[Glass] Utility for creating / starting / stopping stones?

Dario Trussardi dario.trussardi at tiscali.it
Fri Jan 10 00:50:52 PST 2014


	i hope this is about your questions.

	Try to see:  	http://code.google.com/p/glassdb/wiki/GLASSDaemonTools

	for: 		 starting stone and manage gems as service.

	I test it on my Ubuntu server and it woks fine for a single stone.
	I think it will be  update for manage ( create scripts ) for multi stones.


> Hi guys, 
> I was happily searching into the installGemstone.sh to see how the seaside stone was being generated...but then I realized that the zip of GemStone already comes with it :(
> It is a pity because it would be really really cool to have a script to autogenerate that with some arguments passed around. 
> I noticed Norbert Halt already provided something: https://github.com/noha/stone-creator
> I was trying it but it does not work out of the box in OSX. I will try it in my server later. Also, it was done for GemStone so I wonder if it still works for latest release. Of course that if I make progress with this script I will share with you my changes. 
> Anyway...I wonder if anybody else has any other type of script/utility for this. Since this script is 3 years old maybe someone came with something more over the years. 
> Thanks in advance, 
> -- 
> Mariano
> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com
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