 metaProcessor                               id:  13260545       1 instances      208 bytes
     Processor                               id:    116225       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaZnNetworkingUtils                       id:  45101313       1 instances      208 bytes
     ZnNetworkingUtils                       id:  45052929       1 instances       40 bytes
 metaSocketStreamSocket                      id:  44857857       1 instances      256 bytes
 metaSpSocket                                id:  20453889       1 instances      256 bytes
     SocketStreamSocket                      id:  44858113    5236 instances   293216 bytes
     SpSocket                                id:  20444161       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaClientForwarderSend                     id:    609793       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaControlInterrupt                        id:    614401       1 instances      208 bytes
     ClientForwarderSend                     id:    148225      10 instances     1280 bytes
     ControlInterrupt                        id:    132865       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaGsStackBuffer                           id:    773889       1 instances      208 bytes
     GsStackBuffer                           id:    100097       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaObjectLogEntry                          id:  20634113       1 instances      208 bytes
     ObjectLogEntry                          id:  20632065       7 instances      504 bytes
 metaRcQueue                                 id:  11576833       1 instances      208 bytes
     RcQueue                                 id:     82945       1 instances      832 bytes
 metaRcQueueSessionComponent                 id:  11802881       1 instances      208 bytes
     RcQueueSessionComponent                 id:    109057       1 instances      888 bytes
 metaRcQueueEntry                            id:  11822593       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaRcQueueElement                          id:   9086465       1 instances      208 bytes
     RcQueueEntry                            id:    124673      18 instances     1008 bytes
     RcQueueElement                          id:    108545       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaRcQueueRemovalSeqNumbers                id:  11808257       1 instances      208 bytes
     RcQueueRemovalSeqNumbers                id:    108801       1 instances      824 bytes
 metaTimeStamp                               id:  20620289       1 instances      208 bytes
     TimeStamp                               id:  20201473       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaSocketStream                            id:  27296257       1 instances      208 bytes
     SocketStream                            id:  27295489    5234 instances   628080 bytes
 metaZnConnectionTimeout                     id:  27399425       1 instances      216 bytes
 metaDynamicVariable                         id:  47768321       1 instances      216 bytes
 metaProcessSpecificVariable                 id:  46286081       1 instances      216 bytes
     ZnConnectionTimeout                     id:  27399169       0 instances        0 bytes
     DynamicVariable                         id:  47756033       0 instances        0 bytes
     ProcessSpecificVariable                 id:  46283265       0 instances        0 bytes
 metaTransientMutex                          id:  20375297       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaTransientSemaphore                      id:  20372225       1 instances      208 bytes
     TransientMutex                          id:  20375809       1 instances       32 bytes
     TransientSemaphore                      id:  20372481       0 instances        0 bytes
 vmGc ---)
(vmGc  Instances counts for generation new
     GsMethodLookupCache                     id:    247553       1 instances      432 bytes
     LargeObjectNode                         id:    209409       1 instances     9616 bytes
     VariableContext                         id:    134913    1125 instances    71992 bytes
     ExecBlock                               id:    143361    1124 instances    71936 bytes
     GsProcess                               id:    134657    1124 instances   233792 bytes
     ByteArray                               id:    103425    2052 instances  8454240 bytes
     SocketStreamSocket                      id:  44858113    1027 instances    57512 bytes
     SocketStream                            id:  27295489    1124 instances   134880 bytes
 vmGc ---)
(vmGc  Instances counts for generation pom
     IdentityKeyValueDictionary              id:     90881       2 instances      272 bytes
     GsMethodDictionary                      id:     99073     109 instances    60592 bytes
     String                                  id:     74753      14 instances      544 bytes
     Symbol                                  id:    110849    3855 instances   168032 bytes
     Array                                   id:     66817     115 instances     7856 bytes
     IdentitySet                             id:     73985       3 instances     1200 bytes
     IdentityBag                             id:     67329      30 instances     1848 bytes
     CanonStringBucket                       id:    119041     820 instances   165600 bytes
     UserProfileSet                          id:    112129       1 instances      352 bytes
     StringKeyValueDictionary                id:     79873       2 instances      272 bytes
     EqualityCollisionBucket                 id:    146689       6 instances      560 bytes
     UserProfile                             id:     76545       1 instances      104 bytes
     ByteArray                               id:    103425       2 instances      200 bytes
     UserSecurityData                        id:    112385       1 instances      176 bytes
     GsObjectSecurityPolicy                  id:     73217       4 instances      320 bytes
     SymbolDictionary                        id:    111361       4 instances      640 bytes
     IdentityCollisionBucket                 id:    114177      28 instances    26704 bytes
     SymbolAssociation                       id:    111617      44 instances     1760 bytes
     GsPackage                               id:  10727681       2 instances       96 bytes
     HostRandom                              id:  16311809       1 instances       32 bytes
     TimeZoneTransition                      id:  13197313      36 instances     2016 bytes
     RcQueueEntry                            id:    124673      11 instances      616 bytes
     RcQueueRemovalSeqNumbers                id:    108801       1 instances      824 bytes
 vmGc ---)
(vmGc  Instances counts for generation old
     KeyValueDictionary                      id:     79361       1 instances      104 bytes
     IdentityKeyValueDictionary              id:     90881       7 instances     1720 bytes
     GsMethodDictionary                      id:     99073     440 instances   384888 bytes
     GsMethodLookupCache                     id:    247553     432 instances   201704 bytes
     String                                  id:     74753    1246 instances   187296 bytes
     Symbol                                  id:    110849     279 instances    11632 bytes
     Array                                   id:     66817    1076 instances   195416 bytes
     ClassHistory                            id:     82689     216 instances    10600 bytes
     LargeObjectNode                         id:    209409      18 instances   269584 bytes
     IdentitySet                             id:     73985      10 instances     2344 bytes
     IdentityBag                             id:     67329       1 instances      224 bytes
     CanonSymbolDict                         id:    119553       3 instances    20624 bytes
     GsNMethod                               id:    144897     571 instances   153168 bytes
     VariableContext                         id:    134913    4118 instances   263464 bytes
     ExecBlock                               id:    143361    4478 instances   286592 bytes
     ExecBlock0                              id:    127745      13 instances      832 bytes
     ExecBlock1                              id:    128001       1 instances       64 bytes
     ExecBlock2                              id:    128257       2 instances      128 bytes
     ExecBlock3                              id:    128513       1 instances       64 bytes
     GsProcess                               id:    134657    4114 instances   855712 bytes
     GsSocket                                id:    135425       3 instances      240 bytes
     GsFile                                  id:    135169       1 instances       64 bytes
     GsComSelectorLeaf                       id:    244225      35 instances     2520 bytes
     StringKeyValueDictionary                id:     79873       1 instances      216 bytes
     ByteArray                               id:    103425    8416 instances 34665744 bytes
     GsCurrentSession                        id:    103937       1 instances       56 bytes
     Repository                              id:    124417       1 instances      104 bytes
     SymbolDictionary                        id:    111361       4 instances     8512 bytes
     IdentityDictionary                      id:    101633       2 instances      272 bytes
     IdentityCollisionBucket                 id:    114177      14 instances     5376 bytes
     SymbolAssociation                       id:    111617      61 instances     2440 bytes
     Association                             id:     67073      13 instances      520 bytes
     TimeZone                                id:  13190145       1 instances       96 bytes
     SymbolList                              id:     78593       1 instances       56 bytes
     ProcessorScheduler                      id:    116481       1 instances      104 bytes
