[Glass] Strange behavior with ProcessLocalVariable ?

Dale K. Henrichs dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com
Fri Nov 22 15:27:16 PST 2013

----- Original Message -----

| From: "Mariano Martinez Peck" <marianopeck at gmail.com>
| To: "Dale K. Henrichs" <dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com>
| Cc: glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
| Sent: Friday, November 22, 2013 3:16:54 PM
| Subject: Re: [Glass] Strange behavior with ProcessLocalVariable ?

| On Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 8:07 PM, Dale K. Henrichs <
| dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com > wrote:

| | | From: "Mariano Martinez Peck" < marianopeck at gmail.com >
| | 
| | | To: "Dale K. Henrichs" < dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com >
| | 
| | | Cc: glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
| | 
| | | Sent: Friday, November 22, 2013 3:02:37 PM
| | 
| | | Subject: Re: [Glass] Strange behavior with ProcessLocalVariable ?
| | 

| | | Hi Dale,
| | 

| | | Of course, the nil I get is the one from #default:
| | 

| | | value
| | 
| | | "Answer the current value for this variable in the current
| | | context."
| | 
| | | ^Processor activeProcess environmentAt: self ifAbsent: [self
| | | default].
| | 

| | | So maybe I am getting different processes instances for the
| | | #value:
| | | and the #value ... while in Pharo it is the same...
| | 
| | Yes. Especially when Seaside is involved ... there a number of
| | forked
| | processes along the way in GemStone that may match exactly what's
| | happening in Pharo ...

| | | Question: is there a way to inspect or print to transcript from
| | | gemstone to the GemTools? I mean...say I want to do some
| | | Transcript
| | | show: in the code that is running or some inspect, and I want
| | | that
| | | they are seen in the transcript / ide of GemTools. Is that
| | | possible?
| | 
| | Yes, Transcript exists GemTools and it is attached to the
| | Transcript
| | window that is open when you login ... use it just like you would
| | in
| | Pharo ... If you are running without GemTools, the Transcript
| | output
| | is routed to the gem log ... all Transcript interaction is also
| | recorded in the ObjectLog so you have a "permanent" record of your
| | Transcript output from the very beginning:)

| really???? mmm then something strange is happening in my image.....I
| have a piece of code running in the server...I put some: Transcript
| show: 'xxx'; cr.
| and nothing appears in my gemstools (in the transcript of the
| gemtools).... I thoguht the code might now be passing over there
| (quite strange), but I put a self halt just after the transcript and
| it halted!! yet nothing is printed...
Yes that is strange ... The Transcript logging works through the use of exceptions, so if you happen to have some odd exception handlers on your stack above the Transcript show, they might be interfering with things ... 

| Other stuff ARE printed in the transcript...so this is weird.

| I want to check the identityHash of the process in which I do the
| value: and the #value but I need a transcript for that...ok...I can
| write it to a file in the meanwhile...
Check in the object log ... the object log output should be logged to the object log before attempting to write to transcript ... You can just inspect `ObjectLogEntry objectLog`... 

| Thanks!

| | Dale

| --
| Mariano
| http://marianopeck.wordpress.com
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