[Glass] Encoding in Topaz files ...
itlists@schrievkrom.de via Glass
glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Fri May 22 01:50:44 PDT 2015
I import my source code via a topaz script and when executing the topaz
script it prints the following information:
successful login
fileformat is now utf8
sourcestringclass is now Unicode16
category: 'group - QDot'
set compile_env: 0
classmethod: WCATIRestCall
summary: 'Setzt/Löscht den Server.'
You may see, that summary: is followed by a string containing German
This source code is generated under Windows and when viewing it with
notepad++ I can see, that the source code is indeed written in UTF8 and
not ANSI.
After transfering the stuff to Linux and viewing it with "less", "gedit"
it seems to be still UTF8. All umlauts are viewable.
In Jade I can see the source code as above - in Latin-?. Jade can not
show UTF stuff or Unicode stuff therefore it seems to be ok to assume,
that the source code is indeed here in Latin-?.
Could it be, that Gemstone - while importing it, converts it to ANSI and
then compile it ...
Marten Feldtmann
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