     SortedCollection                        id:     92929       2 instances      136 bytes
     OrderedCollection                       id:     92673       2 instances      136 bytes
     GsSessionMethodDictionary               id:    126209     107 instances    63832 bytes
     DateTime                                id:    118785       3 instances      168 bytes
     Set                                     id:    102401       1 instances       64 bytes
     Dictionary                              id:    101377       2 instances      464 bytes
     RcIdentityBag                           id:    105473       1 instances       64 bytes
     Semaphore                               id:    115713       1 instances       32 bytes
     ClientForwarder                         id:    109569       1 instances       32 bytes
     DateAndTime                             id:  14987265       7 instances      280 bytes
     SessionTemps                            id:  10662657       1 instances      136 bytes
     SessionMethodTransactionBoundaryPolicy  id:  20413953       1 instances       48 bytes
     SystemChangeNotifier                    id:  20366593       1 instances       40 bytes
     MessageSend                             id:  20735489      11 instances      528 bytes
     ActionSequence                          id:  20641793      11 instances      352 bytes
     Announcer                               id:  47955713       1 instances       32 bytes
     SmalltalkProxy                          id:  20582913       1 instances       32 bytes
     SymbolSet                               id:    113921       3 instances     2496 bytes
     JadeServer64bit3x                       id: 139610881       1 instances       88 bytes
     WAGemStoneRunSmalltalkServer            id: 122142977       1 instances       32 bytes
     WAGemStoneSmalltalkServer               id: 113121025       1 instances       48 bytes
     ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer           id:  44815361       2 instances      192 bytes
     ZnLogSupport                            id:  27458817       2 instances       80 bytes
     ZnNetworkingUtils                       id:  45052929       1 instances       40 bytes
     SocketStreamSocket                      id:  44858113    4209 instances   235704 bytes
     ClientForwarderSend                     id:    148225      10 instances     1280 bytes
     ObjectLogEntry                          id:  20632065       7 instances      504 bytes
     RcQueue                                 id:     82945       1 instances      832 bytes
     RcQueueSessionComponent                 id:    109057       1 instances      888 bytes
     RcQueueEntry                            id:    124673       7 instances      392 bytes
     SocketStream                            id:  27295489    4110 instances   493200 bytes
     TransientMutex                          id:  20375809       1 instances       32 bytes
 vmGc ---)
(vmGc  Instances counts for generation perm
 metaObject                                  id:    206081       1 instances      208 bytes
     Metaclass3                              id:    146177     216 instances    36288 bytes
 metaModule                                  id:    247041       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaBehavior                                id:    205313       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaMetaclass3                              id:    247297       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaClass                                   id:    205569       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaObsoleteMetaclass                       id:    205825       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaCollection                              id:    849409       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaAbstractDictionary                      id:    847873       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaSequenceableCollection                  id:    849153       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaKeyValueDictionary                      id:    847617       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaIdentityKeyValueDictionary              id:    846337       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaGsMethodDictionary                      id:    815617       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaGsMethodLookupCache                     id:    500481       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaCharacterCollection                     id:    848641       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaString                                  id:    848385       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaMultiByteString                         id:    735745       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaDoubleByteString                        id:    734977       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaSymbol                                  id:    848129       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaDoubleByteSymbol                        id:    734209       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaArray                                   id:    848897       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaClassHistory                            id:    844289       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaSmallInteger                            id:    788481       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaInteger                                 id:    790017       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaNumber                                  id:    791553       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaMagnitude                               id:    797953       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaSmallDouble                             id:    786433       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaFloat                                   id:    745217       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaBinaryFloat                             id:    787969       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaBoolean                                 id:    817153       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaUndefinedObject                         id:    779009       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaCharacter                               id:    796929       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaAbstractCharacter                       id:    797441       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaJISCharacter                            id:    796417       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaLargeObjectNode                         id:    817665       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaIdentitySet                             id:    818433       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaIdentityBag                             id:    818945       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaUnorderedCollection                     id:    819713       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaCanonSymbolDict                         id:    846593       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaCanonStringDict                         id:    846849       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaSoftReference                           id:    783105       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaLargeInteger                            id:    743425       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaGsNMethod                               id:    731393       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaVariableContext                         id:    656897       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaExecBlock                               id:    655617       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaBlockClosure                            id:    766465       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaExecBlock0                              id:    653825       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaExecBlock1                              id:    652801       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaExecBlock2                              id:    651777       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaExecBlock3                              id:    650753       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaExecBlock4                              id:    649729       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaExecBlock5                              id:    648705       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaExecBlockN                              id:    647681       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaGsNativeCode                            id:    717825       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaGsProcess                               id:    537601       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaCanonStringBucket                       id:    845057       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaAbstractCollisionBucket                 id:    845569       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaGsSocket                                id:    492033       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaIO                                      id:    497409       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaGsFile                                  id:    495873       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaQuadByteString                          id:    733441       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaQuadByteSymbol                          id:    732673       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaLarge2ByteLeaf                          id:    739841       