[Glass] a InternalError occurred (error 2261), The object with object ID 20 is corrupt. Reason: 'process switch not in critial state'

John McIntosh johnmci at smalltalkconsulting.com
Sat Aug 17 13:07:41 PDT 2013

Ok reply ALL not just to Lisa...

Ok, well we seem to be missing a upgrade guide here.

In the
talks about doing startstone -C stoneName..   but in the System
Administration guide for GemStone/S 64 bit 3.1 july 2012 PDF that flag is
not documented.

however start the stone with -C
upgradeImage which says
no errors detected it
stop stone
restart stone without the -C

Now perhaps I'm assuming here I don't need to file in the entire glass
server side? Although a quick look doesn't find any current information on
how to do that in topaz.

Then I am unable to connect via GemTools-1.0-beta-8.7-3101x pharo image,
just hangs for many many minutes, then we get

'Network error - text follows:, from GciAstFailureNetwork partner has
number 4137

In looking at the logs for the gem net object log has

|                              NetLDI Child Task
| CLIENTHOST: ::ffff:
|    VERSION:, Mon Jun 17 13:16:00 2013
|      BUILD: gss64_3_1_0_x_branch-31024
|  BUILT FOR: x86-64 (Linux)
|       MODE: 64 bit
| RUNNING ON: 2-CPU mail x86_64 (Linux 3.5.0-37-generic #58~precise1-Ubuntu
| Wed Jul 10 17:48:11 UTC 2013) 1994MB
| PROCESS ID: 2807      DATE: 08/17/2013 15:18:38 EDT
|   USER IDS: REAL=johnmci (1000) EFFECTIVE=johnmci (1000)
| TCP 54982 30
exeConfig -d path
[Info]:    the hostname is:  mail
   GEMSTONE is:      "/opt/gemstone/product"
   gem's location is: /opt/gemstone/product/sys
   system config file is:     /opt/gemstone/product/seaside/data/system.conf
   executable config file is: /opt/gemstone/product/seaside/data
   gem's arguments are: TCP 54982 30
|             GemStone/S64 Object-Oriented Data Management System
|                    Copyright (C) VMware, Inc. 1986-2013
|                            All rights reserved.
|                           Covered by U.S Patents:
|            6,256,637 Transactional virtual machine architecture
|              6,360,219 Object queues with concurrent updating
|                  6,567,905 Generational Garbage Collector.
| 6,681,226 Selective Pessimistic Locking for a Concurrently Updateable
|    PROGRAM: GEM, GemStone Session Process
|    VERSION:, Mon Jun 17 13:16:00 2013
|      BUILD: gss64_3_1_0_x_branch-31024
|  BUILT FOR: x86-64 (Linux)
|       MODE: 64 bit
| RUNNING ON: 2-CPU mail x86_64 (Linux 3.5.0-37-generic #58~precise1-Ubuntu
| Wed Jul 10 17:48:11 UTC 2013) 1994MB
| PROCESS ID: 2807      DATE: 08/17/2013 15:18:38 EDT
|   USER IDS: REAL=johnmci (1000) EFFECTIVE=johnmci (1000)
|                             Configuration Files
| System File:
| Executable File:
| Warning:  File not found (errno=2,ENOENT, The file or directory specified
| be found)
|           using defaults.
|                Gem Configuration Options for process id 2807

GEM_TEMPOBJ_START_ADDR not used on this platform
(vmGc spaceSizes: eden init 2048K max 9344K , survivor init 448K max 1600K,
 vmGc    old max 37440K, code max 10048K, perm max 5056K, pom 10 * 4224K =
 vmGc    remSet 1156K, meSpace max 48164K oopMapSize 262144  max footprint
[Info]: libssl- loaded

