[Glass] load ignoring gofer

Otto Behrens otto at finworks.biz
Mon Nov 18 06:59:15 PST 2013


I'm trying to figure out why I'm getting "redirecting to
when loading BaselineOfGLASS1 from a locally cloned repository.

We end up calling:

MetacelloProjectReferenceSpec | loadUsing: aLoader gofer: ignored

| required |
required := self resolveToLoadableSpec.
required loader: aLoader.
^required load

which, as the parameter name suggests, ignores the gofer. The sender
diligently sets the repositories, which are ignored in this method.

Should the implementation of this method perhaps change to use the
gofer? Or should it change to copy the repositories from the gofer and
set that on the "required". (This is a
MetacelloMCConfigurationOfProjectSpec, which understand repositories:
which can be extracted from the Gofer.)

Alternatively, it is the problem that we do end up with a
MetacelloProjectReferenceSpec, and we should be calling
#loadUsing:gofer: on something else.

So, I'll try something. See how it pans out.


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