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaLarge4ByteLeaf                          id:    738817       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaSmallFloat                              id:    744193       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaGsComSelectorLeaf                       id:    712193       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaGsCompilerIRNode                        id:    716801       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaUserProfileSet                          id:    803073       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaAbstractUserProfileSet                  id:    803585       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaStringKeyValueDictionary                id:    847361       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaEqualityCollisionBucket                 id:    487681       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaCollisionBucket                         id:    845313       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaUserProfile                             id:    778497       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaByteArray                               id:    827649       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaUserSecurityData                        id:    801537       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaGsCurrentSession                        id:    768001       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaGsSession                               id:    769025       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaAbstractSession                         id:    769537       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaRepository                              id:    806913       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaGsObjectSecurityPolicy                  id:    784897       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaSymbolDictionary                        id:    845825       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaIdentityDictionary                      id:    846081       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaIdentityCollisionBucket                 id:    826625       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaSymbolAssociation                       id:    844545       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaAssociation                             id:    844801       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaTimeZone                                id:  13189121       1 instances      224 bytes
 metaTimeZoneInfo                            id:  14982913       1 instances      224 bytes
 metaSymbolList                              id:    800513       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaProcessorScheduler                      id:    770305       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaAbstractException                       id:    633601       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaSortedCollection                        id:    761345       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaOrderedCollection                       id:    761857       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaSystem                                  id:    779521       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaGsPackagePolicy                         id:  10530049       1 instances      216 bytes
 metaGsPackage                               id:  10728193       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaGsSessionMethodDictionary               id:  10772737       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaDateTime                                id:    792577       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaDependencyList                          id:  11612417       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaCompiledMethod                          id:    814593       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaSet                                     id:  10341633       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaWarning                                 id:    555265       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaNotification                            id:    567297       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaException                               id:    615169       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaSystemLoginNotification                 id:  10654721       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaDuration                                id:  14985217       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaDateAndTime                             id:  14987521       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaDateAndTimeANSI                         id:  14989825       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaTestSuite                               id:  16317697       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaStream                                  id:    782081       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaWriteStream                             id:    780033       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaPositionableStream                      id:    781569       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaExecutableBlock                         id:    765953       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaDictionary                              id:  10492417       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaBag                                     id:  10639617       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaDelay                                   id:  13022977       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaTestCase                                id:  16383233       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaTestAsserter                            id:  16386561       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaSimpleBlock                             id:    764929       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaRcIdentityBag                           id:  11574529       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaPrintStream                             id:  10769665       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaSemaphore                               id:    758529       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaMessageNotUnderstood                    id:    578561       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaNameError                               id:    580097       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaError                                   id:    606209       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaScaledDecimal                           id:    741633       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaDate                                    id:    794113       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaClassOrganizer                          id:  11730433       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaRandom                                  id:  16315905       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaSimpleTestResourceTestCase              id:  16373249       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaProcess                                 id:    772353       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaComplexBlock                            id:    764417       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaInterval                                id:    809985       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaClientForwarder                         id:  11861761       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaTestResult                              id:  16321025       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaReadStream                              id:    780545       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaFraction                                id:    791041       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaTime                                    id:  10390785       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaSessionTemps                            id:  10662913       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaTransactionBoundaryDefaultPolicy        id:  10646273       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaSessionMethodTransactionBoundaryPolicy  id:  20411137       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaMCWorkingCopy                           id:  19968513       1 instances      216 bytes
 metaMCPackageManager                        id:  20158465       1 instances      216 bytes
