[Glass] Error trying to connect to gemstone from topaz (using newly created stone)

Martin McClure martin.mcclure at gemtalksystems.com
Thu Jan 9 14:01:39 PST 2014

On 01/09/2014 01:37 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
> In my case, I have (I will actually) multiple stones, each running under
> its own OS user. What should I do with netldi?

If you want the gems to also run under the same OS user as the stone 
(which you probably do) then one way is to run a netldi per stone, 
giving each its own port. The other option is to run one netldi as root, 
but then you have to give the OS user and that OS user's password every 
time you want to log in.

For an RPC connection (from GemTools, for instance) you need the netldi. 
If you're running a web service using topaz, you can launch topaz with 
the -l option and it will *be* the gem, and will run as the OS user who 
launched topaz.



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