[Glass] "502 Bad Gateway" when rendering on an ajax callback

Mariano Martinez Peck via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Fri Jun 12 16:50:11 PDT 2015

Hi guys,

I am not sure if the problem I have now started with Seaside or
not... but I think it does because I don't remember seeing this before. The
thing is... when I have an error in a callback of a normal request, then I
guess the normal walkback screen with Remote Debug, Full Stack, etc. If I
have an error at the RENDERING phase of seaside, then I get the error
dialog embedded in the screen in the component that throw the error.

My problem is now with ajax. It seems that if I have an error at the ajax
callabck, then I get an "502 Bad Gateway". Even worst, if the error was in
seaside rendering phase (called from the #script:  via a #replaceWith: or
similar), then the whole screen is with the nginx "502 Bad Gateway".  Here
I would expect the same as the normal request...that is, the component that
go an error get rendered with the error description.

The gems do not go down and they seem to be alive. But why I have above
Any idea? I don't know even were to start to debug the problem....

The error is logged in the stack AND in the object log. Just the screen is
not rendering accordly.

thanks in advance for any tip.

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