[Glass] Is it possible to explore/inspect objects from seaside callbacks in GemTools?

Dale K. Henrichs dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com
Tue Dec 17 12:53:12 PST 2013

----- Original Message -----

| From: "Mariano Martinez Peck" <marianopeck at gmail.com>
| To: glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
| Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2013 11:59:09 AM
| Subject: [Glass] Is it possible to explore/inspect objects from
| seaside callbacks in GemTools?

| Hi guys,

| If I understand correctly, I can, for example, print to transcript
| from a seaside callback. If I have a GemTools connected, then I am
| supposed to see the string in the transcript, right?

| First..can I confirm that this only work if the both seaside and
| gemtools are running with the same gem?
If you are running Seaside from the gemtools gem, then the transcript output goes to the client gem's Transcript window ... the window should be open before you log into GemTools. 

If you are running Seaside in a topaz process not connected to GemTools then the Transcript output is routed to the gem log ... 

In both cases the Transcript output is put into the ObjectLog ... you can view the Object Log from a web browser by registering the object log application: 

register: WAObjectLog 
asApplicationAt: WAObjectLog entryPointName 
user: ''admin'' password: ''tool''. 

or inspect it the object log ... 

| If not...how does the GemTool gets notified? I know you use exception
| mechanism for this so maybe it is related.

| Finally, and this is my real question...I have gems running seaside
| in which I have some buttons to ease development. These buttons send
| #inspect or #explore to some objects in seaside callbacks. When I do
| that (having a GemTools connected to the same GemStone), I get this
| error:
I've got to eat lunch, so I'll save my reply for after lunch:) 

| -----------

| Internal Server Error:

| a TransactionError occurred (error 2407), The object aSessionTemps(
| #'GsHostRandomFile'->aGsFile,
| #'GRGemStoneRandomProvider_MUTEX'->aTransientMutex,
| #'SystemChangeNotifier_UniqueInstance'->aSystemChangeNotifier,
| #'GsPackage_TransactionBoundary_Dict'->aSessionTemps(
| #'SessionMethodChange'->1614, #'ClassChange'->6791),
| #'Cached_Class_Organizer'->aCachingClassOrganizer,
| #'GRGemStoneRandomProvider_GENERATOR'->aHostRandom,
| #'GemToGemStaticException'->aGsExceptionHandler,
| #'GsPackagePolicy_SessionMethodDictionary'->anIdentitySet( Array,
| Association, Behavior, Boolean, Character, Class, Collection,
| Integer, Magnitude, ObsoleteMetaclass, Number, Object,
| PositionableStream, ReadStream, SequenceableCollection,
| SmallInteger, Stream, String, UndefinedObject, ...), ...) may not be
| committed, 'instances of its class are non-persistent'

| You should contact the system administrator

| -------------

| So I guess this is expected right? there is no workaround?

| --
| Mariano
| http://marianopeck.wordpress.com

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