[Glass] Problem while loading Bootstrap for Seaside inside Gemstone

Dale Henrichs via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Tue Dec 9 06:36:23 PST 2014

Ah conflicts, so you had zinc already loaded. ... add an
onConflictUseIncoming clause:

Gofer new
    package: 'GsUpgrader-Core';
    url: 'http://ss3.gemtalksystems.com/ss/gsUpgrader';
  (Smalltalk at: #'GsUpgrader') upgradeGrease.

    deploy: [
      Metacello new
        baseline: 'Seaside3';
        repository: 'github://GsDevKit/Seaside31:v3.1.3.1-gs/repository';
      Metacello new
        configuration: 'Bootstrap';
        repository: '
        version: #'stable';
        load ]

All conflicts will be resolved by loading in the incoming/new version of
the project.

See the Convlicts section of the Metacello Users Guide[1] for additional



On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 6:51 PM, draq88 via Glass <
glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com> wrote:

> I did what you wrote in the last post  and I'm still having some issues.
> An error is raised after the GsDeployer that says: "a
> metacelloConflictingProjectError ocurred (error 2710), Load Conflict
> between
> existing BaselineOfZincHttpComponents [baseline] from
> github://GsDevKit/zinc:2.4.3/repository and
> ConfigurationOfZincHttpComponents stable from
> http://mc.stfx.eu/ZincHttpComponents".
> I did something very similar this the first time I installed Seaside with
> the GsDeployer.
>  Metacello new
>         baseline: 'Seaside3';
>         repository: 'github://GsDevKit/Seaside31:v3.1.3.1-gs/repository';
> We have been to told to use that version of the repository and I made it
> work somehow with the example apps. I don't know if that provoked the
> conflict.
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://forum.world.st/Problem-while-loading-Bootstrap-for-Seaside-inside-Gemstone-tp4794847p4794886.html
> Sent from the GLASS mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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