 metaSystemChangeNotifier                    id:  20337921       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaClassAddedAnnouncement                  id:  20395777       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaClassChangeAnnouncement                 id:  20398593       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaSystemChangeAnnouncement                id:  20403457       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaMessageSend                             id:  20736769       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaActionSequence                          id:  20644865       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaClassCommentedAnnouncement              id:  20366081       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaClassModifiedAnnouncement               id:  20363777       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaClassMovedAnnouncement                  id:  20361217       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaClassRemovedAnnouncement                id:  20359169       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaMethodAddedAnnouncement                 id:  20349441       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaMethodChangeAnnouncement                id:  20353281       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaMethodModifiedAnnouncement              id:  20421633       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaMethodMovedAnnouncement                 id:  20427009       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaMethodRemovedAnnouncement               id:  20430593       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaOTRemoteDebugger                        id:  46034689       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaOTDebugger                              id:  46197505       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaOBBrowser                               id:  46089217       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaGemToGemAnnouncement                    id:  46201089       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaAnnouncement                            id:  46212865       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaAnnouncer                               id:  47955969       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaClearAllBreakpointsAnnouncement         id:  46200065       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaSetOrClearBreakpointAnnouncement        id:  47959041       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaSmalltalkProxy                          id:  20582401       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaHostRandom                              id:  16312065       1 instances      216 bytes
 metaGsComVarLeaf                            id:    713729       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaGsComMethNode                           id:    707585       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaGsComVariableNode                       id:    694017       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaGsComSendNode                           id:    696577       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaGsComAssignmentNode                     id:    709121       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaGsComLiteralNode                        id:    699649       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaGsComLitLeaf                            id:    715265       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaGsComBlockNode                          id:    703745       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaGsComReturnNode                         id:    698113       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaGsComCascadeNode                        id:    701185       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaGsMethod                                id:    813569       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaJadeServer                              id: 139647489       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaSymbolSet                               id:    804353       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaCompileError                            id:    605185       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaTimeZoneTransition                      id:  13196801       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaCompileWarning                          id:  15892225       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaOBGemStonePlatform                      id:  45645313       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaOBPlatform                              id:  45602305       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaJadeServer64bit                         id: 139593217       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaJadeServer64bit3x                       id: 139610625       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaMCPlatformSupport                       id:  20374529       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaTranscriptProxy                         id:  20369409       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaWAGemStoneRunSmalltalkServer            id: 122142721       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaZnServer                                id:  34567169       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaWAGemStoneSmalltalkServer               id: 113120769       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaSelectBlock                             id:    762881       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaZnManagingMultiThreadedServer           id:  44815105       1 instances      216 bytes
 metaZnMultiThreadedServer                   id:  45434113       1 instances      216 bytes
 metaZnSingleThreadedServer                  id:  45434369       1 instances      216 bytes
 metaZnLogSupport                            id:  27460097       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaProcessor                               id:  13260545       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaZnNetworkingUtils                       id:  45101313       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaSocketStreamSocket                      id:  44857857       1 instances      256 bytes
 metaSpSocket                                id:  20453889       1 instances      256 bytes
 metaClientForwarderSend                     id:    609793       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaControlInterrupt                        id:    614401       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaGsStackBuffer                           id:    773889       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaObjectLogEntry                          id:  20634113       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaRcQueue                                 id:  11576833       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaRcQueueSessionComponent                 id:  11802881       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaRcQueueEntry                            id:  11822593       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaRcQueueElement                          id:   9086465       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaRcQueueRemovalSeqNumbers                id:  11808257       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaTimeStamp                               id:  20620289       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaSocketStream                            id:  27296257       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaZnConnectionTimeout                     id:  27399425       1 instances      216 bytes
 metaDynamicVariable                         id:  47768321       1 instances      216 bytes
 metaProcessSpecificVariable                 id:  46286081       1 instances      216 bytes
 metaTransientMutex                          id:  20375297       1 instances      208 bytes
 metaTransientSemaphore                      id:  20372225       1 instances      208 bytes
 vmGc ---)
 GsMethod 3609089,   Object >> _doesNotUnderstand:args:envId:reason: 
 GsMethod 4467969,   GsProcess >> _start 
 GsMethod 3703809,   ExecBlock >> _valueOnUnwind 
 GsMethod 4499969,   AbstractException >> _signalFromPrimitive: 
 GsMethod 4460801,  classId 731393 >> _noopReturnTos 
 GsMethod 4461825,  classId 731393 >> _gsReturnToC 
 GsMethod 3747329,   ProcessorScheduler >> _initialize 
 GsMethod 3749889,  block for method 3747329 
 GsMethod 5843969,  classId 761345 >> sortBlock: 
 GsMethod 2759937,   Class >> new 
 GsMethod 3482113,   SortedCollection >> sortBlock: 
 GsMethod 3805441,   Object >> size 
 GsMethod 3359489,   SmallInteger >> > 
 GsMethod 3764481,  block for method 3747329 
 GsMethod 2765057,   Class >> new: 
 GsMethod 3747585,   Object >> size: 
 GsMethod 4830209,  classId 779521 >> __sessionStateAt:put: 
 GsMethod 3783169,  block for method 3747329 
 GsMethod 3802881,  block for method 3747329 
 GsMethod 3737089,   ExecBlock >> onException:do: 
 GsMethod 4771073,  classId 779521 >> gemEnvironmentVariable: 
 GsMethod 4717569,  classId 779521 >> myUserProfile 
 GsMethod 4563969,   UserProfile >> _privileges 
 GsMethod 3374849,   SmallInteger >> = 
 GsMethod 9219841,  classId 495873 >> _expandEnvVariable:isClient: 
 GsMethod 9217281,  classId 495873 >> classUserAction:onClient:with: 
 GsMethod 2493697,  classId 796929 >> _loadCharTables 
 GsMethod 2445057,   Object >> deprecated: 
 GsMethod 3417601,   SymbolDictionary >> at:otherwise: 
 GsMethod 3420929,   SymbolDictionary >> associationAt:otherwise: 
 GsMethod 5885953,  classId 768001 >> initialize 
 GsMethod 5887233,  classId 768001 >> currentSession 
 GsMethod 10766849,   GsCurrentSession >> initialize 
 GsMethod 10545409,  classId 10530049 >> loadSessionMethodDictionary 
 GsMethod 2637313,   Association >> _value 
 GsMethod 2590721,   Array >> at: 
 GsMethod 4372993,  classId 769025 >> currentSession 
 GsMethod 1396993,   GsCurrentSession >> objectNamed: 
 GsMethod 3456769,   SymbolList >> resolveSymbol: 
 GsMethod 2634753,   Association >> value 
 GsMethod 10558209,  classId 10530049 >> globalName 
 GsMethod 10636289,   GsPackagePolicy >> enabled 
 GsMethod 10660609,   GsPackagePolicy >> refreshSessionMethodDictionary 
 GsMethod 10684161,   GsPackagePolicy >> buildSessionMethodDictionary 
 GsMethod 2749441,  classId 779521 >> _protectedMode 
 GsMethod 10689281,  block for method 10684161 
 GsMethod 10690305,  block for method 10684161 
 GsMethod 3709185,   ExecBlock >> ensure: 
 GsMethod 2699265,   Behavior >> _basicNew 
 GsMethod 3761409,   Object >> _setNoStubbing 
 GsMethod 3835393,  classId 847617 >> new 
 GsMethod 3832833,  classId 847617 >> new: 
 GsMethod 16108033,  classId 790017 >> _selectedPrimeGreaterThan: 
 GsMethod 3442945,   SmallInteger >> // 
 GsMethod 3363841,   SmallInteger >> <= 
 GsMethod 2691585,   Behavior >> _basicNew: 
 GsMethod 1411585,   IdentityKeyValueDictionary >> _initializeWithoutClear: 
 GsMethod 10686465,  block for method 10684161 
 GsMethod 10710273,   GsPackagePolicy >> _packageReverse_Do: 
