[Glass] Migration of instances ...

itlists@schrievkrom.de via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Thu May 21 22:22:30 PDT 2015

Hello Dale,

that means,

* that MCPlatformSupport class>>autoMigrate also works for topaz
imported code ?

But then: how do I add a method like "migrateFrom: oldPoint instVarMap:
aMap" which is oriented towards the "new" class design - but can only
compiled when the new class definition is available.

But when the new class definition is recognized (during import) the
migration is started - but then the method mentioned above is not
available yet.

Therefore it seems for me, that when importing pure-source code via
topaz I have to switch off auto migration and manually add source code
to do migration after ALL source code has been imported ...

Or I use

GsDeployer bulkMigrate: [

  /* creation code for new class shape definitions */

PUMGeneralDomainObject subclass: 'CATIEnumAddressState'
	instVarNames: #( )
	classVars: #( )
	classInstVars: #( )
	poolDictionaries: #( )
	inDictionary: 'UserGlobals'
	category: 'GessCATIProject'
	options: #( ).

and further class definitions ..

  /* in addition all codes needed for migration - not possible !? */


but in this example I can not add source code for methods ... therefore
doing it manually seems to be the only way ...


Am 22.05.2015 um 02:58 schrieb Dale Henrichs via Glass:
> Marten,
> If MCPlatformSupport class>>autoMigrate is true, then automatic
> migration of instances is performed for each of the classes modified ...
> the migrations are performed after the shape of the class is changed, so
> there can be several migrations sweeps if you are changing a superclass ...
> You can use GsDeployer class>>bulkMigrate: to defer instance migration
> until the block is finished, which means that you'll make one pass to
> migrate instances of all of the classes changed during the execution of
> the block ... For most cases I recommend that you wrap all of your loads
> with this expression to save on migration costs ...
> By default, MCPlatformSupport class>>autoMigrate is off ... so when you
> do things in topaz, automatic migration is not turned on ... one of the
> reasons I recommend that GsDeployer class>>bulkMigrate: for all loads ...
> In GemTools automatic migration is turned on at login time. Not sure
> what happens in Jade.
> Questions?
> Dale
> On 05/21/2015 12:55 PM, itlists at schrievkrom.de via Glass wrote:
>> Hey,
>> I would like to know, how migration of instances to new class versions
>> is actually automatically triggered - in case
>> * when I import a Monticello package
>>    or
>> * when I import source code via topaz.
>> I've seen something like "MCPlatformSupport autoMigrate: true" - but how
>> does it work ?
>> Thanks,
>> Marten
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Marten Feldtmann

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