[Glass] Queries in Gemstone ...

Dale Henrichs via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Sun Feb 8 11:22:34 PST 2015

On 2/8/15 10:21 AM, itlists at schrievkrom.de wrote:
> Yes, I know ... but for a simple question this seems to be lots of work
> and with the introduction of the new query manager in 3.2.3 I hope that
> Gemstone does more work possible in this direction ...

Since you appear to be disappointed with my "put an index on x.z, query 
on x.z = ??? and then sort the result set on x.q" answer, I am curious 
what answer you were looking for?

You used the word "efficient" in your question and I assumed that you 
meant "efficient" from a performance perspective, but perhaps you meant 
"efficient" from a coding perspective?

If so, do you have suggestions for an API that would satisfy you?


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