[Glass] Free Gems

itlists at schrievkrom.de itlists at schrievkrom.de
Thu Jun 5 07:51:31 PDT 2014

We have now successful used Gemstone in our first event - and it was
very successful. This was a purely REST-based system with Sencha-UI and
some C# (Mono) clients using the same REST-API.

Some ideas from that event:

-> one C# client (can) create more load than tens of users.

-> long term REST-API calls must result in background jobs in Gemstone

I've written some of these background jobs in an external C# client
because then ALL clients (browser and fat clients) use the same API -
that's much smarter while developing and it works extremely well.

I'm now working on 0MQ-library for Gemstone - to make ipc communication
between Gemstone and external clients much better - resulting in an
active Gemstone system.

And external C# clients consume less CPU power from that 2-CPU license
restriction of Gemstone.

And writing C# clients is a very well indication (for other developers,
bosses, etc...), that the solution is NOT a Smalltalk-centric-only
application (remvoing the fear for the future without Smalltalk).


Marten Feldtmann

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