[Info]: RPC client/gem/minimum GCI levels = 851/851/851
[Info]: Client PID: 61110
[Info]: User ID: DataCurator
[Info]: Repository: seaside
[Info]: Session ID: 5
[Info]: GCI Client Host: ::ffff:
[Info]: Page server PID: -1
[Info]: Login Time: 08/17/2013 15:18:38.354 EDT
Gave this VM preference for OOM killer, Wrote to /proc/2807/oom_score_adj
value 250
[Info]: libicudata- loaded
[Info]: libicuuc- loaded
[Info]: libicui18n- loaded
 vmGc MKSW softRefs: clear100% keepGoal 0, cleared 0 , live 0 nonNil 0
srThresh 0 srUseCnt 1
 vmGc   pom0:137K
 vmGc MKSW         831/7424Knew 34096/34560Kold   137Kpom   58Kperm
 169Kcode 2563Kme agrStubbed 50358 32407us  dirtyBytes 0 pomThresh 0
AOOMbit 0 deferAOOMbit 0 ---)
 vmGc approaching OutOfMemory, requesting interpreter stack printout
 vmGc MKSW softRefs: clear100% keepGoal 0, cleared 0 , live 0 nonNil 0
srThresh 0 srUseCnt 1
 vmGc   pom0:137K
 vmGc MKSW        4066/7424Knew 37438/37440Kold   137Kpom   58Kperm
 169Kcode 3037Kme agrStubbed 20162 34482us  dirtyBytes 0 pomThresh 0
AOOMbit 0 deferAOOMbit 0 ---)
 vmGc approaching OutOfMemory, requesting interpreter stack printout
 vmGc MKSW softRefs: clear100% keepGoal 0, cleared 0 , live 0 nonNil 0
srThresh 0 srUseCnt 1
 vmGc   pom0:137K
 vmGc MKSW        5467/7424Knew 37438/37440Kold   137Kpom   58Kperm
 169Kcode 3138Kme agrStubbed 4300 31495us  dirtyBytes 0 pomThresh 0 AOOMbit
0 deferAOOMbit 0 ---)
 vmGc approaching OutOfMemory, requesting interpreter stack printout
 vmGc MKSW softRefs: clear100% keepGoal 0, cleared 0 , live 0 nonNil 0
srThresh 0 srUseCnt 1
 vmGc   pom0:137K
 vmGc MKSW        6113/7424Knew 37438/37440Kold   137Kpom   58Kperm
 169Kcode 3185Kme agrStubbed 1978 30573us  dirtyBytes 0 pomThresh 0 AOOMbit
0 deferAOOMbit 0 ---)
 vmGc approaching OutOfMemory, requesting interpreter stack printout

Printing Smalltalk stack for memory usage diagnosis:
Smalltalk stack:
08/17/2013 15:42:58.086 EDT
stackId 0  stackDepth = 5

1  Object >> _doesNotUnderstand:args:envId:reason: (envId 0) @
0x7f74007ec158=@natCode+0x28  [GsNMethod 376318977]
              FP: 0x7f73f6d94ee8=StackLimit[-35] , callerFP: StackLimit[-23]
  arg 4:2 (SmallInteger 0)
  arg 3:2 (SmallInteger 0)
  arg 2:0x7f73fae14cc0 (cls:66817 Array size:0)
  arg 1:0x7f73fde7d208 oid:45565697 (cls:110849 Symbol
  rcvr: 0x7f73fae14820 oid:1056918273 (cls:134657 GsProcess size:23)
2   metaOTDebugger >> process:context: (envId 0) @
0x7f74008161cc=@natCode+0x14c  [GsNMethod 442442241]
              FP: 0x7f73f6d94f48=StackLimit[-23] , callerFP: StackLimit[-17]
  arg 2:20 OOP_NIL
  arg 1:0x7f73fae14820 oid:1056918273 (cls:134657 GsProcess size:23)
  rcvr: 0x7f7400309d20 oid:44945409 (cls:44945153  metaOTDebugger size:19)
3   metaOTDebugger >> process: (envId 0) @ 0x7f7400815e79=@natCode+0x81
 [GsNMethod 58206977]
              FP: 0x7f73f6d94f78=StackLimit[-17] , callerFP: StackLimit[-11]
  arg 1:0x7f73fae14820 oid:1056918273 (cls:134657 GsProcess size:23)
  rcvr: 0x7f7400309d20 oid:44945409 (cls:44945153  metaOTDebugger size:19)
4  JadeServer >> openDebuggerOn: (envId 0) @ 0x7f7400813946=@natCode+0x1ce
 [GsNMethod 441349633]
              FP: 0x7f73f6d94fa8=StackLimit[-11] , callerFP: StackLimit[-3]
  arg 1:0x7f73fae14820 oid:1056918273 (cls:134657 GsProcess size:23)
  rcvr: 0x7f73fdeb71c0 oid:594392321 (cls:45005057 JadeServer size:0)
5   metaGsNMethod >> _gsReturnToC (envId 0) @ 0x7f74007ed248=@natCode+0x28
 [GsNMethod 397662209]
              FP: 0x7f73f6d94fe8=StackLimit[-3] , callerFP: StackLimit[0]
  rcvr: 20 OOP_NIL
stack 0 GsProcess 20 modeInfo 0x1000300

 vmGc MKSW softRefs: clear100% keepGoal 0, cleared 0 , live 0 nonNil 0
srThresh 0 srUseCnt 1
 vmGc   pom0:137K
 vmGc MKSW        6381/7232Knew 37438/37440Kold   137Kpom   58Kperm
 169Kcode 3204Kme agrStubbed 824 24180us  dirtyBytes 0 pomThresh 0 AOOMbit
0 deferAOOMbit 0 ---)
 vmGc approaching OutOfMemory, requesting interpreter stack printout

Printing Smalltalk stack for memory usage diagnosis:
Smalltalk stack:
08/17/2013 15:43:07.815 EDT
stackId 0  stackDepth = 6

