[Glass] cleanup disconnected

Otto Behrens via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Thu Apr 30 00:27:01 PDT 2015


I'm trying to get rid of many disconnected classes in our systems.
Below is an example of such a class. The Metaclass3 instance is the
only thing holding onto it.

Do you know if there's a way to disconnect these and get them out of the system?


topaz 1> run
SystemRepository findReferencePathToObject: 18374145 asObject
RefPathScan at 04/30/2015 09:01:01 SAST
  RefPathScan startup.
RefPathScan: list of search oops:
      1  oop=  18374145 (aMetaFSFileHandleTest)

RefPathScan at 04/30/2015 09:01:01 SAST
  Starting object table scan.
RefPathScan at 04/30/2015 09:01:01 SAST
  Finished object table scan.
RefPathScan at 04/30/2015 09:01:01 SAST
  Starting scan   1.
  ***Disconnected Class/Metaclass detected***  oop=18373889
RefPathScan at 04/30/2015 09:01:01 SAST
  End of scan 1.  Current status of sub-scans:

  Search oop #  1 (  18374145):   ***SCAN COMPLETED***
  Complete reference path for oop   18374145
    1  oop=  18373889  aMetaclass3
    2  oop=  18374145  aMetaFSFileHandleTest

RefPathScan at 04/30/2015 09:01:01 SAST
  Completed find reference paths

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