[Glass] Getting started with REST

Johan Brichau johan at yesplan.be
Thu Mar 20 06:37:37 PDT 2014

On 20 Mar 2014, at 14:21, Philippe Marschall <philippe.marschall at gmail.com> wrote:

> I heard once of somebody working on a swagger binding for Seaside-REST
> but haven't heard anything since. Maybe Johan knows more.

Haha, yes that would be this one: 


This API documentation is generated automatically from the REST implementation.
If you want to know more what Swagger is: http://swagger.wordnik.com/

We did not really forget to release this publicly but our use of Seaside-REST has become more intricate. We don't directly use the pragmas anymore but actually generate the routes from an internal description of our API. Similarly, we have been extending the Swagger-UI app.

But yes, one I get back into the office (I'm on holidays), I will set up a plan to make it public.


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