[Glass] Timespan Month questions

Trussardi Dario Romano via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Thu Jun 25 03:01:01 PDT 2015


	i have a problem when i use a Month class into glass.

	The	:		( Month starting: ( Date fromString: '04.01.2015' )) 

	answer the:

	{c} .         -> April 2015
		(class)@  -> Month

		(oop)@    -> 186660865

		duration@ -> 30:00:00:00

		start@    -> 2015-04-01T00:00:00+01:00

	The relative start@ is set to:

		.        -> 2015-04-01T00:00:00+01:00
			..       -> April 2015

			(class)@ -> DateAndTime

			(oop)@   -> 231252225

			offset@  -> 3600					( NOTE IT'S SET TO 3600 )

			seconds@ -> 449535600


	Now when i do:	( Month starting: ( Date fromString: '04.01.2015' )) end

		the system answer:

	.        -> 2015-04-30T23:59:59.99999898672104+02:00
		(class)@ -> DateAndTime

		(oop)@   -> 231902721

		offset@  -> 7200

		seconds@ -> 4,5212399999999899E+08


	I don't understund because the end method answer aDateAndTime with offset set to 7200.

	After what in my code  i have two DateAndTime instance relative to the same " time " :

	{a} .        -> 2015-04-30T23:59:59.99999898672104+02:00
			(class)@ -> DateAndTime

			(oop)@   -> 324717569

			offset@  -> 7200

			seconds@ -> 4,5212399999999899E+08

	{b} .        -> 2015-04-30T23:59:59.99999898672104+01:00
			(class)@ -> DateAndTime

			(oop)@   -> 324726017

			offset@  -> 3600

			seconds@ -> 4,5212759999999899E+08

 	but the comparing methods:  ( aDateAndTime{b} asDateAndTime between: start{c} and: self end {a} )

	rightly, don't answer as i expect.

	Considerations ?


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