[Glass] wait for reclaim

Dale Henrichs via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Mon Jun 22 11:33:00 PDT 2015


I think I need a little more information ... We would probably need a 
statmon file to tell what is actually going on and some information on 
how you are "changing large numbers of objects" and where the 
#waitForReclaim is called in relation to the changes you are made: 
perhaps some session stats to annotate when a waitForReclaim is called 
and then number of times you loop waiting for pagesNeedReclaimSize to 

After a bit of internal discussion, we *have* made changes 
(improvements) to multi-threaded reclaim in 3.2.x and if I were to make 
wild guess, I guess that the the reclaim threads are spinning away fast 
enough that the PagesNeedReclaimSize stat never reaches 2000.... But 
that is a guess ... a statmon would make it possible for us to pinpoint 
the "problem" ...

Mariano, this is a case where the growth is happening on disk, so it 
would no be directly related to the memory footprint of seaside gems ...


On 06/22/2015 09:24 AM, Otto Behrens via Glass wrote:
> Hi,
> We're trying to control repository growth when changing large numbers
> of objects. We have 1 extent file.
> We've had this discussion on the list before, but our solution prior
> to upgrading to 3.2.6 does not seem to work anymore.
> We call "waitForReclaim" periodically to give the reclaim gem a chance
> to work if there are lots to reclaim.
> waitForReclaim
>    self pagesNeedReclaimSize > 2000
>      ifTrue: [
>        self log: 'Waiting for reclaim of ' , self pagesNeedReclaimSize
> printString , ' pages'.
>        [ self pagesNeedReclaimSize > 250 ]
>          whileTrue: [
>            (Delay forMilliseconds: 100) wait.
>            System abortTransaction ].
>        self log: 'Reclaimed'.
>        System startCheckpointAsync "The checkpoint frees up the space
> allocated by the pages. This is because GS need to keep the pages
> between checkpoints to recover from a stone crash." ]
> Where pagesNeedReclaimSize is:
> ^ (System cacheStatistics: 1) at: (System cacheStatisticsDescription
> indexOf: 'PagesNeedReclaimSize')
> Did something perhaps change quite a bit between and 3.2.6?
> Does this strategy still hold?
> We get this kind of output in the reclaim gem's log, indicating that
> it reclaimed a huge number of pages:
> --- 06/22/2015 17:58:05.198 SAST Reclaim Summary
>     2530 reclaims   975978 pagesReclaimed   859450 singleObjPages
>     28324822 processedObjs   28324822 liveObjs   0 deadObjs   29.0 avgObjsPerPage
> Thanks
> Otto
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