[Glass] git merge driver for FileTree

Dale Henrichs dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com
Wed May 7 08:08:18 PDT 2014

Thierry Goubier has created a git merge driver for FileTree that takes the
pain out of manually dealing with moniticello.meta/version files!

The driver is written in Smalltalk using Pharo3.0. His (very complete)
readme assumes that you've installed Pharo3.0 using the instructions at

What's cool is that he arranges to correctly splice the merged version
history into the version file, automatically during the merge.

I had an issue with the merge driver for a methodProperties file, but just
having automatic merges for the version file is great ...


[1] https://github.com/ThierryGoubier/GitFileTree-MergeDriver
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