[Glass] Jade update 18-Dec-2013

itlists at schrievkrom.de itlists at schrievkrom.de
Thu Dec 19 07:38:13 PST 2013

Am 19.12.2013 15:58, schrieb James Foster:

>> 	* removing a newly created category sometimes fails if you don't commit
> Doesn’t immediately reproduce for me but it was reported as “sometimes fails” so I’ll continue to watch it.

I've a variation of it:

When I create a category, add a method and try to remove that category
again (without removing the method) I get an error:

a LookupError occurred (error 2035), reason:classErrMethCatNotFound, In
searching the class GessWebCatiRestCall the category name ' test2' was
not found.

AbstractException >> _signalWith: (envId 0) @5 line 25
AbstractException >> signal (envId 0) @2 line 47
Object >> _error:args: (envId 0) @15 line 11
Behavior >> _categoryNotFound: (envId 0) @2 line 2
Behavior >> removeCategory:environmentId: (envId 0) @7 line 11
Behavior >> removeCategory: (envId 0) @2 line 2
[] in  JadeServer >> sbRemoveMethodCategories: (envId 0) @2 line 5
Collection >> do: (envId 0) @5 line 10
JadeServer >> sbRemoveMethodCategories: (envId 0) @4 line 5
JadeServer >> systemBrowserCommand (envId 0) @33 line 12
[] in  JadeServer >> systemBrowser: (envId 0) @13 line 10
Time class >> secondsElapsedTime: (envId 0) @5 line 11
Time class >> millisecondsElapsedTime: (envId 0) @2 line 6
JadeServer >> millisecondsElapsedTime: (envId 0) @2 line 3
JadeServer >> systemBrowser: (envId 0) @2 line 4
[] in  JadeServer64bit >> systemBrowser: (envId 0) @2 line 4
ExecBlock >> on:do: (envId 0) @3 line 42
JadeServer64bit >> systemBrowser: (envId 0) @2 line 5
GsNMethod class >> _gsReturnToC (envId 0) @1 line 1


Marten Feldtmann

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