[Glass] Problem with UncontinuableError

Dale Henrichs dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com
Mon Mar 10 15:37:45 PDT 2014


I guess I am looking for the stack that you get when with
the UncontinuableError ... I am looking for the exact message send that
causes the UncontinuableError to be signalled ... a complete stack would be
nice ....

The fact that you are getting an 'Exception has already been signaled'
implies that somewhere in the printString execution the exception (or
another) exception is getting signalled ...

Having a full stack of the actual error should provide enough information
to help me make progress ...


On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 3:01 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck <
marianopeck at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 1:33 PM, Dale Henrichs <
> dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com> wrote:
>> What message are you sending to trigger the exception
> I have seen this in errors I explicitly send this way:  Error signal:
> 'blah blah'
> Or in things like a zero divide.
> and what does the stack look like?
> What I have reproducible now is a zero divide now. The code looks
> something like:
>  [
>            self somethingThatTriggersAZeroDivide.
> ]
> on: Error
>  do: [ :err |  | errString |
> [  stream notNil ifTrue: [ stream nextPutAll: err printString; crlf ] ]
>  on: Error
> do: [ :er2 | self halt ].
>  errString := err printString.
> obs do: [ :observer | observer erredAction: action on: port with:
> errString ].
> stream notNil
> ifTrue: [ stream close ].
> ^ port ].
> so when I get the printString inside the closure...the exception I am
> getting is a:  a UncontinuableError occurred (error 6011), Execution
> cannot be continued, 'Exception has already been signaled'
> However, if I run from a workspace:
> [ 0 / 0 ] on: Error do: [:ex | ex inspect]
> it works correct, I do get the ZeroDivide....
> any idea?
> Thanks,
> Dale
>> On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 7:40 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck <
>> marianopeck at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi guys,
>>> At some place in code, I am storing exceptions when they happen inside a
>>> collection. Basically I have a #on:do:  and I store the error in a
>>> collection. And then I do something (printing basically).
>>> I have a strange behavior in GemStone in comparison to Pharo. In Pharo,
>>> I would get the original normal print string of the real exception that
>>> happened. In GemStone, instead of getting the original exception I get this:
>>> a UncontinuableError occurred (error 6011), Execution cannot be
>>> continued, 'Exception has already been signaled'
>>> Any idea what is happening?
>>> Thanks in advance,
>>> --
>>> Mariano
>>> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com
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> --
> Mariano
> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com
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