[Glass] Throw away all 32bit code from the installation code ...

itlists@schrievkrom.de via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Tue Sep 8 14:02:19 PDT 2015


I would like to see a clear 64 bit only (headless) installation for the
core system - like installGemStone.sh offers.

And no: I like to read the installation documentation but I would never
really like to execute it to make a manual installation of Gemstone but
its important to have this information somewhere to known what is needed
to install a running Gemstone.

The basic maintenance scripts (however this set is defined) should be
also runnable out of the box.

Then on top of all that the tODE infrastructure (or gsDevKitHome)
installation can be used - what ever someone likes to implement. The
customer can then decide if he prefers the additional tools or if he
prefers a more simple installation.

Another thing I have to solve is the Proxy problem. If the server has
only http traffic behind a proxy server the whole infrastructure of the
Gemstone world seems to break down. I'm not sure how to solve this  and
the solution posted here in the news tody: I simply do not understand
that. Perhaps I consider to change Gofer to use native external commands
like "wget" to use the build-in proxy support ....


Am 08.09.2015 um 21:41 schrieb Dale Henrichs via Glass:
> Marten,
> The installGemStone script just installs the bits for the product. I
> assume you are just looking for the product bits  when you say "like the
> old was" and you aren't interested in using the other
> gsDevKitHome scripts?
> Pharo is used in a number of the other gsDevKitHome scripts so that I
> could avoid implementing some of the more complicated logic in bash.
> If you want to use the other gsDevKitHome scripts then we need to solve
> the Pharo 32 bit library installation problem ...
> I've not used SuSE before but we do have a SuSE 12 machine in house and
> if you give me a couple of days I can probably figure out the SuSE
> incantations needed to install the necessary 32 bit library support ...
> If you don't care about using the other gsDevKitHome scripts then the
> installGemStone should do the trick ...
> Let me know if installGEmStone solves your immediate problem ...
> Dale
> On 09/08/2015 09:57 AM, itlists at schrievkrom.de via Glass wrote:
>> Am 08.09.2015 um 18:06 schrieb Richard Sargent via Glass:
>>>> Is it possible to install 3.2.7 in a way like the old was ?
>>> It's not clear what you are really asking. There are always the
>>> instructions
>>> available on this page [https://gemtalksystems.com/products/gs64/].
>>> Just use
>>> the Installation Guide specific to your target system.
>>   I use the installServer.sh script (from the glass site) and actually I
>> get an installed Gemstone server 3.2.7 .
>>   Marten
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Marten Feldtmann

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