 GsMethod 10719233,   GsPackagePolicy >> symbolList 
 GsMethod 1370625,   GsCurrentSession >> symbolList 
 GsMethod 10723841,  classId 10728193 >> globalName 
 GsMethod 10685697,  block for method 10684161 
 GsMethod 10717185,   GsPackage >> behaviorAndMethodDictDo: 
 GsMethod 10705921,   GsPackage >> sessionMethods 
 GsMethod 10716417,  block for method 10717185 
 GsMethod 3828993,   KeyValueDictionary >> keysAndValuesDo: 
 GsMethod 2608385,   AbstractDictionary >> _at: 
 GsMethod 3796481,   IdentityDictionary >> at:otherwise: 
 GsMethod 4779521,   IdentityKeyValueDictionary >> _at:otherwise: 
 GsMethod 3486977,   Object >> identityHash 
 GsMethod 3452673,   SmallInteger >> \\ 
 GsMethod 2605313,   AbstractDictionary >> _atZ: 
 GsMethod 2417921,   GsMethodDictionary >> _initializeWithoutClear: 
 GsMethod 3771393,   IdentityDictionary >> at:put: 
 GsMethod 2630145,  classId 844801 >> newWithKey:value: 
 GsMethod 2641409,   Association >> key:value: 
 GsMethod 3662337,   Object >> objectSecurityPolicy 
 GsMethod 3680769,   Object >> _objectSecurityPolicy: 
 GsMethod 4756481,   IdentityKeyValueDictionary >> _at:put: 
 GsMethod 2603777,   AbstractDictionary >> _atZ:putKey:value: 
 GsMethod 3604993,   IdentityBag >> add: 
 GsMethod 10684673,  block for method 10684161 
 GsMethod 4625153,   GsMethodDictionary >> keysAndValuesDo: 
 GsMethod 2609409,   AbstractDictionary >> _basicAt: 
 GsMethod 3339777,   Object >> class 
 GsMethod 10761473,   GsSessionMethodDictionary >> at:put: 
 GsMethod 4523777,   GsMethodDictionary >> at:put: 
 GsMethod 4761857,   GsMethodDictionary >> _validatePrivilege 
 GsMethod 3328257,   Object >> isMemberOf: 
 GsMethod 2769921,   Class >> classHistory 
 GsMethod 2598145,   ClassHistory >> at: 
 GsMethod 10732289,   GsSessionMethodDictionary >> _atKey:put: 
 GsMethod 4533249,   GsMethodDictionary >> _atKey:put: 
 GsMethod 3790593,   Object >> _basicSize 
 GsMethod 1391873,   KeyValueDictionary >> rebuildIfNeeded 
 GsMethod 3499265,   Magnitude >> max: 
 GsMethod 10747137,   GsSessionMethodDictionary >> rebuildTable: 
 GsMethod 19025409,   GsMethodDictionary >> rebuildTable: 
 GsMethod 19024641,  block for method 19025409 
 GsMethod 19024129,  block for method 19025409 
 GsMethod 10743041,   GsSessionMethodDictionary >> valueConstraint: 
 GsMethod 4517121,   GsMethodDictionary >> valueConstraint: 
 GsMethod 10750977,   GsSessionMethodDictionary >> keyConstraint: 
 GsMethod 4520705,   GsMethodDictionary >> keyConstraint: 
 GsMethod 19025153,  block for method 19025409 
 GsMethod 13077505,  classId 11612417 >> for: 
 GsMethod 3679489,   Object >> _becomeDictionary: 
 GsMethod 3677953,  block for method 3679489 
 GsMethod 3674369,  block for method 3679489 
 GsMethod 3666689,   Object >> _primitiveBecome:forDict: 
 GsMethod 3334145,   GsMethodDictionary >> _resetParentRef 
 GsMethod 2589441,   Array >> _at: 
 GsMethod 1401857,   IdentityKeyValueDictionary >> collisionBucketClass 
 GsMethod 3731713,  classId 826625 >> new 
 GsMethod 2773505,  classId 845569 >> new: 
 GsMethod 2732033,   AbstractCollisionBucket >> initialize 
 GsMethod 1409793,   CollisionBucket >> keyValueDictionary: 
 GsMethod 3719169,   IdentityCollisionBucket >> at:put:keyValDict_coll: 
 GsMethod 3724801,   IdentityCollisionBucket >> binarySearchForInsertKey: 
 GsMethod 3354625,   SmallInteger >> < 
 GsMethod 3369985,   SmallInteger >> >= 
 GsMethod 3716097,   IdentityCollisionBucket >> insertAt:key:value: 
 GsMethod 3499009,   SequenceableCollection >> insertAll:at: 
 GsMethod 2747137,   AbstractCollisionBucket >> size 
 GsMethod 2745857,   AbstractCollisionBucket >> at:otherwise: 
 GsMethod 3727361,   IdentityCollisionBucket >> searchForKey: 
 GsMethod 10687233,  block for method 10684161 
 GsMethod 3755265,   IdentityDictionary >> keysAndValuesDo: 
 GsMethod 2584577,   Array >> add: 
 GsMethod 10627329,   GsPackagePolicy >> _sessionMethodsSet: 
 GsMethod 3337217,   Object >> _validateClass: 
 GsMethod 10656513,  classId 10662913 >> current 
 GsMethod 3422209,  classId 779521 >> __sessionStateAt: 
 GsMethod 10682113,   GsPackagePolicy >> sessionMethodDictionaryGlobalName 
 GsMethod 2435329,   SymbolDictionary >> at:put: 
 GsMethod 3515393,   SymbolDictionary >> _validatePrivilegeOld:new: 
 GsMethod 2652417,   SymbolAssociation >> key:value: 
 GsMethod 2619137,   SymbolAssociation >> key: 
 GsMethod 2643713,   Association >> value: 
 GsMethod 3571969,   SymbolDictionary >> _at:put: 
 GsMethod 3509249,   SymbolDictionary >> _validatePrivilegeGeneric: 
 GsMethod 4760833,  classId 779521 >> _inProtectedMode 
 GsMethod 4714497,  classId 779521 >> _zeroArgPrim: 
 GsMethod 2639617,   Module >> transientMethodDictForEnv:put: 
 GsMethod 2586881,   Array >> at:put: 
 GsMethod 5852673,   GsCurrentSession >> enableSessionMethods:env: 
 GsMethod 10632961,  classId 10646273 >> isActive 
 GsMethod 31497985,   SessionMethodTransactionBoundaryPolicy >> isActive 
 GsMethod 10560769,  classId 10530049 >> current 
 GsMethod 4558081,   UserProfile >> symbolList 
 GsMethod 2652161,   Metaclass3 >> name 
 GsMethod 2639873,   Metaclass3 >> isMeta 
 GsMethod 2652929,   Module >> name 
 GsMethod 3448065,   SymbolList >> objectNamed: 
 GsMethod 10638593,  classId 10646273 >> installCurrent 
 GsMethod 10640897,  classId 10646273 >> current 
 GsMethod 4751361,  classId 779521 >> _commitCoordinator: 
 GsMethod 39768065,  classId 10654721 >> sessionStart 
 GsMethod 39767809,  classId 10654721 >> subscriptions 
 GsMethod 42736385,  block for method 39768065 
 GsMethod 12466945,   RcIdentityBag >> do: 
 GsMethod 12428033,   RcIdentityBag >> _asIdentityBag 
 GsMethod 4733697,  classId 779521 >> rcValueCacheAt:for:otherwise: 
 GsMethod 4736257,  classId 779521 >> _rcValueCache 
 GsMethod 12420865,   RcIdentityBag >> _createAsBag 
 GsMethod 12433665,   RcIdentityBag >> speciesForSelect 
 GsMethod 39774209,  classId 206081 >> new 
 GsMethod 39695105,   Object >> initialize 
 GsMethod 4751105,  classId 779521 >> _addRootObjectToRcReadSet: 
 GsMethod 4749825,  classId 779521 >> _addToRcReadSet:includingAllNodes: 
 GsMethod 4752385,  classId 779521 >> _addEntireObjectToRcReadSet: 
 GsMethod 12420609,  block for method 12420865 
 GsMethod 12415745,   RcIdentityBag >> _doSessionBags: 
 GsMethod 2406401,   Collection >> isEmpty 
 GsMethod 3598593,   IdentityBag >> addAll: 
 GsMethod 3480065,   Object >> _isRcIdentityBag 
 GsMethod 3596545,   IdentityBag >> _addAll: 
 GsMethod 4731137,  classId 779521 >> rcValueCacheAt:put:for: 
 GsMethod 4737537,  classId 779521 >> rcValueCache 
 GsMethod 4772097,   IdentityKeyValueDictionary >> at:otherwise: 
 GsMethod 4752129,   IdentityKeyValueDictionary >> at:put: 
 GsMethod 2589185,   Array >> addLast: 
 GsMethod 3814913,   IdentityBag >> _at: 
 GsMethod 4572417,   UserProfile >> objectNamed: 
 GsMethod 36012545,  classId 19968513 >> sessionStart 
 GsMethod 33464065,  classId 20158465 >> registerForNotifications 
 GsMethod 31794945,  classId 20337921 >> uniqueInstance 
 GsMethod 29647361,   SystemChangeNotifier >> observe:send:to: 
 GsMethod 33357569,  classId 20736769 >> receiver:selector: 
 GsMethod 33357825,  classId 20736769 >> receiver:selector:arguments: 
 GsMethod 30958081,   MessageSend >> receiver: 
 GsMethod 30959873,   MessageSend >> selector: 
 GsMethod 30958849,   MessageSend >> arguments: 
 GsMethod 29646337,   SystemChangeNotifier >> observe:do: 
 GsMethod 29646593,   SystemChangeNotifier >> subscriptions 
 GsMethod 35158273,  block for method 29646337 
 GsMethod 3798273,   IdentityDictionary >> at:ifAbsent: 
 GsMethod 3753473,   SequenceableCollection >> copyWith: 
 GsMethod 3477249,   Object >> copy 
 GsMethod 3360513,   Object >> shallowCopy 
 GsMethod 3474945,   Object >> postCopy 
 GsMethod 61399553,  classId 46034689 >> sessionStart 
 GsMethod 61401345,  classId 46034689 >> registerForRemoteBreakpoints 
 GsMethod 47389697,  classId 46201089 >> announcer 
 GsMethod 47400449,   Announcer >> initialize 
 GsMethod 47399425,   Announcer >> on:send:to: 
 GsMethod 47398401,   Announcer >> subscribe:send:to: 
 GsMethod 47398913,   Announcer >> subscribe:do: 
 GsMethod 30960129,   MessageSend >> receiver 
 GsMethod 47398657,   Announcer >> subscribe:do:for: 
 GsMethod 3357185,   Object >> respondsTo: 
 GsMethod 1426945,  classId 848129 >> _existingWithAll: 
 GsMethod 3358721,   Object >> _respondsTo:private:flags: 
 GsMethod 63858177,  block for method 47398657 
 GsMethod 62445825,  classId 46989825 >> sessionStart 
 GsMethod 62446593,  classId 46989825 >> generator 
 GsMethod 80390657,  block for method 62446593 
 GsMethod 3398401,   SymbolDictionary >> at:ifAbsent: 
 GsMethod 62446081,  classId 46989825 >> randomClass 
 GsMethod 80389633,  block for method 62446081 
 GsMethod 31436033,   SmalltalkProxy >> at:ifAbsent: 
 GsMethod 3655681,   Object >> isNil 
 GsMethod 83015169,  block for method 62446081 
 GsMethod 16187393,  classId 16312065 >> new 
 GsMethod 16204033,   HostRandom >> open 
 GsMethod 9270529,  classId 495873 >> openOnServer:mode: 
 GsMethod 9271809,  classId 495873 >> open:mode:onClient: 
 GsMethod 9095681,  classId 495873 >> open:mode:onClient:withCompression: 
 GsMethod 9275905,  classId 495873 >> _basicNew 
 GsMethod 9213185,   GsFile >> _open:mode:onClient: 
 GsMethod 9142273,   GsFile >> open 
 GsMethod 9096961,   GsFile >> _openUsingGzip: 
 GsMethod 9181697,   GsFile >> isOpen 
 GsMethod 3612929,   Object >> isCommitted 
 GsMethod 3610625,   Object >> _status 
 GsMethod 9102849,   GsFile >> userAction:onClient:with:with:with: 
 GsMethod 9185025,   GsFile >> _setIsOpen 
 GsMethod 9274625,   GsFile >> _newEmptyClientCData 
 GsMethod 9188609,   GsFile >> isClient 
 GsMethod 9106689,   GsFile >> userAction:onClient: 
 GsMethod 9300737,  classId 497409 >> _rememberFileDescriptor:obj: 
 GsMethod 4854785,   GsSession >> userProfile 
 GsMethod 4621057,   UserProfile >> _postLoginInitialize 
 GsMethod 1,  classId 20 >>  
 GsMethod 4719105,  classId 779521 >> session 
 GsMethod 3493633,   SmallInteger >> printString 
 GsMethod 3330049,   SmallInteger >> asString 
 GsMethod 2767617,  classId 796929 >> space 
 GsMethod 2537217,   Character >> asString 
