[Glass] Some 'minor' things

Dale Henrichs via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Mon Dec 1 09:42:18 PST 2014

Could you submit individual issues against the GsDevKit/GsDevKit project[1]
for these?

I am laying the groundwork for changing the name of GLASS to GsDevKit and
I've already moved the glassdb/glass project to the GsDevKit/GsDevKit
project so the issues are managed there, but I'm not quite ready to make
the switch, so ongoing development is taking place in glassdb/glass (to be
merged into GsDevKit when it's time)...

Anyway, I would like to encourage folks to report bugs/issues using GitHub,
since that's where the real work will happen.

I don't want to discourage discussion, but the discussion that you and
James had about the Timespan should have taken place on the TimeSpan issue,
so that whoever comes along to do the actual work would have the benefit of
seeing your interchange and possibly contributing and adding to it ... As
it stands this discussion will fade over time and it can be difficult to
recover the conversation thread as time goes by ...

Perhaps bug reports should start with a github issue report followed by a
message to this list referencing the issue number ... then any follow-on
conversation can take place on the specific issue ...


[1] https://github.com/GsDevKit/GsDevKit/issues

On Mon, Dec 1, 2014 at 8:12 AM, Dario Trussardi via Glass <
glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com> wrote:

> Ciao,
>         i found some 'minor' things and i don't know as management (
> report to the list ? ).
>         I report in this e-mail for understand how to behave.
>         1)  10 at 5  *2            answer  20 at 10
>                 but             2* ( 10 at 5 )             answer   a
> MessageNotUnderstood occurred (error 2010), a Point does not understand
> #'_generality'
>         2) The class            Time            don't implementer  the
> method :   asDate
>                                         asDate
>                                                 ^ Date today
>         3) The class            Integer                 don't implementer
> the method: printStringHex
>                                         printStringHex
>                                          "returns the hex digit part of
> the integer when printed in hexadecimal format. 30 printStringHex '1E' 30
> hex '16r1E' "
>                                          ^self printStringBase: 16
>         4) Gemstone don't implement a Timespan  subclass         Date   as
> into  Pharo
>                  Instances of Date are Timespans with duration of 1 day.
>                 I don't find any equivalent class into Gemstone.
>         Thanks for any considerations.
>                 Dario
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