[Glass] gsDevKit / tode first time setup

Dale Henrichs via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Sun Oct 18 15:34:19 PDT 2015


I am right on the cusp of switching from gsDevKiHome[1] to 
GsDevKit_home[2] ... One of the driving forces for creating 
GsDevKit_home[2] was to improve the experience for Windows users... For 
example with the new GsDevKit_home[2], the same scripts are used for all 
platforms (the Windows-specific changes are hidden under the covers).

As a Windows user I'm inclined to ask you to try taking the Early Access 
of GsDevKit_home[2] for windows and let us know how it goes -- you are 
one of the targeted users after all ...

I _am_ actively working on GsDevKit_home[2], but I am pretty much 
finished with the scripts and I'm focusing more on tODE --- the good 
news is that I've created bash scripts that you can run to update bot 
the bash scripts and tODE stones, so you should be able to keep up at 
your own pace.

If you are interested in trying out the new GsDevKit_home[2] please read 
through the recent Early Access messages ...

Which ever way you choose to go, I have noticed that the Pharo download 
server has gotten a bit flakey recently --- I've seen it hang and I've 
seen it break the download connection without errors ... it seems that 
wget might be part of the problem, since the Pharo server failure 
mechanism appears to cause wget to exit without error, whereas curl 
seems to at least exit with an error ...

For GsDevKit_home[2], I've switched the scripts to use curl (if present) 
and wget secondarily, but nothing is guaranteed when the internet is 
involved and retrying until the download succeeds is the best bet ... 
depending upon the failure mechanism it may be necessary to delete all 
of the files in the $GS_HOME/pharo directory except the 
GemTalkSystemsLogo.png (for gsDevKitHome[1]).

If you go with GsDevKit_home[2] please let me know so I can keep things 
straight --- and the instructions _are_ different:)


[1] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome

On 10/18/15 2:02 PM, Jon Paynter via Glass wrote:
> After seeing some of Dale's work on tode I wanted to give it a try -- 
> especially since it appears to an option to install a windows client.
> I tried to follow the instructions here: 
> https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/blob/master/docs/windowsClientInstallation.md
> Everything went ok until i got to step 7
> then I ran into 2 problems.
> 1)  The documentation page doesnt say where 'the installWindowsClient' 
> file lives.  A quick search found it in gsDevKitHome/bin/windows
> 2) After running the cmd I get error:
> $ installWindowsClient D:/gitroot/tode D:/gitroot/ston
> [Info] Downloading GemBuilderC3.1.0.2-x86.Windows_NT.zip using /bin/curl
>   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time  Time     Time 
>  Current
>                                  Dload  Upload   Total Spent    Left 
>  Speed
> 100 4256k  100 4256k    0     0  1568k      0  0:00:02  0:00:02 
> --:--:-- 1568k
> [Info] Uncompressing GemStone archive into 
> /d/gitroot/gsDevKitHome/gemstone/products/
> copy gci libraries
> copy msvcr100.dll library
> [Info] Finished GemBuilderC3.1.0.2-x86.Windows_NT installation
> [Info] GemStone version information:
> GemStone/S 64 Bit
> Build: gss64_3_1_0_x_branch-29651
> Wed Nov 28 17:39:35 2012
> Installing Pharo
> [Info] Downloading Pharo3.0-win.zip using /bin/curl
>   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time  Time     Time 
>  Current
>                                  Dload  Upload   Total Spent    Left 
>  Speed
> 100 17.8M  100 17.8M    0     0  1049k      0  0:00:17  0:00:17 
> --:--:-- 1207k
> [Info] Uncompressing Pharo archive into /d/gitroot/gsDevKitHome/pharo
> creating todeClient image
> createTodeImage[Error]: failed loading tode client
> my D: has plenty of space left (750GB free)
> How do I fix this error?
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