1  CharacterCollection >> printString (envId 0) @
0x7f740080fb80=@natCode+0x28  [GsNMethod 133911809]
              FP: 0x7f73f6d94ee0=StackLimit[-36] , callerFP: StackLimit[-28]
  rcvr: 0x7f73fde7d208 oid:45565697 (cls:110849 Symbol
2  (block, homeMethod:434896385) @ 0x7f740080f807=@natCode+0x1d7
 [GsNMethod 471568641]
              FP: 0x7f73f6d94f20=StackLimit[-28] , callerFP: StackLimit[-22]
  rcvr: 0x7f73fae57b68 (cls:127745 ExecBlock0 size:5)
3  ExecBlock >> onException:do: (envId 0) @ 0x7f74007ef748=@natCode+0x60
 [GsNMethod 381145857]
              FP: 0x7f73f6d94f50=StackLimit[-22] , callerFP: StackLimit[-14]
  arg 2:0x7f73fde6c418 oid:452772865 (cls:143361 ExecBlock size:5)
  arg 1:0x7f7400306ec8 oid:130817 (cls:606209  metaError size:19)
  rcvr: 0x7f73fae57b68 (cls:127745 ExecBlock0 size:5)
4  MessageNotUnderstood >> asString (envId 0) @
0x7f740080f32f=@natCode+0xf7  [GsNMethod 434896385]
              FP: 0x7f73f6d94f90=StackLimit[-14] , callerFP: StackLimit[-10]
  rcvr: 0x7f73fae577e0 (cls:131073 MessageNotUnderstood size:13)
5  AbstractException >> describe (envId 0) @ 0x7f740080527d=@natCode+0x65
 [GsNMethod 383087617]
              FP: 0x7f73f6d94fb0=StackLimit[-10] , callerFP: StackLimit[-3]
  rcvr: 0x7f73fae577e0 (cls:131073 MessageNotUnderstood size:13)
6   metaGsNMethod >> _gsReturnToC (envId 0) @ 0x7f74007ed248=@natCode+0x28
 [GsNMethod 397662209]
              FP: 0x7f73f6d94fe8=StackLimit[-3] , callerFP: StackLimit[0]
  rcvr: 20 OOP_NIL
stack 0 GsProcess 20 modeInfo 0x300

 vmGc MKSW softRefs: clear100% keepGoal 0, cleared 0 , live 0 nonNil 0
srThresh 0 srUseCnt 1
 vmGc   pom0:137K
 vmGc MKSW        6391/7232Knew 37438/37440Kold   137Kpom   58Kperm
 169Kcode 3204Kme agrStubbed 30 24237us  dirtyBytes 0 pomThresh 0 AOOMbit 0
deferAOOMbit 0 ---)
 vmGc approaching OutOfMemory, requesting interpreter stack printout
 vmGc MKSW softRefs: clear100% keepGoal 0, cleared 0 , live 0 nonNil 0
srThresh 0 srUseCnt 1
 vmGc   pom0:137K
 vmGc MKSW        6395/7232Knew 37438/37440Kold   137Kpom   58Kperm
 169Kcode 3204Kme agrStubbed 14 28853us  dirtyBytes 0 pomThresh 0 AOOMbit 0
deferAOOMbit 0 ---)
 vmGc approaching OutOfMemory, requesting interpreter stack printout

Printing Smalltalk stack for memory usage diagnosis:
Smalltalk stack:
08/17/2013 15:43:08.407 EDT
stackId 0  stackDepth = 6

1  (block, homeMethod:501044481) @ 0x7f7400806a10=@natCode+0x28  [GsNMethod
              FP: 0x7f73f6d94ef0=StackLimit[-34] , callerFP: StackLimit[-28]
  rcvr: 0x7f73fae5b390 (cls:127745 ExecBlock0 size:5)
2  ExecBlock >> onException:do: (envId 0) @ 0x7f74007ef748=@natCode+0x60
 [GsNMethod 381145857]
              FP: 0x7f73f6d94f20=StackLimit[-28] , callerFP: StackLimit[-20]
  arg 2:0x7f73fae5b3d0 (cls:143361 ExecBlock size:5)
  arg 1:0x7f7400306ec8 oid:130817 (cls:606209  metaError size:19)
  rcvr: 0x7f73fae5b390 (cls:127745 ExecBlock0 size:5)
3  AbstractException >> _description: (envId 0) @
0x7f740080641d=@natCode+0x14d  [GsNMethod 501044481]
              FP: 0x7f73f6d94f60=StackLimit[-20] , callerFP: StackLimit[-14]
  arg 1:0x7f73fae5b2f8 (cls:74753 String size:52)'a GsProcess does not
understand  #'suspendedContext''
  rcvr: 0x7f73fae5af70 (cls:131073 MessageNotUnderstood size:13)
4  MessageNotUnderstood >> asString (envId 0) @
0x7f740080f349=@natCode+0x111  [GsNMethod 434896385]
              FP: 0x7f73f6d94f90=StackLimit[-14] , callerFP: StackLimit[-10]
  rcvr: 0x7f73fae5af70 (cls:131073 MessageNotUnderstood size:13)
5  AbstractException >> describe (envId 0) @ 0x7f740080527d=@natCode+0x65
 [GsNMethod 383087617]
              FP: 0x7f73f6d94fb0=StackLimit[-10] , callerFP: StackLimit[-3]
  rcvr: 0x7f73fae5af70 (cls:131073 MessageNotUnderstood size:13)
6   metaGsNMethod >> _gsReturnToC (envId 0) @ 0x7f74007ed248=@natCode+0x28
 [GsNMethod 397662209]
              FP: 0x7f73f6d94fe8=StackLimit[-3] , callerFP: StackLimit[0]
  rcvr: 20 OOP_NIL
stack 0 GsProcess 20 modeInfo 0x300

