[Glass] Latest repository and version of Seaside and REST

BrunoBB smalltalk at adinet.com.uy
Fri Jun 13 05:17:34 PDT 2014


((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfSeaside3) 
project version: '3.1.1') load:#('REST'). 

I have evaluated this and it is the same situation of my previous post.

There is NO WAPragmaBasedRestfulHandler class, may be deprecated. By there
is a test class WAPragmaBasedRestfulHandlerTest.

The package Seaside-GemStone-REST-Core is totally empty.

If try to load ConfigurationOfSeasideRest from
http://www.smalltalkhub.com/mc/Seaside/MetacelloConfigurations/main (version
DiegoLont.17) i get the following error:
a UserDefinedError occurred (error 2318), reason:halt, Compile error in
Class: #'ConfigurationOfSeasideRest' method:    version023: spec
           <version: '0.23' imports: #('0.22-baseline' )>

If i load ConfiguratioOfSeasideRest version JohanBrichau.12, this load ok.
But after:
((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfSeaside3) 
project version: '3.1.1') load:#('REST'). 

Everything remain the same, so my questions are the same as the first


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