[Glass] [Metacello] Name not found: 'OB-Metacello'

Johan Brichau johan at yesplan.be
Tue Jun 24 00:19:50 PDT 2014


A fresh download of a has the metacello registry for GLASS set at version 0.231.
I tried now with the most recent master of MetacelloPreview and I get the same behavior.

I have the impression the metacello registry for a fresh downloaded image should just reference 1.0-beta.9 for GLASS (which is the one that comes installed)?

Not really breaking for me, because I can easily solve this by removing the registry entry before doing a first load in a fresh extent. But I guess others might hit this too.


On 24 Jun 2014, at 00:13, Dale Henrichs <dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com> wrote:

> yes that is suspicious ... so I've been fixing registry bugs at a hefty clip and the new stuff seems to be correct ... I've been hammering on the registry pretty hard with tODE and I've fixed several rigistry related issues ... there was definitely a period where the registry was getting corrupted by a normal Metacello load so it probably is related to haveing older versions of Metacello loaded as well ... Since I'm not ablte to reproduce the problem yet, I'm inclined to to publish a "fixed" 1.0-beta9.2 and let you take it for a spin...
> On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 3:05 PM, Johan Brichau <johan at yesplan.be> wrote:
> On Saturday, June 21, 2014 4:34:17 AM UTC+2, Dale wrote:
> BTW, I think I've seen your "many more configurations and packages are being loaded" and I'm looking into it ...
> I found out why this was happening in my case.
> In a fresh image, the Metacello registry has version 0.231 (or something) registered as the load GLASS, although 1.0-beta.9 is loaded.
> Since my ConfigurationOf references GLASS 1.0-beta.9, a load conflict occurred and it seems Metacello went down the path of fetching all configurations needed for GLASS 0.231. It starts with ConfigurationOfGsSeaside28 and then the entire referenced enchillada gets fetched.
> When I remove that entry from the registry, the conflict does not occur and my load is 'fine'.
> I guess the registry entry is erroneous, no?
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