 vmGc MKSW softRefs: clear100% keepGoal 0, cleared 0 , live 0 nonNil 0
srThresh 0 srUseCnt 1
 vmGc   pom0:137K
 vmGc MKSW        6396/7232Knew 37438/37440Kold   137Kpom   58Kperm
 169Kcode 3204Kme agrStubbed 4 28876us  dirtyBytes 0 pomThresh 0 AOOMbit 0
deferAOOMbit 0 ---)
 vmGc approaching OutOfMemory, requesting interpreter stack printout
 vmGc MKSW softRefs: clear100% keepGoal 0, cleared 0 , live 0 nonNil 0
srThresh 0 srUseCnt 1
 vmGc   pom0:137K
 vmGc MKSW        6396/7232Knew 37432/37440Kold   137Kpom   57Kperm
 169Kcode 3204Kme agrStubbed 0 34948us  dirtyBytes 0 pomThresh 0 AOOMbit 0
deferAOOMbit 0 ---)
 vmGc approaching OutOfMemory, requesting interpreter stack printout
*********** Fatal error 4067 OutOfMemory *****

Printing Smalltalk stack because of OutOfMemory:
Smalltalk stack:
08/17/2013 15:43:08.511 EDT
No execution state
(vmGc  Instances counts for generation all
... lots more