 GsMethod 2744065,   String >> , 
 GsMethod 4355073,  classId 769025 >> serialOfSession: 
 GsMethod 4749313,  classId 779521 >> _descriptionOfSessionSerialNum:sessionId: 
 GsMethod 4697345,   UserProfile >> _validateCodeModificationPrivilege 
 GsMethod 1,  classId 20 >>  
 GsMethod 2637569,   Class >> subclass:instVarNames:inDictionary: 
 GsMethod 2478081,   Class >> _classNamed:inDictionary: 
 GsMethod 2546433,   String >> asSymbol 
 GsMethod 2434049,   Class >> subclass:instVarNames:classVars:classInstVars:poolDictionar 
 GsMethod 2481921,   Class >> _subclass:instVarNames:format:constraints:classVars:classIn 
 GsMethod 2556161,   Behavior >> _validatePrivilege 
 GsMethod 3481857,   SmallInteger >> bitAt: 
 GsMethod 3473665,   SmallInteger >> bitShift: 
 GsMethod 2777857,   Behavior >> subclassesDisallowed 
 GsMethod 2433281,   Class >> _validateOptions:withFormat: 
 GsMethod 15868417,   Integer >> bitInvert 
 GsMethod 2779905,   Behavior >> instancesInvariant 
 GsMethod 14348545,   Class >> _makeClassVarDict: 
 GsMethod 2724865,   Metaclass3 >> _subclass:instVarNames:format:constraints:classVars:poolDic 
 GsMethod 2720769,   Metaclass3 >> _validateNewClassName: 
 GsMethod 2523393,   CharacterCollection >> _validIdentifier: 
 GsMethod 2687489,   String >> size 
 GsMethod 2722049,   String >> at: 
 GsMethod 2805249,   Character >> isLetter 
 GsMethod 2506497,   Character >> _category 
 GsMethod 2792961,   Character >> isAlphaNumeric 
 GsMethod 2726913,   Metaclass3 >> _primSubclass:instVarNames:format:constraints:classVars:poo 
 GsMethod 2736385,   Class >> extraDict: 
 GsMethod 2771457,   Class >> _commentOrDescription: 
 GsMethod 2573313,  classId 844289 >> new 
 GsMethod 2641153,   ClassHistory >> name: 
 GsMethod 2574849,   String >> asString 
 GsMethod 2539009,   Class >> classHistory: 
 GsMethod 3335937,   Object >> _validateInstanceOf: 
 GsMethod 2694657,   Behavior >> _refreshClassCache: 
 GsMethod 15834113,  classId 792577 >> now 
 GsMethod 15897089,  classId 13189121 >> current 
 GsMethod 2728961,  classId 792577 >> now: 
 GsMethod 2750465,   Class >> timeStamp: 
 GsMethod 3465473,   Object >> isInvariant 
 GsMethod 4590849,   UserProfile >> userId 
 GsMethod 2743553,   Class >> userId: 
 GsMethod 2799361,   Behavior >> instSize 
 GsMethod 2733313,   Behavior >> immediateInvariant 
 GsMethod 3467777,   Object >> immediateInvariant 
 GsMethod 2517249,   Class >> _subclasses 
 GsMethod 39628033,   Class >> copyVariables 
 GsMethod 14344705,   Class >> _clearCachedOrganizer 
 GsMethod 39634689,  classId 11730433 >> clearCachedOrganizer 
 GsMethod 31496193,   SessionMethodTransactionBoundaryPolicy >> classChanged 
 GsMethod 31495937,   SessionMethodTransactionBoundaryPolicy >> enabled 
 GsMethod 2764289,   Behavior >> compileMethod:dictionaries:category: 
 GsMethod 2764801,  block for method 2764289 
 GsMethod 2765313,  block for method 2764289 
 GsMethod 19356929,   Behavior >> compileMethod:dictionaries:category:environmentId: 
 GsMethod 10670849,   GsPackagePolicy >> methodAndCategoryDictionaryFor:source:dictionaries:category 
 GsMethod 10696449,   GsPackagePolicy >> extractSelectorFor:source:dictionaries:category: 
 GsMethod 2757633,   Behavior >> _primitiveCompileMethod:symbolList:category:oldLitVars:into 
 GsMethod 2758913,   Behavior >> _primCompileMethod:symbolList:category:oldLitVars:intoMetho 
 GsMethod 2753793,   Behavior >> _checkCompileResult:source:suppressCompileWarning: 
 GsMethod 4517889,   GsNMethod >> selector 
 GsMethod 4560385,   GsNMethod >> isMethodForBlock 
 GsMethod 3469313,   SmallInteger >> bitOr: 
 GsMethod 3767553,  classId 206081 >> _objectForOop: 
 GsMethod 10693121,   GsPackagePolicy >> permitSessionMethodFor:selector: 
 GsMethod 2796545,   Behavior >> whichClassIncludesSelector: 
 GsMethod 14379265,   Behavior >> whichClassIncludesSelector:environmentId: 
 GsMethod 14378241,   Behavior >> whichClassIncludesSelector:environmentId:usePackages: 
 GsMethod 14370049,   Behavior >> compiledMethodAt:environmentId:otherwise:usePackages: 
 GsMethod 14370305,  block for method 14370049 
 GsMethod 14371073,  block for method 14370049 
 GsMethod 10533633,   GsPackagePolicy >> compiledMethodAt:for: 
 GsMethod 10534145,  block for method 10533633 
 GsMethod 10706689,   GsPackagePolicy >> packages_Do: 
 GsMethod 10691585,   GsPackage >> compiledMethodAt:for: 
 GsMethod 2725633,   Behavior >> persistentMethodDictForEnv: 
 GsMethod 4536065,   GsMethodDictionary >> at:otherwise: 
 GsMethod 2780929,   Behavior >> superClass 
 GsMethod 2752769,   AbstractCollisionBucket >> valueAt: 
 GsMethod 2549761,   Class >> thisClass 
 GsMethod 1435137,   Symbol >> asSymbol 
 GsMethod 10547969,  classId 10530049 >> restrictedClasses 
 GsMethod 3834113,   IdentityBag >> includes: 
 GsMethod 10694401,  block for method 10693121 
 GsMethod 2418689,   Collection >> do: 
 GsMethod 14347777,   Behavior >> canWriteMethodsEnv: 
 GsMethod 3349249,   Object >> canBeWritten 
 GsMethod 2615041,   Boolean >> not 
 GsMethod 19356673,  block for method 19356929 
 GsMethod 9231105,  classId 784897 >> setCurrent:while: 
 GsMethod 4702977,  classId 779521 >> currentObjectSecurityPolicy 
 GsMethod 2751233,   Behavior >> compileMethod:dictionaries:category:intoMethodDict:intoCate 
 GsMethod 2752513,   Behavior >> _checkCompileResult:source: 
 GsMethod 14388737,   Behavior >> changeStamp 
 GsMethod 14387969,   Behavior >> authorInitials 
 GsMethod 10542849,   GsPackagePolicy >> authorInitials 
 GsMethod 10680321,   GsPackagePolicy >> authorInitialsGlobalName 
 GsMethod 1366529,  classId 794113 >> today 
 GsMethod 1403137,   Date >> asStringUsingFormat: 
 GsMethod 1398529,   Date >> _yearMonthDay 
 GsMethod 1373953,  classId 794113 >> _checkFormat: 
 GsMethod 3833601,   SmallInteger >> _digitsAsString 
 GsMethod 2401025,   String >> addAll: 
 GsMethod 10509057,  classId 10390785 >> now 
 GsMethod 13377025,  classId 14989825 >> now 
 GsMethod 39534337,   DateAndTimeANSI >> initializeAsNow 
 GsMethod 14969345,  classId 14987521 >> secondsSince2001 
 GsMethod 1440001,  classId 779521 >> _timeGmtFloat 
 GsMethod 16850689,   Float >> - 
 GsMethod 15927809,   TimeZoneInfo >> transitionAtUTC: 
 GsMethod 15000577,   DateAndTimeANSI >> asPosixSeconds 
 GsMethod 16851713,   Float >> + 
 GsMethod 15927553,  block for method 15927809 
 GsMethod 15936001,   TimeZoneInfo >> detectLastTransition: 
 GsMethod 15908609,   TimeZoneTransition >> transitionTimeUTC 
 GsMethod 15914753,   TimeZoneTransition >> offsetFromUTC 
 GsMethod 14992897,   DateAndTimeANSI >> asFloatParts 
 GsMethod 14178305,   DateAndTimeANSI >> partsFrom: 
 GsMethod 3420673,   Number >> \\ 
 GsMethod 3428353,   Number >> // 
 GsMethod 16849665,   Float >> / 
 GsMethod 16858881,   Float >> floor 
 GsMethod 3501057,   Magnitude >> min: 
 GsMethod 16015873,   Integer >> + 
 GsMethod 3524353,   Number >> _retry:coercing: 
 GsMethod 3345153,   SmallInteger >> _generality 
 GsMethod 10621953,   SmallDouble >> _generality 
 GsMethod 16868097,   Float >> _coerce: 
 GsMethod 16277249,   Integer >> asFloat 
 GsMethod 3461633,   Object >> perform:with: 
 GsMethod 16852737,   Float >> * 
 GsMethod 16856833,   Float >> rounded 
 GsMethod 10475521,  classId 10390785 >> fromMilliseconds: 
 GsMethod 10468097,   Time >> _initialize: 
 GsMethod 10587137,   Time >> asString 
 GsMethod 16025089,   Integer >> truncated 
 GsMethod 1407489,   String >> copyFrom:to: 
 GsMethod 14388481,   Behavior >> setStamp:forMethod: 
 GsMethod 10715905,   GsPackagePolicy >> setStamp:forBehavior:forMethod: 
 GsMethod 10716161,  block for method 10715905 
 GsMethod 10711297,   GsPackage >> setStamp:forBehavior:forMethod: 
 GsMethod 2456577,   Class >> extraDict 
 GsMethod 2546689,   Class >> methodStampDictName 
 GsMethod 14387457,  block for method 14388481 
 GsMethod 39526657,   Behavior >> createPragmaFrom:for: 
 GsMethod 14371329,   Behavior >> setPragmas:forMethod: 
 GsMethod 10712065,   GsPackagePolicy >> setPragmas:forBehavior:forMethod: 
 GsMethod 10713089,  block for method 10712065 
 GsMethod 10712833,   GsPackage >> setPragmas:forBehavior:forMethod: 
 GsMethod 2544641,   Class >> pragmaDictName 
 GsMethod 14370561,  block for method 14371329 
 GsMethod 4736001,   IdentityKeyValueDictionary >> removeKey:otherwise: 
 GsMethod 4735233,  block for method 4736001 
 GsMethod 4747521,   IdentityKeyValueDictionary >> _removeKey:ifAbsent: 
 GsMethod 2787841,   Behavior >> compiledMethodAt: 
 GsMethod 2788865,   Behavior >> compiledMethodAt:environmentId: 
 GsMethod 14372097,   Behavior >> compiledMethodAt:environmentId:otherwise: 
 GsMethod 4509697,   GsNMethod >> _isProtected 
 GsMethod 4511233,   GsNMethod >> _opcodeKindAt: 
 GsMethod 15907073,  classId 15892225 >> signal:method: 
 GsMethod 4402177,  classId 633601 >> new 
 GsMethod 3695361,   Warning >> initialize 
 GsMethod 4476929,   AbstractException >> args: 
 GsMethod 4492033,   AbstractException >> signal 
 GsMethod 4496129,   AbstractException >> _signalWith: 
 GsMethod 15905025,   CompileWarning >> defaultAction 
 GsMethod 50754817,   Warning >> defaultAction 
 GsMethod 62781697,  classId 45645313 >> canConfirm 
 GsMethod 62776065,  classId 45645313 >> clientForwarderMap 
 GsMethod 80729345,  block for method 62781697 
 GsMethod 4481025,   Notification >> defaultAction 
 GsMethod 4420609,   AbstractException >> isResumable 
 GsMethod 3650049,   Object >> notNil 
 GsMethod 35770113,  classId 20374529 >> autoCommit: 
 GsMethod 35784449,  classId 20374529 >> autoMigrate: 
 GsMethod 3434497,  classId 779521 >> _sessionStateAt:put: 
 GsMethod 1,   JadeServer >> initialize 
 GsMethod 1,   JadeServer64bit >> installTranscript 
 GsMethod 1,  block for method 1 
 GsMethod 1,  block for method 1 
 GsMethod 3739905,   ExecBlock >> on:do: 
 GsMethod 1,   JadeServer >> installTranscript 
 GsMethod 1,   JadeServer >> objectNamed: 
 GsMethod 2416641,   Symbol >> , 
 GsMethod 3393537,  classId 848385 >> withAll: 
 GsMethod 2516225,   String >> = 
 GsMethod 11855873,   ClientForwarder >> clientObject: 
 GsMethod 33536513,  classId 20369409 >> registerTranscriptClientForwarder: 
