[Glass] Gemstone status: cache frozen

Dario Trussardi via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Sun Jun 7 22:49:14 PDT 2015


	i have a devKit glass environment run on Ubuntu server  with GemStone_daemontools    support.

	Tonight due to bad weather, the system go down ( but i don't know the detail:  how many time is down ........ ...)

	The  /gemstone_status command this morning report:

Status   Version    Owner    Pid   Port   Started     Type       Name
------- --------- --------- ----- ----- ------------ ------      ----

frozen   scandella  1132 46543 giu 04 20:49 cache       gestionale~9af495ccd1149d82


/etc/service/gs_maintenance: down 19 seconds, normally up

/etc/service/gs_seaside-9060: down 19 seconds, normally up

/etc/service/gs_seaside-9061: down 19 seconds, normally up

/etc/service/gs_seaside-9062: down 19 seconds, normally up

/etc/service/gs_seaside-9063: down 19 seconds, normally up

/etc/service/gs_seaside-9064: down 19 seconds, normally up

/etc/service/gs_seaside-9065: down 19 seconds, normally up

/etc/service/gs_statmon-1: down 19 seconds, normally up

/etc/service/gs_statmon-60: down 19 seconds, normally up


	When i do the command :		./gemstone_start		the system answer:

This script restarts all Gemstone processes.

Shall I continue? (Y/N)


Not continuing

scandella at scandella:/srv/gitrepository/GemStone_daemontools_setup/bin$ ./gemstone_start

This script restarts all Gemstone processes.

Shall I continue? (Y/N)



startstone[Error]: Stone process (id=3831) has died.

startstone[Error]: Examine '/opt/oodb/gsDevKitHome/gemstone/stones/gestionale/logs/gestionale.log' for more information.  Excerpt follows:

 	A this point i need to kill the gemstone cache task.

	After when i restart the system ( ./gemstone_start	 )  al works fine.

	I don't   understand because the cache is go into frozen stataus.

	Some considerations ?


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