[Glass] Fwd: [GemStone-Smalltalk] GemStone/S 64 Bit 3.2.3 Release

itlists@schrievkrom.de via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Wed Nov 19 00:16:03 PST 2014

Thanks for the new version - two points:


* I tried to connect to a 3.2.3 database and select the 3.2.2 protocol.
An error message came up and mentioned that - ok. Then I switched the
protocol to 3.2.3 in the Login-GUI but the same message came up.

* Restarting the application and switch to 3.2.3 and at least no error
message came up.


This morning I tried to connect to that 3.2.3 database on my laptop - in
a different environment so the Ip number changes. I changed all the data
(different IP number, stone name, netld port) and tried to connect.

After a long time I got an error message, that a connection could not be
created and showed me in a dialog totally different connection datas.


Marten Feldtmann

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