 GsMethod 3365633,   Object >> yourself 
 GsMethod 1,   JadeServer >> mcInitials: 
 GsMethod 4844033,   GsSession >> serialNumber 
 GsMethod 1,   JadeServer64bit >> mcInitialsA: 
 GsMethod 1,  block for method 1 
 GsMethod 1,  block for method 1 
 GsMethod 1,   JadeServer >> mcInitialsA: 
 GsMethod 4695041,  classId 779521 >> _cacheName: 
 GsMethod 35774721,  classId 20374529 >> setAuthorInitials: 
 GsMethod 10540289,   GsPackagePolicy >> authorInitials: 
 GsMethod 1,  classId 20 >>  
 GsMethod 122964737,  classId 122142721 >> addServerOfClass:withName:on: 
 GsMethod 113316865,  classId 113120769 >> createServerOfClass:withName:on: 
 GsMethod 113316609,   WAGemStoneSmalltalkServer >> serverClass: 
 GsMethod 113315073,   WAGemStoneSmalltalkServer >> name: 
 GsMethod 113327873,   WAGemStoneSmalltalkServer >> ports: 
 GsMethod 122965761,  classId 122142721 >> addServer: 
 GsMethod 122972929,  classId 122142721 >> singleton 
 GsMethod 122936833,   WAGemStoneRunSmalltalkServer >> addServer: 
 GsMethod 113322241,   WAGemStoneSmalltalkServer >> name 
 GsMethod 122936321,   WAGemStoneRunSmalltalkServer >> serverNamed: 
 GsMethod 122934785,   WAGemStoneRunSmalltalkServer >> servers 
 GsMethod 122825729,  block for method 122936321 
 GsMethod 122825473,  block for method 122936321 
 GsMethod 3683841,   UnorderedCollection >> detect:ifNone: 
 GsMethod 10373377,   Set >> _asIdentityBag 
 GsMethod 10373633,  block for method 10373377 
 GsMethod 3825665,   KeyValueDictionary >> accompaniedBy:keysAndValuesDo: 
 GsMethod 10336513,   Set >> add: 
 GsMethod 2679553,   AbstractDictionary >> includesKey: 
 GsMethod 2679297,  block for method 2679553 
 GsMethod 3593217,   KeyValueDictionary >> at:ifAbsent: 
 GsMethod 3587073,   KeyValueDictionary >> hashFunction: 
 GsMethod 3488769,   Object >> hash 
 GsMethod 3600385,   KeyValueDictionary >> keyAt: 
 GsMethod 3596801,   KeyValueDictionary >> valueAt: 
 GsMethod 2644225,   AbstractDictionary >> _reportKeyNotFound:with: 
 GsMethod 3581185,   KeyValueDictionary >> at:put: 
 GsMethod 3587841,   KeyValueDictionary >> atHash:putKey:value: 
 GsMethod 2607361,   AbstractDictionary >> _basicAt:put: 
 GsMethod 122965249,  classId 122142721 >> serverNamed: 
 GsMethod 138488833,   WAGemStoneSmalltalkServer >> start 
 GsMethod 113285633,   WAGemStoneSmalltalkServer >> ports 
 GsMethod 39589377,   SequenceableCollection >> first 
 GsMethod 137930497,   WAGemStoneSmalltalkServer >> startOn: 
 GsMethod 113305345,   WAGemStoneSmalltalkServer >> serverClass 
 GsMethod 103582465,  classId 34567169 >> startOn: 
 GsMethod 103584257,  classId 34567169 >> defaultServerClass 
 GsMethod 103560705,  classId 45434369 >> startOn: 
 GsMethod 103561729,  classId 45434369 >> on: 
 GsMethod 102907905,   ZnServer >> port: 
 GsMethod 102857985,   ZnSingleThreadedServer >> isRunning 
 GsMethod 102853121,   ZnSingleThreadedServer >> process 
 GsMethod 102908417,   ZnServer >> optionAt:put: 
 GsMethod 10485505,  classId 10492417 >> new 
 GsMethod 10483201,  classId 10492417 >> new: 
 GsMethod 2644481,   Behavior >> basicNew: 
 GsMethod 10381569,   Dictionary >> count: 
 GsMethod 10351361,   Dictionary >> tableSize: 
 GsMethod 10376961,   Dictionary >> emptySlotHint: 
 GsMethod 10362881,   Dictionary >> numEmptySlots: 
 GsMethod 10384641,   Dictionary >> at:put: 
 GsMethod 2683649,   AbstractDictionary >> hashFunction: 
 GsMethod 1412097,   String >> hash 
 GsMethod 10352897,   Dictionary >> tableSize 
 GsMethod 10391297,   Dictionary >> associationAtOrNil:hash: 
 GsMethod 10471937,  classId 10492417 >> associationClass 
 GsMethod 10462209,   Dictionary >> addNewAssociation:hash: 
 GsMethod 3347713,   Object >> basicAt:put: 
 GsMethod 102852353,   ZnSingleThreadedServer >> start 
 GsMethod 102913793,   ZnServer >> stop 
 GsMethod 102890497,   ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer >> stop: 
 GsMethod 102851841,   ZnSingleThreadedServer >> stop: 
 GsMethod 102905345,   ZnServer >> unregister 
 GsMethod 103580673,  classId 34567169 >> unregister: 
 GsMethod 103580929,  classId 34567169 >> managedServers 
 GsMethod 106819073,  block for method 103580673 
 GsMethod 3804929,   IdentityBag >> remove:ifAbsent: 
 GsMethod 102889985,   ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer >> closeConnections 
 GsMethod 102889729,   ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer >> connections 
 GsMethod 102854401,   ZnSingleThreadedServer >> log 
 GsMethod 103008257,   ZnLogSupport >> initialize 
 GsMethod 103008769,   ZnLogSupport >> disable 
 GsMethod 103008513,   ZnLogSupport >> enabled: 
 GsMethod 105980417,  block for method 102852353 
 GsMethod 103009025,   ZnLogSupport >> info: 
 GsMethod 103009537,   ZnLogSupport >> enabled 
 GsMethod 103561473,  classId 45434369 >> default 
 GsMethod 3494913,   Object >> = 
 GsMethod 105980161,  block for method 102852353 
 GsMethod 12968705,  classId 13260545 >> highIOPriority 
 GsMethod 12951553,  classId 13260545 >> _scheduler 
 GsMethod 3554049,   ProcessorScheduler >> highIOPriority 
 GsMethod 102852609,   ZnSingleThreadedServer >> serverProcessName 
 GsMethod 105980929,  block for method 102852609 
 GsMethod 39636481,  classId 849153 >> streamContents: 
 GsMethod 39636225,  classId 849153 >> new:streamContents: 
 GsMethod 15827969,  classId 781569 >> on: 
 GsMethod 15803393,   PositionableStream >> _initStreamWith: 
 GsMethod 15751425,   WriteStream >> nextPutAll: 
 GsMethod 1375745,   Stream >> nextPutAll: 
 GsMethod 1379585,  block for method 1375745 
 GsMethod 3365377,   SequenceableCollection >> accompaniedBy:do: 
 GsMethod 15753217,   WriteStream >> nextPut: 
 GsMethod 15754497,   WriteStream >> _nextPut: 
 GsMethod 2620673,   String >> at:put: 
 GsMethod 102914049,   ZnServer >> port 
 GsMethod 106045697,  block for method 102914049 
 GsMethod 102906881,   ZnServer >> optionAt:ifAbsent: 
 GsMethod 10387201,   Dictionary >> at:ifAbsent: 
 GsMethod 10392577,   Dictionary >> associationAt:otherwise: 
 GsMethod 2632705,   Association >> key 
 GsMethod 2424833,   Symbol >> = 
 GsMethod 39743489,   Stream >> print: 
 GsMethod 3411713,   Number >> printOn: 
 GsMethod 15817729,   PositionableStream >> positionA 
 GsMethod 15748097,   WriteStream >> contents 
 GsMethod 123607809,   ExecBlock >> forkAt:named: 
 GsMethod 3728385,   ExecBlock >> forkAt: 
 GsMethod 4572929,  classId 537601 >> _forkBlock:with:env:prio: 
 GsMethod 4413953,  classId 537601 >> _current 
 GsMethod 4645377,   GsProcess >> _stackSerialNum 
 GsMethod 4588033,   GsProcess >> _init:args:env:stackSerial:forked: 
 GsMethod 3683329,   ExecBlock >> numberArgs 
 GsMethod 4585217,  classId 537601 >> _scheduler 
 GsMethod 4470529,   ProcessorScheduler >> _scheduleNewProcess:prio: 
 GsMethod 4775937,   GsProcess >> _setPriority: 
 GsMethod 4788481,   ProcessorScheduler >> _addReadyProcess:to: 
 GsMethod 4633857,   GsProcess >> _onQueue: 
 GsMethod 12955649,  classId 13260545 >> yield 
 GsMethod 4819201,   ProcessorScheduler >> yield 
 GsMethod 4810241,   ProcessorScheduler >> _reapEvents: 
 GsMethod 3692801,   ProcessorScheduler >> _timeoutNow: 
 GsMethod 3816705,   Object >> at: 
 GsMethod 4765697,   GsProcess >> priority 
 GsMethod 4477441,   ProcessorScheduler >> activePriority 
 GsMethod 4411905,   ProcessorScheduler >> activeProcess 
 GsMethod 3464449,   SequenceableCollection >> removeAtIndex: 
 GsMethod 3456257,   SequenceableCollection >> removeFrom:to: 
 GsMethod 3833857,   ProcessorScheduler >> _switchFrom:to: 
 GsMethod 3701249,   ExecBlock >> valueWithArguments: 
 GsMethod 102940929,   ZnMultiThreadedServer >> listenLoop 
 GsMethod 102856961,   ZnSingleThreadedServer >> initializeServerSocket 
 GsMethod 103009793,   ZnLogSupport >> debug: 
 GsMethod 102911233,   ZnServer >> bindingAddress 
 GsMethod 106041857,  block for method 102911233 
 GsMethod 103753985,  classId 45101313 >> serverSocketOn: 
 GsMethod 35367169,  classId 20453889 >> newTCPSocket 
 GsMethod 35366913,  classId 20453889 >> forDomain:type: 
 GsMethod 35366657,  classId 20453889 >> forDomain:type:protocol: 
 GsMethod 9159937,  classId 492033 >> new 
 GsMethod 9158657,  classId 492033 >> _basicNew 
 GsMethod 9179649,   GsSocket >> _zeroArgPrim: 
 GsMethod 32205825,   SpSocket >> onNativeSocket:forDomain:type:protocol: 
 GsMethod 103754241,  classId 45101313 >> setServerSocketOptions: 
 GsMethod 46596353,   SocketStreamSocket >> setOption:value: 
 GsMethod 32208129,   SpSocket >> underlyingSocket 
 GsMethod 9208833,   GsSocket >> option:put: 
 GsMethod 9180929,   GsSocket >> _twoArgPrim:with:with: 
 GsMethod 103751937,  classId 45101313 >> socketBufferSize 
 GsMethod 103752449,  classId 45101313 >> listenBacklogSize 
 GsMethod 46600961,   SocketStreamSocket >> listenOn:backlogSize: 
 GsMethod 9217793,   GsSocket >> makeServer:atPort: 
 GsMethod 9219073,   GsSocket >> makeServer:atPort:atAddress: 
 GsMethod 9201409,   GsSocket >> bindTo:toAddress: 
 GsMethod 9212673,   GsSocket >> makeListener: 
 GsMethod 46595585,   SocketStreamSocket >> isValid 
 GsMethod 106073345,  block for method 102940929 
 GsMethod 106073089,  block for method 102940929 
 GsMethod 47254785,   ExecBlock >> ifCurtailed: 
 GsMethod 50760705,  block for method 47254785 
 GsMethod 50760449,  block for method 47254785 
 GsMethod 102939905,   ZnMultiThreadedServer >> serveConnectionsOn: 
 GsMethod 102856449,   ZnSingleThreadedServer >> acceptWaitTimeout 
 GsMethod 46598145,   SocketStreamSocket >> waitForAcceptFor: 
 GsMethod 105206273,  block for method 46598145 
 GsMethod 46595841,   SocketStreamSocket >> waitForConnectionFor:ifTimedOut: 
 GsMethod 46601985,   SocketStreamSocket >> accept 
 GsMethod 9221633,   GsSocket >> accept 
 GsMethod 9220353,   GsSocket >> speciesForAccept 
 GsMethod 9249793,   GsSocket >> _waitForReadReady 
 GsMethod 9193985,   GsSocket >> _enableRead 
 GsMethod 9268225,   GsSocket >> _scheduler 
 GsMethod 4835329,   ProcessorScheduler >> _waitForSocket: 
 GsMethod 2807041,   GsProcess >> _waitingOn: 
 GsMethod 3525889,   ProcessorScheduler >> _add:toSet: 
 GsMethod 4805121,   ProcessorScheduler >> _reschedule 
 GsMethod 4815105,   ProcessorScheduler >> _findReadyProcess: 
