[Glass] [ANN] GsUpgrader

Jon Paynter via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Mon Sep 22 12:01:07 PDT 2014

Hi Dale,
Im at the office right now with a fresh VM.  No dev work was done, so I
removed /opt/gemstone to start over.

Here are the steps I took

1)  ./installGemstone.sh
   note - since outbound FTP is blocked, I manually transferred the zip
file to my VM.
2) startnet / startGemstone
3) load GsUpgrader
4) run #upgradeGLASS1

.... which worked.
Except when I connect with my pharo dev image, there are no Seaside classes
loaded -- WAComponent does not exist.
So im puzzled as to what actually got "upgraded"

Note - the previous version was using gemstone 3.2.2...which may be where
my previous problems were coming from.

On Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 11:19 AM, Dale Henrichs <
dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com> wrote:

> Jon,
> Thanks for the stack ... the offset error is happening because the Grease
> project has not been registered and I have been having a devil of a time
> finding the right combination that ends up with the you getting to this
> point without getting the Grease project registered (which is the root
> cause of this particular bug)....
> It's a shame that you don't have the log files from each of your
> experiments, since that would be extremely helpful... Do you start with a
> fresh extent every time or are you starting from a previously failed extent?
> If you are starting with a fresh extent, I would ask that if you are
> willing to try again that you record each shell command that you launch and
> when you are in topaz use `output push append bug.out` to record all of the
> output from the topaz commands into a single file that I can look at ..
> As it stands I can patch this particular problem, but I am unable to test
> the validity of my patch and AFAICT this is the first time you've hit this
> particular problem so there are other problems (likely to be the one that
> Johan found) that are leading to this situation, but I really don't know
> for sure and I have been unable to figure it out by randomly trying
> different combinations...
> Dale
> On Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 11:04 AM, Jon Paynter <kittle31 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> @Johan - I did quit topaz between sessions.  sorry for not making that
>> clear
>> @Dale - here is the stack:
>> topaz 1> stack
>> ==> 1 OffsetError (AbstractException) >> _signalWith: @5 line 25
>>     receiver a OffsetError occurred (error 2003),
>> reason:objErrBadOffsetIncomplete, max:0 actual:1
>>     inCextensionArg nil
>>     res nil
>> 2 OffsetError (AbstractException) >> signal     @2 line 47
>>     receiver a OffsetError occurred (error 2003),
>> reason:objErrBadOffsetIncomplete, max:0 actual:1
>> (skipped 1 evaluationTemps)
>> 3 OrderedCollection (Object) >> _error:args:    @15 line 11
>>     receiver anOrderedCollection
>>     errorSymbol objErrBadOffsetIncomplete
>>     argList anArray
>>     cls OffsetError
>>     mv anArray
>>     errNum 2003
>>     newArgList anArray
>> (skipped 1 evaluationTemps)
>> 4 OrderedCollection (Object) >> _errorIndexOutOfRange: @2 line 6
>>     receiver anOrderedCollection
>>     anIndex 1
>> (skipped 2 evaluationTemps)
>> 5 OrderedCollection (Object) >> at:             @9 line 15
>>     receiver anOrderedCollection
>>     anIndex 1
>> (skipped 1 evaluationTemps)
>> 6 OrderedCollection (SequenceableCollection) >> first @2 line 5
>>     receiver anOrderedCollection
>> (skipped 1 evaluationTemps)
>> 7 GsUpgrader >> standardUpgrade:repository:     @6 line 5
>>     receiver aGsUpgrader
>>     projectName Grease
>>     repositoryDescription github://GsDevKit/Grease:master/repository
>>     repositoryDescription github://GsDevKit/Grease:master/repository
>>     metacello nil
>>     projectName Grease
>>     projectSpec nil
>>     self aGsUpgrader
>> 8 GsUpgrader >> upgradeGrease                   @6 line 6
>>     receiver aGsUpgrader
>> (skipped 3 evaluationTemps)
>> 9 GsUpgrader >> upgradeGLASS1                   @11 line 13
>>     receiver aGsUpgrader
>> (skipped 1 evaluationTemps)
>> 10 GsUpgrader class >> upgradeGLASS1             @3 line 4
>>     receiver GsUpgrader
>> 11 Executed Code                                 @3 line 1
>>     receiver nil
>> 12 UndefinedObject (GsNMethod class) >> _gsReturnToC @1 line 1
>>     receiver nil
>> topaz 1>
>> On Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 11:00 AM, Dale Henrichs <
>> dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com> wrote:
>>> On Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 10:50 AM, Jon Paynter <kittle31 at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Dale,
>>>> Glad to hear you found the problem.
>>>> i suspect what im seeing is different.  initially I was getting an
>>>> error when running #upgradeGLASS1, so based on Johan's report of out of
>>>> memory, I ran the various parts individually, with a commit and logout in
>>>> between.
>>>> #upgradeGrease --> no problems
>>>>   it also ran #upgradeMetacello with no problems.
>>>> But when I run #upgradeGLASS1, I get this:
>>>> --transcript--'Loading baseline of BaselineOfGrease...'
>>>> --transcript--'Project: System-Digital-Signatures stable'
>>>> --transcript--' [0.243]'
>>>> --transcript--'Project: SMTPMail stable'
>>>> --transcript--'Project: UTF8 stable'
>>>> --transcript--'...finished baseline'
>>>> --transcript--'No instance migrations performed.'
>>>> ERROR 2003 , a OffsetError occurred (error 2003),
>>>> reason:objErrBadOffsetIncomplete, max:0 actual:1 (OffsetError)
>>>> topaz 1>
>>>> I would like to see the stack from the offset error use the `stack`
>>> command to generate the stack so I can see frame contexts...
>>> Thanks,
>>> Dale
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