 GsMethod 376318977,   Object >> _doesNotUnderstand:args:envId:reason:
 GsMethod 395946753,   GsProcess >> _start
 GsMethod 381186561,   ExecBlock >> _valueOnUnwind
 GsMethod 385672705,   AbstractException >> _signalFromPrimitive:
 GsMethod 397652737,  classId 731393 >> _noopReturnTos
 GsMethod 397662209,  classId 731393 >> _gsReturnToC
 GsMethod 433660673,   ProcessorScheduler >> _initialize
 GsMethod 471436801,  block for method 433660673
 GsMethod 431019521,  classId 761345 >> (selector oop 3263233)
 GsMethod 130165505,   Class >> new
 GsMethod 431032833,   SortedCollection >> (selector oop 3263233)
 GsMethod 376405249,   Object >> size
 GsMethod 408241921,   SmallInteger >> (selector oop 2363393)
 GsMethod 471436545,  block for method 433660673
 GsMethod 130164481,   Class >> (selector oop 2359297)
 GsMethod 376352001,   Object >> (selector oop 2346241)
 GsMethod 406656513,  classId 779521 >> (selector oop 4270593)
 GsMethod 471436289,  block for method 433660673
 GsMethod 471436033,  block for method 433660673
 GsMethod 381145857,   ExecBlock >> (selector oop 2180609)
 GsMethod 406616833,  classId 779521 >> (selector oop 4180225)
 GsMethod 406830081,  classId 779521 >> myUserProfile
 GsMethod 405034497,   UserProfile >> _privileges
 GsMethod 407943681,   SmallInteger >> (selector oop 227073)
 GsMethod 476771585,  classId 495873 >> (selector oop 4179713)
 GsMethod 476747009,  classId 495873 >> (selector oop 5270785)
 GsMethod 134453249,  classId 796929 >> (selector oop 2016769)
 GsMethod 373405953,   Object >> (selector oop 2356737)
 GsMethod 407625473,   SymbolDictionary >> (selector oop 2350593)
 GsMethod 407626753,   SymbolDictionary >> (selector oop 230401)
 GsMethod 431314433,  classId 768001 >> initialize
 GsMethod 431342081,  classId 768001 >> (selector oop 2100737)
 GsMethod 495757569,   GsCurrentSession >> initialize
 GsMethod 495767041,  classId 10492161 >> (selector oop 4891905)
 GsMethod 322055937,   Association >> (selector oop 2280449)
 GsMethod 289920769,   Array >> (selector oop 2351617)
 GsMethod 431639041,  classId 769025 >> (selector oop 2100737)
 GsMethod 431365633,   GsCurrentSession >> (selector oop 4321793)
 GsMethod 407275777,   SymbolList >> (selector oop 2100481)
 GsMethod 310601473,   Association >> value
 GsMethod 495769601,  classId 10492161 >> (selector oop 4072193)
 GsMethod 495813633,  classId 10606849 >> (selector oop 5186561)
 GsMethod 30727425,   SessionMethodTransactionBoundaryPolicy >> (selector
oop 5186561)
 GsMethod 495769345,  classId 10492161 >> current
 GsMethod 495768833,  classId 10492161 >> new
 GsMethod 146121729,   Behavior >> (selector oop 2120705)
 GsMethod 146127105,   Behavior >> (selector oop 2134529)
 GsMethod 495788801,   GsPackagePolicy >> initialize
 GsMethod 407629825,   SymbolDictionary >> at:put:
 GsMethod 407609345,   SymbolDictionary >> (selector oop 4328961)
 GsMethod 298847745,  classId 844801 >> (selector oop 2344449)
 GsMethod 407639041,   SymbolAssociation >> key:value:
 GsMethod 407643905,   SymbolAssociation >> (selector oop 2280193)
 GsMethod 314656001,   Association >> value:
 GsMethod 407610625,   SymbolDictionary >> (selector oop 2346753)
 GsMethod 407608833,   SymbolDictionary >> (selector oop 4324097)
 GsMethod 406483713,  classId 779521 >> (selector oop 4323585)
 GsMethod 406918657,  classId 779521 >> (selector oop 2177793)
 GsMethod 403392257,   IdentityKeyValueDictionary >> (selector oop 2346753)
 GsMethod 376257281,   Object >> (selector oop 3143425)
 GsMethod 407954177,   SmallInteger >> (selector oop 2331393)
 GsMethod 254686465,   AbstractDictionary >> (selector oop 2304001)
 GsMethod 380524545,   IdentityCollisionBucket >> (selector oop 2349569)
 GsMethod 380534017,   IdentityCollisionBucket >> (selector oop 3089921)
 GsMethod 408223233,   SmallInteger >> (selector oop 2363649)
 GsMethod 407958529,   SmallInteger >> (selector oop 226817)
 GsMethod 380546817,   IdentityCollisionBucket >> (selector oop 3088641)
 GsMethod 348967425,   SequenceableCollection >> (selector oop 1994241)
 GsMethod 175918849,   AbstractCollisionBucket >> size
 GsMethod 495810817,   GsPackagePolicy >> (selector oop 5354241)
 GsMethod 495834625,  classId 10614785 >> (selector oop 4900353)
 GsMethod 431662081,   GsSession >> (selector oop 1854977)
 GsMethod 403930625,   UserProfile >> (selector oop 4035585)
 GsMethod 1,  classId 20 >> (selector oop 233729)
 GsMethod 58263809,  classId 45005313 >> current
 GsMethod 495838465,  classId 10623489 >> current
 GsMethod 406660097,  classId 779521 >> (selector oop 4272385)
 GsMethod 380762113,  classId 847617 >> new
 GsMethod 380785665,  classId 847617 >> (selector oop 2359297)
 GsMethod 554551553,  classId 790017 >> (selector oop 3108097)
 GsMethod 407956481,   SmallInteger >> (selector oop 2350849)
 GsMethod 407957761,   SmallInteger >> (selector oop 2363905)
 GsMethod 146125825,   Behavior >> (selector oop 2132481)
 GsMethod 403581953,   IdentityKeyValueDictionary >> (selector oop 3107329)
 GsMethod 254945281,   AbstractDictionary >> (selector oop 2302721)
 GsMethod 1,  classId 20 >> (selector oop 233729)
 GsMethod 495811841,   GsPackagePolicy >> authorInitials:
 GsMethod 495811585,   GsPackagePolicy >> (selector oop 4890881)
 GsMethod 403393281,   IdentityKeyValueDictionary >> (selector oop 3102977)