 GsMethod 4828673,   ProcessorScheduler >> _doPoll:timeout: 
 GsMethod 1,  classId 20 >>  
 GsMethod 122972417,  classId 122142721 >> stopAllGems 
 GsMethod 122859009,  block for method 122972417 
 GsMethod 10346497,   Set >> do: 
 GsMethod 10346753,  block for method 10346497 
 GsMethod 1362177,   KeyValueDictionary >> keysDo: 
 GsMethod 3609857,  block for method 1362177 
 GsMethod 122964481,  classId 122142721 >> stopGems: 
 GsMethod 122964993,  classId 122142721 >> executeGemCommand:for: 
 GsMethod 33537281,  classId 20369409 >> cr 
 GsMethod 33536769,  classId 20369409 >> proxyTranscript 
 GsMethod 50768385,   ClientForwarder >> doesNotUnderstand: 
 GsMethod 50770177,   ClientForwarder >> perform:withArguments: 
 GsMethod 4382209,   ClientForwarderSend >> initialize 
 GsMethod 4381185,   ClientForwarderSend >> receiver:clientObj:selector:args: 
 GsMethod 4380161,   ClientForwarderSend >> defaultAction 
 GsMethod 33537025,  classId 20369409 >> show: 
 GsMethod 2763777,   CharacterCollection >> printString 
 GsMethod 2760961,   CharacterCollection >> printStringWithMaxSize: 
 GsMethod 10590977,  classId 10769665 >> printingOn:maxSize: 
 GsMethod 10597889,   PrintStream >> _initStreamWith:maxSize: 
 GsMethod 2553345,   String >> printOn: 
 GsMethod 10608897,   PrintStream >> _nextPut: 
 GsMethod 3340545,   String >> addLast: 
 GsMethod 2427649,   String >> indexOf:startingAt: 
 GsMethod 10600961,   PrintStream >> nextPutAll: 
 GsMethod 10588417,   PrintStream >> contents 
 GsMethod 33824513,  classId 20634113 >> transcript:object: 
 GsMethod 31481857,   ObjectLogEntry >> initialize 
 GsMethod 4705025,  classId 779521 >> gemVersionReport 
 GsMethod 4706817,  classId 779521 >> _serverVersionReport: 
 GsMethod 3593473,   KeyValueDictionary >> _initializeWithoutClear: 
 GsMethod 4706561,  block for method 4706817 
 GsMethod 2391041,  classId 779521 >> _configurationAt:isStone:kind: 
 GsMethod 3428609,   StringKeyValueDictionary >> at:put: 
 GsMethod 3426305,   StringKeyValueDictionary >> _stringAt:put:caseSensitive: 
 GsMethod 3588609,   KeyValueDictionary >> rebuildTable: 
 GsMethod 3595521,   KeyValueDictionary >> size 
 GsMethod 3589121,  block for method 3588609 
 GsMethod 3596289,   KeyValueDictionary >> tableSize: 
 GsMethod 3597569,   KeyValueDictionary >> fillFrom:resizeTo:with: 
 GsMethod 2710273,   AbstractDictionary >> at: 
 GsMethod 3421441,   StringKeyValueDictionary >> at:otherwise: 
 GsMethod 3423745,   StringKeyValueDictionary >> _stringAt:caseSensitive:otherwise: 
 GsMethod 31478273,   ObjectLogEntry >> timestamp 
 GsMethod 31480833,   ObjectLogEntry >> label:object: 
 GsMethod 33829121,  classId 20634113 >> transcript 
 GsMethod 31479297,   ObjectLogEntry >> priority: 
 GsMethod 31480577,   ObjectLogEntry >> addToLog 
 GsMethod 33824257,  classId 20634113 >> objectQueue 
 GsMethod 13267457,   RcQueue >> add: 
 GsMethod 13268993,   RcQueue >> _getSessionComponentFor: 
 GsMethod 13287425,   RcQueue >> maxSessionId 
 GsMethod 2790401,   Object >> _rcAt: 
 GsMethod 11838465,   RcQueueElement >> sequenceNumber 
 GsMethod 11798785,  classId 11802881 >> speciesOfElements 
 GsMethod 11809537,  classId 11822593 >> newWithValue:sequenceNumber:inObjectSecurityPolicyOf: 
 GsMethod 13266177,   RcQueue >> _findFirstValidQueueElementForSession: 
 GsMethod 35591169,  classId 20620289 >> now 
 GsMethod 35591425,  classId 20620289 >> current 
 GsMethod 14166785,   DateAndTimeANSI >> printString 
 GsMethod 19031809,   Object >> printString 
 GsMethod 10593281,  classId 10769665 >> printingOn: 
 GsMethod 32300033,   TimeStamp >> printOn: 
 GsMethod 32299009,   TimeStamp >> date 
 GsMethod 39430145,   DateAndTime >> asDate 
 GsMethod 15011585,   DateAndTimeANSI >> dayOfMonth 
 GsMethod 14998785,   DateAndTimeANSI >> asParts 
 GsMethod 15035137,   DateAndTimeANSI >> month 
 GsMethod 14977281,   DateAndTimeANSI >> year 
 GsMethod 1374977,  classId 794113 >> newDay:monthNumber:year: 
 GsMethod 1400065,   Date >> printOn: 
 GsMethod 39566593,   Date >> asString 
 GsMethod 39565569,   Date >> USDateFormat 
 GsMethod 10586113,   PrintStream >> _collection 
 GsMethod 3588353,   Stream >> space 
 GsMethod 10605057,   PrintStream >> nextPut: 
 GsMethod 10578433,   PrintStream >> isFull 
 GsMethod 32300545,   TimeStamp >> time 
 GsMethod 39428865,   DateAndTime >> asTime 
 GsMethod 39429889,   DateAndTime >> secondsSinceMidnight 
 GsMethod 15025409,   DateAndTimeANSI >> hour24 
 GsMethod 15022337,   DateAndTimeANSI >> hour 
 GsMethod 15033345,   DateAndTimeANSI >> minute 
 GsMethod 14981633,   DateAndTimeANSI >> second 
 GsMethod 10472705,  classId 10390785 >> fromSeconds: 
 GsMethod 10577409,   Time >> printOn: 
 GsMethod 113325825,   WAGemStoneSmalltalkServer >> portString 
 GsMethod 122145025,  block for method 113325825 
 GsMethod 4813569,  classId 779521 >> performOnServer: 
 GsMethod 4812289,  classId 779521 >> _performOnServer: 
 GsMethod 39455745,   CharacterCollection >> withSqueakLineEndings 
 GsMethod 2752001,  classId 796929 >> cr 
 GsMethod 2781441,  classId 796929 >> withValue: 
 GsMethod 2758145,  classId 796929 >> lf 
 GsMethod 2787073,   Character >> asciiValue 
 GsMethod 3544065,   SequenceableCollection >> add: 
 GsMethod 3758849,   Object >> at:put: 
 GsMethod 43288833,  block for method 39455745 
 GsMethod 39458561,   CharacterCollection >> indexOfAnyOf:startingAt:ifAbsent: 
 GsMethod 39443969,   ByteArray >> byteArrayMap 
 GsMethod 39636737,  classId 849153 >> new:withAll: 
 GsMethod 39599873,   SequenceableCollection >> atAllPut: 
 GsMethod 43256065,  block for method 39443969 
 GsMethod 39770369,  classId 848641 >> findFirstInString:inSet:startingAt: 
 GsMethod 3378433,   SmallInteger >> ~= 
 GsMethod 2397953,   String >> replaceFrom:to:with:startingAt: 
 GsMethod 2525697,   Character >> = 
 GsMethod 122973953,  classId 122142721 >> removeServer: 
 GsMethod 122936065,   WAGemStoneRunSmalltalkServer >> removeServer: 
 GsMethod 10361345,   Set >> remove: 
 GsMethod 10361601,  block for method 10361345 
 GsMethod 10363905,   Set >> remove:ifAbsent: 
 GsMethod 10364929,  block for method 10363905 
 GsMethod 3605761,   KeyValueDictionary >> removeKey:ifAbsent: 
 GsMethod 3604481,   KeyValueDictionary >> compareKey:with: 
 GsMethod 1,  classId 20 >>  
 GsMethod 35365633,  classId 20453889 >> onNativeclientSocket:for: 
 GsMethod 32207873,   SpSocket >> onNativeclientSocket:for: 
 GsMethod 32208897,   SpSocket >> communicationDomain 
 GsMethod 32208641,   SpSocket >> socketType 
 GsMethod 32208385,   SpSocket >> protocolNumber 
 GsMethod 102889217,   ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer >> socketStreamOn: 
 GsMethod 102852865,   ZnSingleThreadedServer >> socketStreamOn: 
 GsMethod 103753217,  classId 45101313 >> socketStreamOn: 
 GsMethod 103754497,  classId 45101313 >> default 
 GsMethod 46635521,   ZnNetworkingUtils >> socketStreamOn: 
 GsMethod 46640129,   ZnNetworkingUtils >> socketStreamClass 
 GsMethod 102386177,  classId 27296257 >> on: 
 GsMethod 2646017,   Behavior >> basicNew 
 GsMethod 102368769,   SocketStream >> initialize 
 GsMethod 102370561,   SocketStream >> ascii 
 GsMethod 102378241,   SocketStream >> resetBuffers 
 GsMethod 102374657,   SocketStream >> streamBuffer: 
 GsMethod 102383873,   SocketStream >> isBinary 
 GsMethod 102376961,   SocketStream >> socket: 
 GsMethod 46640385,   ZnNetworkingUtils >> setSocketStreamParameters: 
 GsMethod 102369793,   SocketStream >> binary 
 GsMethod 2568193,   String >> asByteArray 
 GsMethod 10424321,  classId 827649 >> fromString: 
 GsMethod 102364673,   SocketStream >> shouldSignal: 
 GsMethod 102376193,   SocketStream >> autoFlush: 
 GsMethod 46637057,   ZnNetworkingUtils >> bufferSize 
 GsMethod 102380289,   SocketStream >> bufferSize: 
 GsMethod 46635265,   ZnNetworkingUtils >> timeout 
 GsMethod 103752705,  classId 45101313 >> socketStreamTimeout 
 GsMethod 62418689,  classId 46286081 >> value 
 GsMethod 12945409,  classId 13260545 >> activeProcess 
 GsMethod 80361985,  block for method 62418689 
 GsMethod 4405761,   GsProcess >> environmentAt:ifAbsent: 
 GsMethod 62418945,  classId 46286081 >> default 
 GsMethod 103755521,  classId 45101313 >> defaultSocketStreamTimeout 
 GsMethod 102379265,   SocketStream >> timeout: 
 GsMethod 102889473,   ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer >> lock 
 GsMethod 106021121,  block for method 102889217 
 GsMethod 29680385,   TransientSemaphore >> critical: 
 GsMethod 29680129,   TransientSemaphore >> semaphore 
 GsMethod 12997377,  classId 758529 >> new 
 GsMethod 13007617,   Semaphore >> initialize 
 GsMethod 31507457,   TransientMutex >> forMutualExclusion 
 GsMethod 13016577,   Semaphore >> signal 
 GsMethod 13035009,   Semaphore >> _exitCritical 
 GsMethod 13043969,   Semaphore >> wait 
 GsMethod 35203585,  block for method 29680385 
 GsMethod 5795841,   OrderedCollection >> add: 
 GsMethod 106071553,  block for method 102939905 
 GsMethod 12970497,  classId 13260545 >> lowIOPriority 
 GsMethod 3564545,   ProcessorScheduler >> lowIOPriority 
 GsMethod 102941185,   ZnMultiThreadedServer >> workerProcessName 
 GsMethod 106073857,  block for method 102941185 
 GsMethod 4799745,   SortedCollection >> add: 
 GsMethod 4813825,   SortedCollection >> _findIndex: 
 GsMethod 3836417,   SortedCollection >> _insertObject:at: 
(vmGc  Instances counts for generation code
     GsNMethod                               id:    144897     800 instances   277112 bytes
     GsNativeCode                            id:    143617     800 instances   376984 bytes
 vmGc ---)
GemStone: Error         Fatal
VM temporary object memory is full 
, old space overflow
Error Category: 231169 [GemStone] Number: 4067  Arg Count: 1 Context : 20 exception : 20
Arg 1:   20

[Info]: Logging out at 08/07/2013 13:57:06 PDT

****** GemStone Abnormal Shutdown at 08/07/2013 13:57:06 PDT
GemStone: Error         Fatal
VM temporary object memory is full 
, old space overflow
Error Category: 231169 [GemStone] Number: 4067  Arg Count: 1 Context : 20 exception : 20
Arg 1:   20

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