[Glass] Jade - Hard Break, Soft Break, Interactive programming with Zinc

itlists at schrievkrom.de itlists at schrievkrom.de
Thu Nov 28 08:47:35 PST 2013

Ok, the Zinc server is running, the first REST requests could be
answered - but there are still some questions left open:

Very often my Jade IDE simply does not resüponse any more and I have to
kill it regularly :-(((( This means often: restart, reload and retype
source code again.

Some question regarding this process:

-> when working with Zinc servers: I was told to do "Commit and Sleep"
from Jade - otherwise the server code in the GEM (of Jade) will not run.

-> How do I reenter again ? Hard break, soft break (what's the
difference) - it very often means, that the Zinc server is not
responding any more (when I do "Commit and Sleep" again).

Therefore: How can I do interactive (Smalltalk typically programming)
when doing Zinc server programming ?


Marten Feldtmann

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