[Glass] Shutdown server with glass environment

Mariano Martinez Peck via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Fri Sep 11 06:50:28 PDT 2015

Hi Dario, some quick answers.

On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 5:08 AM, Trussardi Dario Romano via Glass <
glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com> wrote:

> Ciao,
>         i have a Gemstone environment  running on an Ubuntu system.
>         On this system i use the Daemontools to start the Gemstone at the
> system startup  ( https://github.com/Monty/GemStone_daemontools_setup )
>         Now my first question is:
>                         when i shutdown the system with the linux command
> :             shutdown -h 0
>                         the gemstone environment is right stopped ?

GemStone does quite good job at shutting down as cleaner as possible even
when receiving a kill signal. So... i THINK the system *should* shutdown
correctly at system shutdown. However, I have found some issues so I prefer
to do it myself (mostly about existing lock files upon reboot). This is my
init script:

# Gemstone manager
# chkconfig: 345 96 01
# description: This is an init file for starting and stoping all stones.
Monit is 98, so we want to start before.
# processname: Gemstone manager


source /etc/environment

case "$1" in

   printf "%-50s" "Starting $NAME..."
find /opt/gemstone/locks/ -type f -not -name 'gemstone.hostid' -delete
/bin/bash /opt/gemstoneAdditions/scripts/startStonesAll.sh
/bin/bash /opt/gemstoneAdditions/scripts/startSeasideGemsAll.sh
#sleep 240
/opt/gemstone/product/bin/gslist -lcv
        printf "%-50s" "Stopping $NAME"
/bin/bash /opt/gemstoneAdditions/scripts/stopStonesAll.sh

        $0 stop
        $0 start

        echo "Usage: $0 {status|start|stop|restart}"
        exit 1

exit 0

>         Another question:
>                         if the system power is suddenly less, what risk?

>                         What should I do in this case ?

Remove lock files as I do at OS start !!!

>                         The gemstone environment may become unstable, do
> not start at the next starting ?
>                         I can lose some transaction?
TooManyQuestionsException ;)  Read the admin guide about system crash
recovery and transaction logs. As a general point, you don't loose any
transaction. At reboot, GemStone may realize that it was not a clean
shutdown and may recover from tranlogs (the stone start will take some
time). In some cases you may also need to start stone with -R. Of course if
it was a abrupt shutdown (electricity shutdown for example) I THINK the
tranlog may be corrupted too if you were just writing it at the time of the
crash but it's less likely. So in that case things are a bit more
complicated I imagine.

>         Thanks for some considerations,
>                 Dario
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