[Glass] System performOnServer to get MySQL data

BrunoBB via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Fri Oct 16 09:49:51 PDT 2015

Hi all,

Querying a MySQL database that holds XML string (mediumtext) in one row i
have the following problem:

((OrbeonHandler default 
'a3ec41f08d058b4021a75c1689c8451daf1cc1fd' version: 1) subStrings: String
tab) last

This answer a XML string but it has "/n" character in it, for example:
<xh:head>\n        <xh:title>Migration 1</xh:title>\n

Instead of:
        <xh:title>Migration 1</xh:title>

Querying MySQL inside Linux the "/n" is NOT present --> it seems that is
added by #_performOnServer: primitive. Is this right ?

Any way i workaround the problem by:
myProblematicString copyReplaceAll: '\n' with: Character lf.

Is this correct way to handle this ?

I tried with GRCodec by no luck...


View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/System-performOnServer-to-get-MySQL-data-tp4856061.html
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