[Glass] Jade update 18-Dec-2013

James Foster james.foster at gemtalksystems.com
Thu Dec 19 06:58:01 PST 2013

Some notes on these issues:

On Dec 18, 2013, at 9:44 PM, James Foster <james.foster at gemtalksystems.com> wrote:

> http://seaside.gemtalksystems.com/jade/ contains a link to the Microsoft Windows IDE dated 18-Dec-13 with the following fixes:
> 	* context menu (right-click) in method in System Browser has browse senders/implementers back

Because of the way the compiler handles inner blocks this isn’t fully functioning yet. I’ll continue to investigate.

> 	* #’compileMissingAccessingMethods’ on class side 

This turns out to be an issue in the kernel classes on the server. I’ve entered bug #43584 and plan to fix it in 3.2. 

> 	* select a class, create a new category -> can't add a new method without deselect and select the category again

I’m unable to reproduce this problem.

> 	* removing a newly created category sometimes fails if you don't commit

Doesn’t immediately reproduce for me but it was reported as “sometimes fails” so I’ll continue to watch it.

~ James

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