[Glass] Gemstone status: cache frozen

James Foster via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Sun Jun 7 22:54:06 PDT 2015

A “frozen” state means that there is a lock file but the PID associated with the lock file is not responding. Typically this is because the process did not exit cleanly so did not delete the lock file. Typically using the ‘-c’ (for cleanup locks) argument on gslist will remove the frozen status.


> On Jun 7, 2015, at 10:49 PM, Dario Trussardi via Glass <glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> 	i have a devKit glass environment run on Ubuntu server  with GemStone_daemontools    support.
> 	Tonight due to bad weather, the system go down ( but i don't know the detail:  how many time is down ........ ...)
> 	The  /gemstone_status command this morning report:
> Status   Version    Owner    Pid   Port   Started     Type       Name
> ------- --------- --------- ----- ----- ------------ ------      ----
> frozen   scandella  1132 46543 giu 04 20:49 cache       gestionale~9af495ccd1149d82
> /etc/service/gs_maintenance: down 19 seconds, normally up
> /etc/service/gs_seaside-9060: down 19 seconds, normally up
> /etc/service/gs_seaside-9061: down 19 seconds, normally up
> /etc/service/gs_seaside-9062: down 19 seconds, normally up
> /etc/service/gs_seaside-9063: down 19 seconds, normally up
> /etc/service/gs_seaside-9064: down 19 seconds, normally up
> /etc/service/gs_seaside-9065: down 19 seconds, normally up
> /etc/service/gs_statmon-1: down 19 seconds, normally up
> /etc/service/gs_statmon-60: down 19 seconds, normally up
> 	When i do the command :		./gemstone_start		the system answer:
> This script restarts all Gemstone processes.
> Shall I continue? (Y/N)
> n
> Not continuing
> scandella at scandella:/srv/gitrepository/GemStone_daemontools_setup/bin$ ./gemstone_start
> This script restarts all Gemstone processes.
> Shall I continue? (Y/N)
> y
> startstone[Error]: Stone process (id=3831) has died.
> startstone[Error]: Examine '/opt/oodb/gsDevKitHome/gemstone/stones/gestionale/logs/gestionale.log' for more information.  Excerpt follows:
>  	A this point i need to kill the gemstone cache task.
> 	After when i restart the system ( ./gemstone_start	 )  al works fine.
> 	I don't   understand because the cache is go into frozen stataus.
> 	Some considerations ?
> 	Thanks,
> 			Dario
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