[Glass] Moving data from Pharo with SIXX

Mariano Martinez Peck marianopeck at gmail.com
Sun Nov 24 07:18:28 PST 2013

Stephan, as you can imagine, I am one of them. I have replied this a few
times already, but I will answer again.
Fuel was developed from scratch with 2 main goals: 1) speed 2) good design.
Portability was not our main goal, which is at the same time  the most
important goal in other serializers.
That being said, having a good design allowed us to make some ports. For
example, Fuel currently works in all versions from Pharo 1.1 to Pharo 3.0
and it works in Squeak. I was also ported to VW and it was kind of working
(I think the port was never finished). It was also ported to Newspeak.
So....even if it was not our goal, I think it should NOT be difficult to
make Fuel in GemStone. The only thing we would need is the special
serialization for certain low level classes like SmallDouble and things
like that.

But...all that paragraph is about making Fuel to work in GemStone. And yes,
I think it is possible and should not take much. But, a completely
different story is to not only make Fuel work in Pharo and GemStone but
also be able to serialize in one place and materialize in another one. That
requires including lot of information (metadata) in the serialization, try
to find portable serialziation/representation of objects, etc etc etc.  And
this one yes, I think it is more complicated and more complicated to


On Sat, Nov 23, 2013 at 4:57 PM, Stephan Eggermont <stephan at stack.nl> wrote:

> There used to be people who thought Fuel might be interesting for this…
> Stephan
> On 22 nov. 2013, at 19:58, Mariano Martinez Peck <marianopeck at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Hi guys,
> >
> > I want to start testing my app in GemStone and one of the things I would
> need to do first is to move some that. I understand that most of the people
> use SIXX.
> > So..what things should I be careful while serializing? sorted
> collections? closures?
> > Floats? DateAndTimes? ScaledDecimal ...
> > In other words...is there any known type of object that I should not
> move with SIXX to GemStone?
> >
> > Any blog post or something about
> using/installing/serializing/materializing SIXX for this task?
> >
> > Thanks in advance!!
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Mariano
> > http://marianopeck.wordpress.com
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