[Glass] GemTools backup error

Dario Trussardi dario.trussardi at tiscali.it
Thu Jun 5 09:48:07 PDT 2014


	i work with GLASS  and GemTools Launcher - >=1.0-beta.8.7 

	Sometimes when i do the Admin / Backup   command, from GemTools,   after some time the system erase the error:

	a RepositoryError occurred (error 2734), Request for Backup gclock by session 14 denied, reason: vote state is voting, waiting for promote dead

AbstractException >> _signalFromPrimitive: (envId 0)
Repository >> _fullBackupTo:MBytes:compress: (envId 0)
Repository >> fullBackupTo:MBytes: (envId 0)
Repository >> fullBackupTo: (envId 0)
JadeServer >> fullBackupTo: (envId 0)
GsNMethod class >> _gsReturnToC (envId 0)

	A this point i need to restart the GLASS environment and after, resubmit the backup.

	I don't understund because it.

	Any considerations ?



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