 GsMethod 380498945,  classId 826625 >> new
 GsMethod 175945985,  classId 845569 >> (selector oop 2359297)
 GsMethod 175917569,   AbstractCollisionBucket >> initialize
 GsMethod 373631489,   Object >> (selector oop 2256129)
 GsMethod 373626369,   Object >> (selector oop 2309121)
 GsMethod 102973697,   CollisionBucket >> (selector oop 2359809)
 GsMethod 1,  classId 20 >> (selector oop 233729)
 GsMethod 406829825,  classId 779521 >> session
 GsMethod 431639297,  classId 769025 >> serialOfSession:
 GsMethod 406818049,  classId 779521 >> (selector oop 4232449)
 GsMethod 407942657,   SmallInteger >> printString
 GsMethod 407933185,   SmallInteger >> (selector oop 2372097)
 GsMethod 407782657,   String >> ,
 GsMethod 406000385,   UserProfile >> userId
 GsMethod 407801089,   String >> size
 GsMethod 378238977,   Magnitude >> min:
 GsMethod 407804417,   String >> copyFrom:to:
 GsMethod 406568961,  classId 779521 >> _cacheName:
 GsMethod 50681345,   JadeServer >> setAutoCommit:autoMigrate:
 GsMethod 34305281,  classId 20507905 >> (selector oop 11076609)
 GsMethod 34306049,  classId 20507905 >> (selector oop 21774849)
 GsMethod 1,  classId 20 >> (selector oop 233729)
 GsMethod 50680577,   JadeServer >> registerClientUpdateConcentrator:
 GsMethod 69771777,  block for method 50680577
 GsMethod 30951425,   SmalltalkProxy >> (selector oop 13389313)
 GsMethod 376316161,   Object >> isNil
 GsMethod 403998721,   UserProfile >> (selector oop 1835265)
 GsMethod 407268097,   SymbolList >> (selector oop 4321793)
 GsMethod 58102785,  classId 43442945 >> (selector oop 5024001)
 GsMethod 49070849,   OBUpdateConcentrator >> (selector oop 45775617)
 GsMethod 1,  classId 20 >> (selector oop 233729)
 GsMethod 373756417,   Object >> respondsTo:
 GsMethod 407653889,  classId 848129 >> (selector oop 2189313)
 GsMethod 373755905,   Object >> (selector oop 2884353)
 GsMethod 57577473,  classId 43418369 >> preferencesDictionary
 GsMethod 489515009,  classId 10435329 >> new
 GsMethod 489514753,  classId 10435329 >> (selector oop 2359297)
 GsMethod 146121473,   Behavior >> (selector oop 2120449)
 GsMethod 489555201,   Dictionary >> (selector oop 11306241)
 GsMethod 489526785,   Dictionary >> (selector oop 3101953)
 GsMethod 489550337,   Dictionary >> (selector oop 11305985)
 GsMethod 489534209,   Dictionary >> (selector oop 11305729)
 GsMethod 489555457,   Dictionary >> at:put:
 GsMethod 189131265,   AbstractDictionary >> (selector oop 2331649)
 GsMethod 407803905,   String >> (selector oop 2362881)
 GsMethod 489531393,   Dictionary >> (selector oop 851969)
 GsMethod 489553921,   Dictionary >> (selector oop 11304705)
 GsMethod 250702337,   AbstractDictionary >> (selector oop 2347265)
 GsMethod 375665665,   Object >> (selector oop 2321665)
 GsMethod 489503233,  classId 10435329 >> (selector oop 11305217)
 GsMethod 310376961,   Association >> key:value:
 GsMethod 489554689,   Dictionary >> (selector oop 11304961)
 GsMethod 373758465,   Object >> (selector oop 2910721)
 GsMethod 252717569,   AbstractDictionary >> _basicAt:put:
 GsMethod 1,  classId 20 >> (selector oop 233729)
 GsMethod 1,  classId 20 >> (selector oop 233729)
 GsMethod 1,  classId 20 >> (selector oop 233729)
 GsMethod 1,  block for method 1
 GsMethod 30952961,   SmalltalkProxy >> at:ifAbsent:
 GsMethod 50676993,   JadeServer >> setAutoCommit:autoAbort:autoMigrate:
 GsMethod 34305025,  classId 20507905 >> (selector oop 28519937)
 GsMethod 1,  classId 20 >> (selector oop 233729)
 GsMethod 383087617,   AbstractException >> (selector oop 218881)
 GsMethod 501042689,   CompileError >> (selector oop 2372097)
 GsMethod 501042433,   CompileError >> (selector oop 2173953)
 GsMethod 269944577,   Array >> (selector oop 2296065)
 GsMethod 290708225,   Array >> at:put:
 GsMethod 501044481,   AbstractException >> (selector oop 3301377)
 GsMethod 510358529,  block for method 501044481
 GsMethod 510358273,  block for method 501044481
 GsMethod 407703297,  classId 848385 >> (selector oop 2175745)
 GsMethod 130170625,   Metaclass3 >> (selector oop 1832961)
 GsMethod 130172161,   Metaclass3 >> (selector oop 2260737)
 GsMethod 130472705,   Module >> (selector oop 1832961)
 GsMethod 407782913,   String >> add:
 GsMethod 501044225,   AbstractException >> (selector oop 5355009)
 GsMethod 407802625,   String >> (selector oop 2372097)
 GsMethod 1,  classId 20 >> (selector oop 233729)
 GsMethod 1,  classId 20 >> (selector oop 233729)
 GsMethod 1,  classId 20 >> (selector oop 233729)
 GsMethod 1,  classId 20 >> (selector oop 233729)
 GsMethod 1,  classId 20 >> (selector oop 233729)
 GsMethod 1,  classId 20 >> (selector oop 233729)
 GsMethod 1,  classId 20 >> (selector oop 233729)
 GsMethod 1,  classId 20 >> (selector oop 233729)
 GsMethod 1,  classId 20 >> (selector oop 233729)
 GsMethod 1,  classId 20 >> (selector oop 233729)
 GsMethod 1,  classId 20 >> (selector oop 233729)
 GsMethod 1,  classId 20 >> (selector oop 233729)
 GsMethod 1,  classId 20 >> (selector oop 233729)
 GsMethod 1,  classId 20 >> (selector oop 233729)
 GsMethod 1,  classId 20 >> (selector oop 233729)
 GsMethod 1,  classId 20 >> (selector oop 233729)
 GsMethod 1,  classId 20 >> (selector oop 233729)
 GsMethod 1,  classId 20 >> (selector oop 233729)
 GsMethod 1,  classId 20 >> (selector oop 233729)
