[Glass] GsDevKit Installation problems

Dale Henrichs via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Tue Feb 10 07:10:29 PST 2015


I assume that all of your problems are due to the fact that I have not 
published the Ubuntu System requirements as part of the 
documentation[1], which includes the installation of the required 32 bit 

I am in the final throes of finishing a combined tODE/GsDevKitHome 
release[2]. The tODE work is basically complete [3] - I will probably 
skip the remaining issue to get things out the door...

I hope to finish the necessary scripting changes for GsDevKitHome today 
and then I will tackle the remaining documentation, so I am very close...

With regards to documentation comments:  I think that there is a famous 
quote somewhere to the effect of "I don't have the time to write short 
documentation":) Pull Requests with edits to documentation are always 

I have a set of tODe short videos planned as a follow on to the release, 
but we will have to see if I have the luxury of time:)


[1] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/issues/22
[2] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/milestones/1.0.0
[3] https://github.com/dalehenrich/tode/milestones/0.0.3

On 2/10/15 5:57 AM, Joachim Tuchel via Glass wrote:
> Hi,
> We're just trying to get GsDevKit installed on a fresh Ubuntu 14.04 
> 64bits VM. Our fourth attempt is in progress, and so I£d like to take 
> the time to comment on the installetion process:
> The instructions we`re following are 
> these: https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome#development-kit-server-installation 
> The following section is very unclear on what exactly you have to do:
> 2. Install GemStone/S and Pharo, build the tODE client image, create a 
> stone, start the stone, start the netldi, start the stamonitors, 
> install tODE in stone and launch the tODE client. The following 
> creates a new stone named |tode|  based on version 3.2.1 of GemStone/S 
> <http://gemtalksystems.com/index.php/news/version3-2/> :
> We were wondering if we needed to exectute each of the steps (many of 
> the scripts in the gsDevKitHome path look as if they do exactly each 
> of them. But we decided to just type in what follows: installServer 
> devKit 3.2.1
> This runs for a while and stops because it cannot start Pharo. The 
> message says: pharo canot start because it cannot find some file.
> Since it was totally unclear to me if we should have done anything 
> else than just installServer, I tried starting Pharo by hand - with 
> the same result.
> A while later I thought I have the solution, which seemed blindingly 
> obvious and made me feel like an idiot: Pharo is a 32 bit executable, 
> so we need the ia32-libs, OF COURSE!!! Stupid me!!!
> The only excuse for now is that I can always say that somebody must 
> have forgotten to write it into these instructions.
> IN the meantime, the fourth installation attempt has failed as well:
> [Info] GemStone version information:
> GemStone/S 64 Bit
> 3.2.1 Build: gss64_3_2_x_branch-33595
> Thu Jun 5 14:37:10 2014
> creating todeClient image
> Fetched -> ConfigurationOfTodeClient-dkh.15 --- 
> filetree:///home/peter/Dokumente/gsDevKitHome/repository --- 
> filetree:///home/peter/Dokumente/gsDevKitHome/repository
> Loaded -> ConfigurationOfTodeClient-dkh.15 --- 
> filetree:///home/peter/Dokumente/gsDevKitHome/repository --- 
> filetree:///home/peter/Dokumente/gsDevKitHome/repository
> Loading 1.0.0 of ConfigurationOfTodeClient...
> Fetched -> ConfigurationOfOSProcess-ThierryGoubier.37 --- 
> http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/Pharo/MetaRepoForPharo30/main/ --- 
> http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/Pharo/MetaRepoForPharo30/main/
> Loaded -> ConfigurationOfOSProcess-ThierryGoubier.37 --- 
> http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/Pharo/MetaRepoForPharo30/main/ --- 
> http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/Pharo/MetaRepoForPharo30/main/ioLoadModule(/home/peter/Dokumente/gsDevKitHome/pharo/pharo-vm/libSqueakSSL.so):
> libssl.so.1.0.0: Kann die Shared-Object-Datei nicht öffnen: Datei oder 
> Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
> ...RETRY->BaselineOfTode
> ...RETRY->BaselineOfTode'Errors in script loaded from 
> /home/peter/Dokumente/gsDevKitHome/pharo/todeLoad.st'
> ZdcPluginMissing: SSL/TLS plugin initailization failed (VM plugin 
> missing ? OS libraries missing ?)
> ZdcPluginSSLSession>>initialize in Block: [ :exception | ...
> BlockClosure>>cull:
> MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal: in Block: [ self 
> exceptionHandlerBlock cull: exception ]
> At least, Pharo starts and writes a walkback, so we`re on the right track!
> So I guess we`re still missing some libs for ssl on 32 bits. We need 
> to take a look at the Pharo website to find out what else we have to 
> install before we try a fifht time ;-)
> My suggestion: Make the instructions a bit more clear, don`t mention 
> 52 things some script is going to do anyways, or at least not in the 
> dummies section.
> Then, make sure you add a short description of what is needed for 
> Pharo to run.
> Other than that: we look forward to seeing tode in action.
> Joachim
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