[Glass] Tode startNetldi and tODE edit entry update

Dario Trussardi via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Fri Dec 12 12:45:57 PST 2014


	i restart the ubuntu server where run development kit stone named		 'mol'

	After i do the command:    startStone mol	

	and : 	startNetldi  mol

	Now the command stones reports 

		Status       Version    Owner    Pid   Port   Started     Type       Name
	-------     --------- --------- ----- ----- ------------ ------      ----
	exists   scandella 20229 58627 dic 12 18:19 Netldi      mol_ldi

	The port is change  now is 58627.

	Into tODE client 	i update 		tODE edit    mol  entry session 	  

	but when i do the     print   option the session is not update.

	I had to create a new entry  session with the new    port  set to 58627  and it works well.


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