 GsMethod 441350657,   JadeServer >> registerBrowseClientForwarder:
 GsMethod 57578753,  classId 43418369 >> registerBrowseClientForwarder:
 GsMethod 57586689,  classId 43418369 >> (selector oop 28479233)
 GsMethod 1,  classId 20 >> (selector oop 233729)
 GsMethod 1,  classId 20 >> (selector oop 233729)
 GsMethod 441512449,   JadeServer >> registerChoiceClientForwarder:
 GsMethod 57581313,  classId 43418369 >> registerChoiceClientForwarder:
 GsMethod 1,  classId 20 >> (selector oop 233729)
 GsMethod 1,  classId 20 >> (selector oop 233729)
 GsMethod 441351425,   JadeServer >> registerMultipleChoiceClientForwarder:
 GsMethod 57579777,  classId 43418369 >>
 GsMethod 1,  classId 20 >> (selector oop 233729)
 GsMethod 441303297,   JadeServer >> registerCloseClientForwarder:
 GsMethod 57579265,  classId 43418369 >> registerCloseClientForwarder:
 GsMethod 1,  classId 20 >> (selector oop 233729)
 GsMethod 441349889,   JadeServer >> registerConfirmationClientForwarder:
 GsMethod 57580801,  classId 43418369 >>
 GsMethod 1,  classId 20 >> (selector oop 233729)
 GsMethod 441351681,   JadeServer >> registerInformClientForwarder:
 GsMethod 57580033,  classId 43418369 >> registerInformClientForwarder:
 GsMethod 1,  classId 20 >> (selector oop 233729)
 GsMethod 441350401,   JadeServer >> registerMultiLineTextClientForwarder:
 GsMethod 57577985,  classId 43418369 >>
 GsMethod 1,  classId 20 >> (selector oop 233729)
 GsMethod 441350145,   JadeServer >> registerTextClientForwarder:
 GsMethod 57589505,  classId 43418369 >> registerTextClientForwarder:
 GsMethod 1,  classId 20 >> (selector oop 233729)
 GsMethod 441539585,   JadeServer >>
 GsMethod 57580545,  classId 43418369 >>
 GsMethod 1,  classId 20 >> (selector oop 233729)
 GsMethod 50678017,   JadeServer >> registerTranscriptClientForwarder:
 GsMethod 69767937,  block for method 50678017
 GsMethod 33607169,  classId 20028417 >> registerTranscriptClientForwarder:
 GsMethod 1,  classId 20 >> (selector oop 233729)
 GsMethod 1,  classId 20 >> (selector oop 233729)
 GsMethod 1,  block for method 1
 GsMethod 407616769,   SymbolDictionary >> at:ifAbsent:
 GsMethod 381000961,   KeyValueDictionary >> keys
 GsMethod 454617345,  block for method 381000961
 GsMethod 380998657,   KeyValueDictionary >> (selector oop 2356481)
 GsMethod 454613505,  block for method 380998657
 GsMethod 380997121,   KeyValueDictionary >> (selector oop 2354945)
 GsMethod 380018177,   IdentityBag >> add:
 GsMethod 1,  block for method 1
 GsMethod 1,  block for method 1
 GsMethod 376321281,   Object >> (selector oop 2924545)
 GsMethod 434895873,   MessageNotUnderstood >> (selector oop 2924033)
 GsMethod 386120705,   AbstractException >> (selector oop 1843457)
 GsMethod 385788673,   AbstractException >> (selector oop 3852289)
 GsMethod 434895617,   MessageNotUnderstood >> defaultAction
 GsMethod 435004417,   AbstractException >> defaultAction
 GsMethod 434896385,   MessageNotUnderstood >> (selector oop 2372097)
 GsMethod 471568641,  block for method 434896385
 GsMethod 471568385,  block for method 434896385
 GsMethod 133911809,   CharacterCollection >> printString
 GsMethod 133911553,   CharacterCollection >> (selector oop 1986561)
 GsMethod 495745025,  classId 10733313 >> (selector oop 1986049)
 GsMethod 495755521,   PrintStream >> (selector oop 4875265)
 GsMethod 407685633,   Symbol >> (selector oop 2342401)
 GsMethod 495756033,   PrintStream >> (selector oop 2320385)
 GsMethod 495757057,   PrintStream >> (selector oop 2948097)
 GsMethod 407782145,   String >> (selector oop 2290945)
 GsMethod 407802369,   String >> (selector oop 2342401)
 GsMethod 495756801,   PrintStream >> (selector oop 2948353)
 GsMethod 407783937,   String >> (selector oop 1987073)
 GsMethod 495755009,   PrintStream >> (selector oop 2342145)
 GsMethod 407782401,   String >> (selector oop 2340865)
 GsMethod 495754753,   PrintStream >> (selector oop 1985793)
 GsMethod 441349633,   JadeServer >> openDebuggerOn:
 GsMethod 396735233,   GsProcess >> (selector oop 3912961)
 GsMethod 396816129,   GsProcess >> (selector oop 3914241)
 GsMethod 396732673,   GsProcess >> (selector oop 3912193)
 GsMethod 396728833,   GsProcess >> (selector oop 3910401)
 GsMethod 396761345,   GsProcess >> (selector oop 3910657)
 GsMethod 407942913,   SmallInteger >> (selector oop 2073601)
 GsMethod 396660737,   GsProcess >> (selector oop 3911937)
 GsMethod 399975937,   GsNMethod >> (selector oop 1817345)
 GsMethod 401593857,   GsNMethod >> (selector oop 3992065)
 GsMethod 408220161,   SmallInteger >> (selector oop 2269953)
 GsMethod 368271617,  classId 206081 >> (selector oop 1902337)
 GsMethod 58206977,  classId 44945153 >> (selector oop 45513729)
 GsMethod 442442241,  classId 44945153 >> (selector oop 45513985)
 GsMethod 59045377,  classId 42530561 >> current
 GsMethod 57581825,  classId 43418369 >> (selector oop 45564673)
 GsMethod 57247233,  classId 43419905 >> (selector oop 2118657)
 GsMethod 49270785,   OTDebugNode >> (selector oop 45535489)
 GsMethod 57582081,  classId 43418369 >> (selector oop 45563905)
(vmGc  Instances counts for generation code
     GsNMethod                               id:    144897     272
instances    75712 bytes
     GsNativeCode                            id:    143617     272
instances    98176 bytes
 vmGc ---)

