[Glass] Basic questions regarding GemBuilder for Smalltalk, GemTools, and tODE

James Foster James.Foster at GemTalkSystems.com
Tue Oct 1 12:03:47 PDT 2013

Hi Mariano,

Others have given good answers, but I'll offer my input as well! 

See http://programminggems.wordpress.com/2013/10/01/jade/ for a blog post and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnRB5rBbkiI for a screencast showing how to load Seaside 3.0 and Magritte3 into GemStone/S Also this gives a demo of Jade, a GemStone/S IDE for Microsoft Windows that has been in development and use for about 10 years and has good network performance.


On Sep 30, 2013, at 1:48 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck <marianopeck at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I am evaluating GemStone for a client and I want to give it a try. I have a very high level idea of GemStone but I never use it for real. The application I may need to run in GemStone is a Seaside app 3.0 + Magritte3. 
> Something that confuses me a lot if all these pieces that seem somehow related: GemBuilder for Smalltalk, GemTools, and tODE. And I have a few questions related to these. Thanks in advance for any help you can give me. 
> From what I understand, I do need a kind of "GemBuilder for Smalltalk" in order to connect my client Smalltalk (Pharo in my case) to GemStone. But there isn't any GemBuilder for Pharo (only VW and VA). I also thought part of GemBuilder was to map certain kernel classes of the client language to GemStone, to retrieve objects from GemStone into my smalltalk client vm..etc.
> So..I guess GemTools is a subset of an equivalent "GemBuilder for Pharo"? What is its relation to the GemBuilder? 
> From what I understand, GemTools offers me some tools to connect to a GemStone server, load code, execute some code on the server, etc etc etc. I think I can do more or less the same with Topaz as well. That means that GemBuilder is optional and I could use Topaz only. If I use Topaz directly, it means that I don't need any GemBuilder at all for Pharo? If true, how then it happens that "mapping of certain kernel classes" that I read somewhere?  in other word, why would I not need a GemBuilder for Pharo but do need it for VW and VA? Just because there is no UI and all we have is seaside running? And if I run Seaside in VW then I don't need GemBuilder for VW?
> If I don't need GemBuilder at all, how can I know which classes/methods of Pharo can I use and which ones I cannot? 
> I noticed the GemTools is based on a very very old Pharo image. I guess this is not a very big problem because I would use that image only to load my code into GemStone and maybe for other small issues. Still, I will continue developing my app in Pharo 2.0 and I will keep having my ConfigurationOfXXX with the proper load for GemStone. Right? 
> Anyway...now how is tODE related to GemTools? What does tODE help me regarding GemStone? Can I use it already or should I still with GemTools/Topaz for the moment? I searched  in Gemtalk Systems and I found nothing. 
> Thank you very much!
> -- 
> Mariano
> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com
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