****** Gemstone Error Overflow
GemStone: Error 1 of 3  Nonfatal
a MessageNotUnderstood occurred (error 2010), a GsProcess does not
understand  #'suspendedContext'
Error Category: 231169 [GemStone] Number: 2010  Arg Count: 4 Context :
1056619777 exception : 1056618753
Arg 1: 45565697
Arg 2:    2 [SmallInteger    0]
Arg 3: 1056620545
Arg 4: 1056618497
GemStone: Error 2 of 3  Fatal
VM temporary object memory is full
, old space overflow
Error Category: 231169 [GemStone] Number: 4067  Arg Count: 1 Context : 20
exception : 20
Arg 1:   20
GemStone: Error 3 of 3  Fatal

Error Category: 231169 [GemStone] Number: 4067  Arg Count: 1 Context : 20
exception : 20
Arg 1:   20

****** GemStone Abnormal Shutdown at 08/17/2013 15:43:08 EDT
GemStone: Error 1 of 3  Nonfatal
a MessageNotUnderstood occurred (error 2010), a GsProcess does not
understand  #'suspendedContext'
Error Category: 231169 [GemStone] Number: 2010  Arg Count: 4 Context :
1056619777 exception : 1056618753
Arg 1: 45565697
Arg 2:    2 [SmallInteger    0]
Arg 3: 1056620545
Arg 4: 1056618497
GemStone: Error 2 of 3  Fatal
VM temporary object memory is full
, old space overflow
Error Category: 231169 [GemStone] Number: 4067  Arg Count: 1 Context : 20
exception : 20
Arg 1:   20
GemStone: Error 3 of 3  Fatal

Error Category: 231169 [GemStone] Number: 4067  Arg Count: 1 Context : 20
exception : 20
Arg 1:   20

On Sat, Aug 17, 2013 at 2:26 PM, Lisa Almarode <
lisa.almarode at gemtalksystems.com> wrote:

> While you can skip upgradeImage if there are no image-level changes, in
> general, you should always run upgradeImage.  It's definitely needed for
> the and upgrades, but and the upcoming
> are probably okay without.
> If the particular image-level changes aren't relevant for your
> application, you can take the chance - but it makes support folks worry
> when executables and image are at different versions...
> Lisa Almarode
> GemTalk Technical Support
> On 8/17/2013 10:49 AM, John McIntosh wrote:
> > Ok, to answer James' question this is a production system, however it
> > failed at step 27 of my migration plan, so I just reverted back to the
> > 3.1.0 setup. I had read the upgrade chapter in the
> >
> http://downloads.gemtalksystems.com/docs/GemStone64/3.0.x/GS64-InstallGuide-Linux-3.0.1.pdf
> > but in reading the 3.1.0, to <> notes
> > it was 'unclear' you needed to do the upgradeImage step between minor
> > point releases. Actually a friend of mine who does gemstone work didn't
> > think the migration from 3.1.0.x to 3.1.0.y needed anything special...
> > He may owe me a latte this week.
> >
> > I'm not sure here if doing the upgradeImage is needed? If someone could
> > clarify that would be great.
> >
> > Now if the issue is that does have problems with  'process
> > switch not in critical state'  and are *mostly*? fixed in I
> > might wait a bit longer, the problem is the seaside gems die over time
> > depending on load resulting in no gems to service the webserver. So not
> > anything I want to toss into production yet.
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John M. McIntosh <johnmci at smalltalkconsulting.com>
Corporate Smalltalk Consulting Ltd. Twitter: squeaker68882
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